Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jon Gosselin Drunk at a Bar and Cheating on Kate Pictures Photos

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  • I never thought that Jon would do this. I mean it’s alright to have friends of the oposite sex but why would he cheat on Ktae she is such a great mom. I wish there were mom’s more like Kate that acually took care of there kids. But not many ppl do these days. Anyway I just feel bad for the kids becuase when my parents got divorced when I was only 7 it was very hard. It will probably be the hardest for Mady and Cara becuase they will understand more you know. It sucks he has to do that and I think that Kate should just go abouts on her own and forget about Jon you know. Oh my I can’t wait till Kate hears about this boy will she be mad. Anway I just think it is wrong of Jon to do that and I hope that everything will work out well.

    • you guys dont know what you are talking about jon is always with the kids while kate is on the road….I dont blame him IF he cheated i would of dont the same thing if i had her for a wife and how do you know she wasnt cheating either jon has listened to her butt all these years it is about time he took a stand!

  • just because he has friends that are girls doesn’t mean nothing. men in a relationship can have female friends, females in a relationship can have male friends like what does it matter. and for all we know the video of him leaving the house he left at 7:30am could have been his mother’s house. no on knows and the person that took the video obviously doesn’t like him and just wants to make a bad name for him so everyone should just mind their own business we don’t know the truth about anything all we know is rumours, if people like his children sooo much and care for them soo much they would just leave their parents alone and let them settle it out themselves. rumors are rumors and they’re going to get spread no matter what, people want to ruin good people.

  • jon diidnt cheat!
    the photographer is jus blowing it out of proportion.
    people do what they can for money.
    how does that picture prove that jon was cheating???
    those girls are fans.
    if kate took a picture with them would everyone think that she was cheating to?
    you guys are fools
    jon didnt cheat!!

  • Seriously, he should have just grown a backbone and when he thought Kate was harsh on him communicate how he feels to her instead of acting out his resentments and breaking up the whole family. Maybe Kate would have realized how he felt. I can’t imagine having 8 kids at one time 24/7. She may have been mean but she was trying to take care of her family the best way she knew how. Jon just checked out to have fun elsewhere.

  • Kate is such a bitch are you kidding me i would have jumped ship way back in the day!!!!!! I really can’t blame the guy, why live a miserable life with a she devil!!!!!

  • Jon is just an ORDINARY TYPICAL male. If he was not happy, instead of looking elsewhere, (as now he has 8 children, an unhappy and damaged family)why didn’t he have the guts to speak up, get help, or whatever it takes to have a happy healthy home? No, he has to go get his kicks elsewhere. Kate is organized, focused and a wonderful Mother to those children. She knows what needs to be done NOW and does it or gets a bit grumpy when things are not done. I do not blame her. She probably could have been a bit gentler on the little boy she married, but I don’ know if she has even had time to think about it. How would you like to be in charge of 8 little kids and their well being and future? It doesn’t seem like Jon knows how to step up to the plate and be a parent. Maybe she is better off without him…

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