Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lily Allen Really, Really Likes Her Top.

Lily Allen

You know that you’ve spent too much time researching celebrities when you start to recognize their re-dos of outfits.  Lily Allen is currently really into a black and white tunic that’s spending time in her closet.

She wore it on June 22nd to Nobu.



She wore it on July 1st walking on the streets of London.



She wore it — kinda — last night at the MontreuxJazz Festival in Switzerland.

Someone, get this girl some new clothes!  Preferably, something that fits!

60 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Thanks for not warning us about the nipple!
    Do your job right or dont do it at all.
    Its that simple, wendie.

    • Geeez, didn’t know we had a nipple-nazi over here.

      Calm down, its no vajayjay alright??

      • Hey stupid bitch, some people cant have fucking nipples showing at work you dumb fuck.

        We can fucking cuss here, but we cant have nudie items. So suck my cock.

      • So your work is fine with gossip sites while you’re on the job, just no nipples? Relax…

      • Part of my job is to read this SHIT.
        I have to read dumb shit like this freaking blog all fucking day.

        Get bent you “myspace face” posing tard.

      • Also, if it’s part of your job to read gossip sites, then I’m sure your employer understands the concept of the occasional nip slip, and it’s not even an obvious one. Mosey along now, thanks.

      • Typical fucked up American.

        Nipple very bad! Head blown open with a shotgun good!

      • My God. Thank you disgruntled employee and obvious Asshole, my fellow morons, and America haters. This ‘lil post run made my night.

        pssst! …. over here … what does “get bent” mean?

      • Jiminy Fucking Cricket! I looked at this at work earlier, and I didn’t even notice the nip slippage. What the fuck did you do? Do you have one of those mice with a magnifier? Were you magnifying her breasts when your boss walked by?

        Chill out. And get back to work.

      • Furthermore, you must have an extremely warped work atmosphere where it’s perfectly permissible to write things like “we can fucking cuss here” and “suck my cock” but half a nip is a horrific outrage. I’m skeptical. I think you’re a nutcase. Or a nut sack, or something like that.

  • You know, this girl may be crazy in a lot of ways, but I gotta give her some credit for at least being down to earth enough to reuse her wardrobe…unlike most other celebrities who can’t bear to have the same outfit on more than one occasion…

  • I was under the impression that people generally wear their wardrobe until it either wears out, or they lose their fondness for it.
    I still have, and wear, pieces of clothing I’ve owned since highschool.
    I didn’t know that was something worth criticizing.

    • From high school! How old are you because if you graduated more than a year ago you need to toss those clothes. Once you are an adult aka out of high school you need to upgrade your wardrobe. And yes Lily can wear her clothes over again just not every week.

      • it depends on what you wear in high school. i dress pretty well for my age (i just graduated) and since my mom and i are the same size, we share clothes a lot. she’s a 47 yo professional and dresses her age, so we obviously don’t swap everything, but basics like tank tops and mid-thigh shorts look good on both of us. i routinely receive compliments on my outfits when i’m wearing her clothes, and vice versa. also, stores like urban outfitters and anthropologie are geared at late teens to young adults, so i don’t really see your issue here.

        i agree, though, that lily’s down-to-earth attitude about her wardrobe is refreshing. nice to see a celeb who doesn’t throw money away unnecessarily every chance they get. i love lily allen.

      • I’m in college and still have clothing from middle school… it still fits and looks good so why not.

  • I def. see a nip slip in that last photo – I thought those were supposed to be censored before the jump??

  • yeah this was pretty dumb to post, who gives a fuck if she wears the same shirt on 3 occasions? WOW omg is that a fashion crime? i would say that weird jacket thing in the last 2 pics is really ugly and worth complaining about, but wearing some plain top a couple times? whats happened to you wendie? you used to write really funny comments and interesting articles, lately your posts seem like your just posting for the sake of posting and have even been down right mean at times. is it because of the whole mj media insanity and b/c you hate him? who knows…..

    and Adair, if you had a couple of nice things you wore in HS, and they still FIT and are still in good condition then why get rid? who has the kind of money to get a whole new wardrobe every year??? lame.

  • FIRST of all, TOTAL props to Lily Allen for actually wearing something more than once. It looks clean! Why not wear it again? I am TOTALLY sick of famous people wearing something once and donating or throwing it away. Aren’t we all about being green? SECOND of all, it’s cute. At least, in the first two photos. In the third photo the too-big look isn’t really working as well as the first two times.

  • oh lawdy, here comes the bitching.

    well whatever, i thought the post was funny. there are way more spiteful things being posted about lilly allen out there on the interwebs than this.

  • Wow I didn’t know we had so many Mormon readers on EB.

    GET OVER IT! And what’s with the ridiculously childish “SHOULDN’T THAT BE CENSORED!!” comments?? Stop acting like a child and get the hell over it.

    Geeez and stop criticizing Wendie. Give her a break, she runs 2 other blogs.

      • Exactly Alz.

