Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Madonna’s Nanny Quits, Gets Fired

Madonna's Nanny Angela and David banda pictures photos

Don’t fuck with Miz Madge!!!

Madonna’s nanny, 29-year-old Angela, gave her notice of resignation recently, and, instead of being allowed to complete her time with the star, she was fired on the spot.

“Angela is distraught,” says a source. “Madonna told her the news two hours before she was due to go on her annual month-long leave … All Madonna’s employees work incredibly long hours, so it’s no surprise that Angela had had enough. If you work for Madonna you are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There’s no such thing as a weekend.”

Angela lashed out on her Facebook page: “Not putting up (with) this shit any more. Never have, never will. Standing up for my rights regardless of consequence. Sick of always being the one who compromises.”

Angela is reportedly meeting with lawyers about the confidentiality agreement she was forced to sign. Oooooh, she wants to spill the beans about Madonna’s crazy inner world!!! Please please please let this happen. You don’t have to say Madge’s name, Angela! She could totally write a roman a clef, like Lauren Weisberger did to scorch Anna Wintour in The Devil Wears Prada. It could be called The Devil Wears a Kabballah Bracelet. Oh, wait, that would probably piss off the Jewish community. It could be called The Devil Is Adopting Children from Africa. No, no, that’s offensive too. It could be called The Devil Is Having Sex with Very Young Boys. Hmmmm. No. How about The Devil Does Pilates. I think that’ll work. Get started, Angela!

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • this looks like the nanny that Jude Law bent over a pool table while he was posed to be doing Sienna’s non titty having slutty ass.

    Also looks like that Ali creature that used to mooch of Floppy Bagina Spears. The one that wanted a recording contract…

    Write a tell all nanny person! I love smut.

  • ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i’ll contribute to the defense fund — anything angela needs — ohpleaseohpleaseohplease!

  • It’s actually pretty normal for an employer to ‘dismiss’ an employee immediately after they serve notice. The employer still has to pay the employee for the notice period (usually 2-3 weeks after notice is given), but the employee is often asked to leave on the spot because they are considered to no longer be loyal to the employer. It’s a security thing. The company I work for has that policy for people in certain departments.

    And in this case, it sounds like Angela was angry with her employer about her work conditions so all the more reason for her to be told to leave immediately. Would you want a person that you know hates you and their job taking care of your kids?