Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is Everyone Pumped for Kevin Federline’s New Reality TV Show?


He’s a back-up dancer! He’s a rapper! He’s an actor! No, no, none of those worked out, so K-Fed’s falling back on every famewhore’s favorite fall-back plan: He’s doing a reality TV show. His second reality TV show, the first of course being the perma-stoned Chaos with Britney Spears.

Kevin’s currently filming the VH1 show in Vegas with his entourage — including girlfriend Victoria Prince — and thus far he’s not making a lot of new friends with the locals.

Last night, he hit up Wasted Space at the Hard Rock Hotel, where he was comped two bottles of Grey Goose, proceeded to get completely wasted, and then left without leaving a tip. CLASSY! In fairness, it probably wasn’t an intentional slight: Based on reports from the club, he was likely too drunk to even consider tipping. The stay-at-home-dad/party-boy lifestyle isn’t doing Kevin any favors. Everyone who’s seen him in Vegas seems to comment on how much weight he’s put on. Better be careful, Kevin, or the next VH1 show you’re gonna do is Celebrity Fit Club. (Is that mess even still on?)

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • i can’t believe a show for kfed even got the greenlight. so we get to watch him blow through britney’s money? oh wait, i guess he is “working” since he’s filming this show. ugh what a waste of space.

    • Only 4 comments. Not suprised. “Wast of space” and “scuz” are the descriptions that come to mind.

  • I think the show was called “Chaotic”, but I could be wrong as I never watched it.

    I would also like to take this opportunity to say “fatty fatty boombalatty”.
    That is all.

  • I didn’t watch his reality show with Britney, I won’t watch this one either..I think he is an ass.