Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hi Guys. We Have “ShareThis” Buttons.

Evil Beet is hobbling into the 21st century, kids. After countless requests, I finally got up off my ass today and figured out how to add “ShareThis” buttons to the bottom of each post. If you click on the button, it’ll give you the option to share the post over email, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Digg and like a billion other things, some of which I’ve never even heard of, because I’m tech-savvy like that.

Hey remember how awhile back I added the Reply option to the comments on here and it was a giant pain in my ass but now you guys totally love it and use it all the time? Yeah. This was a pain in my ass, too. So use it. And don’t say I don’t love you or listen to your comments. Well, I do love you. I don’t always listen to your comments. But I try to respond to requests like this within the year. So enjoy!


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