Today's Evil Beet Gossip

New Beyonce Video: “Sweet Dreams”

I dunno about you guys, but I’m picking up on a theme in Beyonce’s videos off of this record.

I think it’s a good time for a fill-in-the-blank game.

The theme of Beyonce’s videos from the I Am … Sasha Fierce album is: __________________ .

Your suggestions go in the comments.

You can watch the “Ego” video here and the “Single Ladies” video here. The “Halo” video breaks most of the rules, but it’s here anyway.

22 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Diva should be on here. It pretty much follows the same pattern except it changes scenery a bit.

  • I think…

    The theme of Beyonce’s videos from the I Am … Sasha Fierce album is: two backup dancers and Beyonce. Fast hands. Dancing.

    • I was so thinking the SAME thing! I thought of Thriller :)) Anyway, the theme is THREESOME because I swear this girl is really trying to suggest Jay-Z something!

  • is…

    “I’m not creative so I’ll keep gyrating my body with 2 other girls knowing it will get viewership and sell.”

    Lame Beyonce. How about you let this video be an opportunity to show off what your other body organ can do, you know the one at the very top of you inside your cranium?

  • Can she just go away already? Ugh. She is on my list of celebrities that I have and unnatural hatred for.

    Seeing crap videos like this make me realize why an artist like MJ made such an impact. She has just as much opportunity as he did to make a great video that you could look back on and see as a piece of art that enhances your music, but instead she just recycles the same stuff. And it’s not even good stuff to begin with!

  • Theme: Beyonce and her two mute friends bedroom-dancing; bird-neck, gyration, tentacle arms, something shiny, fierce hair.

    Also that song is TERRIBLE.

  • The theme is: How to recycle an abnormal love of self and bellydancing 101 into a career.

    Poor Jay-Z.

  • The theme of Beyonce’s videos from the I Am … Sasha Fierce album is:

    Spirit Fingers.

  • I didn’t even watch it. I know I hate it. You see, I too have an unnatural hatred of Beyonce. I want her to warble her way into obscurity.

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