        Oh an take a Percocet in the meantime while you remove that huge dick from your ass alright sunshine? :)

      • I didn’t even notice the “nip slip” until I started reading the comments, so I doubt your boss would either unless he/she is literally staring at your computer, in which case you might have bigger problems for reading a gossip site when you’re supposed to be working. It’s hardly the big deal you’re making it out to be. Take a deep breath and get over it.

  • i dont think she was necessarily making fun of her for wearing it, but pointing out that she really re-wears her stuff! and the nipple slip was BARELY noticeable. Im at work and my computer didnt explode because there was no ‘NSFW’ label! jesus!

  • There have been so many angry comments about wendie lately – and angry comments in general. I know I’ve come on here criticizing, and I hope at least a little of it has come across constructively. Beet, I really hope you’re taking some of these comments into consideration. You picked these girls to help with writing, but they’re just not the same as you sometimes – but sometimes it’s great , don’t get me wrong! I would think that they should at least have some similar wit and writing skills as you. But some of it is getting pretty perez-like in the hate.

    And I’m pretty sure it’s part of regulation of this blog that the last photo was supposed to be censored. I’m not being a baby. I just don’t care to see it as I’m scrolling along. People can click if they’d like, but I don’t care to see it.

    • While there are a handful of people complaining about the writing, there are way more not caring. People complain about Beet’s posts too. You can’t make everyone happy. And the 50 or so commenters are just not the majority. I think the other writers are absolutely fabulous and I love Wendie’s posts. She could have just not posted anything and left y’all with nothing to read for a few hours since nothing is happening. I bet it’s pretty hard to manufacture celebrity news on slow days. I don’t think it’s hateful at all… perez is 10times worse.

      • You can’t speak for all of the readers. You don’t know if it’s just “a handful” of people that are not happy with the way things are going here on EB. I became a huge fan & avid reader of this site because of Beets witty posts and hilarious jokes. It was very refreshing, and I was constantly laughing out loud! Then Wendie came, and I really enjoyed her posts as much as Beets. But in the last couple of weeks, there has been a decrease in posts in general, and no posts at all during the 4th of July weekend. Which, honestly, I thought was kind of silly because she has a weekend writer. And I’ve noticed that lately Wendie’s posts have been pretty much mean and snarky, and kind of boring. I don’t know, it just seems like EB isn’t the same fresh & funny blog it once was. I hope Beet takes this into account. I find myself looking for other blogs, but they just don’t have that same zing Beet used to.

      • I agree. For some reason, I feel that since Wendie become full time, her posts have not been as witty. And while I never felt that her posts were as witty as Beet’s (because, really, nobody is as witty as Beet), I always truly enjoyed reading her blogs. Lately it’s been less witty and fun to read and more boring and unfunny. The jokes haven’t been nearly as original.
        I understand that Wendie has other sites, but if this isn’t a priority to her, she shouldn’t have accepted the full time position. I also understand that Sasha has other sites and is trying to branch out, which I totally respect. I just miss Beet’s writing on EB, but at least there’s still SIAM and Zelda Lily.

        But, Wendie, I just wish you would go back to your old writing style. It was so great a few weeks ago. What happened?

      • Last I checked 4th of July weekend was a holiday. People, even gossip bloggers sometimes celebrate those. And if the lack of posts, or if the quality of those posts aren’t meeting your standards, 1. go somewhere else or 2. start your own gossip blog.

  • Yeah…I thought any nudity should be in the jump with a NSFW warning first.
    I get a half hour lunch break, so I don’t have time to leave, and so yes, it is acceptable for me to play online during that break. But no, it isn’t acceptable to pull up nudity.
    I never even click on the NSFW links in case of a history check- so I honestly think it should have had a warning.

    • wow…alecia knows how to communicate like a mature adult instead of just caps-lock screaming like an idiot. maybe other commenters should learn how to be polite from her.
      phrased like this, it makes sense.

      god i am so sick of people being such assholes…

  • Can someone please remind BEET of that horrid dress she was wearing at the 3 Olives Party? And with those ridiculous gladiator sandles and that “I just got in from the gym” hair?!

    At least Allen’s shirt is CUTE.

    • Hey, nut stain, before you start ripping on Sasha, find out who posted the article first. It wasn’t her, it was Wendie.

  • The way people complain about the way things are run within this website is ridiculous.
    Who are any of you to suggest one of the writers on this site should be let go because they aren’t as funny as they used to be, or to criticize someone for not labelling something in a fashion that makes it okay for you to read at work?
    You’re not paying for this site. If you don’t like the way it is run, the go read another gossip blog, as there is an abundance to choose from.
    But don’t pretend that you have some form of ownership over this website, and therefore it is your right to demand changes.

  • Congratulations to Lily Allen for being reasonable and wearing a shirt multiple times – wherever did people get the idea that celebrities (or anyone!) should not wear the same thing twice? This show’s she’s abnormally human. And hey, it’s a nice shirt.