Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Opportunity to Sound Smart for the Day: Bernie Madoff Sentenced to 150 Years in Prison

Madoff Court

Okay you guys, check it out. Later today, when someone’s all like, “Hey did you hear that Michael Jackson’s mother got temporary custody of the kids?”, you get to be all like, “Oh, yes, I think I heard that. I don’t know. I don’t follow celebrity gossip that closely; it all seems so silly to me. But I was relieved to hear about the Madoff sentencing today.”

Bernie Madoff, the evil New York financier who swindled investors out of billions of dollars using a Ponzi scheme (that’s your fancy word for the day — learn more about it here), was today sentenced to 150 years in prison for his crimes.

“I’m responsible for a great deal of suffering and pain, I understand that,” the 71-year-old financier told the court. “I live in a tormented state now, knowing all of the pain and suffering that I’ve created. I’ve left a legacy of shame, as some of my victims have pointed out, to my family and my grandchildren.”

Madoff’s crimes destroyed the life savings of many of his investors, leaving them working multiple jobs and barely scraping by in their retirement years.

“How could someone do this to us?” said Dominic Ambrosino, a retired New York City corrections officer who said he lost his life savings with Mr. Madoff and was the first victim to speak. “We worked honestly and so hard.”

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Oh come on, does anyone think he’s suddenly sorry for swindling people and therefore making his lavish lifestyle possible? He’s just sorry he got caught and we didn’t pity him in his old age.

    • Pretty much, yeah. He’s a jackass and at this late in life, a long prison term probably won’t be enough to punish him as much as he deserves.

  • motherfuckers like Madoff make me wanna go back to more exotic punishments like drawing & quartering, keelhauling, Judas Cradles, etc…

  • The thing that sucks the most is that those people who lost their life savings probably won’t see any of that money ever again and his wife gets to go on living her life with money. Take it from her and let her work at Walmart, greeting the honest people that now have to shop there because all of their money is gone (no offense against Walmart, I shop there all the time because its the only store in my stupid small town).

  • what i dont understand is why Bernie stuck around. He knew that the feds had been looking into this previously, why didnt he take the money and run…..

  • Couldn’t have happened to a better guy.

    People like him are NEVER sorry, they’re only sorry they got caught. That guy has left a wake of devastation with a depth and breadth that no single person will ever be able to wrap their mind around. Rot, Bernie.

  • This makes me so happy, they seized most of his assets and may be going after the sons, and brother too. I hope some of the most needy of the victims get some relief, how did the SEC drop the ball so badly – one man had been turning them in for almost 5 years, and they did a cursory investigation and cleared the Madoff’s, we have to have gov’t watchdogs that at least pretend to be competent, are you listening FDA??

    He’s a weasel, and I know he will be miserable everyday of his life until he dies. That is the only consolation in this whole mess.

  • I hope some 6’5″ brother with a foot long dong decides to hide that asset in Madoff every day until Madoff finally dies a decade later from aids. Then I want science to find a way to bring Madoff back for another 14 decades of anal rape.

    His lying bitch wife still gets to keep millions. Anyone believe that she had no clue this was fraud even though she was involved from early on? Put her in the next cell with a sadistic dyke with a cutting fetish.

  • Why does he have to be an “evil New York financier”? I don’t recall you posting that “Evil Californian pedophile king of pop died”.