Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Scientology Eyes


Whoooooa. I’m not saying that Scientologists are crazy or anything, but looking into Jenna Elfman’s twin pools of death right now I feel a little bit woozy. She looks a wee, frazzled? Jenna made a name for herself being cute wacky and now she’s just kind of scary wacky.

She attended the 9/11 Rescue Workers Detoxification Project charity event in L.A. which is totally non-religious but was started by Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. Excuse me for being suspicious, but I would not be drinking the punch at this shindig. I applaud their efforts, and it’s for a good cause, but I imagine it would be just like one of those non-religious meetings at church where they ply you with cookies and then try to pressure sell you into coming more.

And maybe I’m late on this, but when did half the cast of “That 70’s Show”, Eva Longoria and Simon Cowell become Scientologists/Scientology sympathisers?

45 CommentsLeave a comment

  • > ” non-religious”

    Sigh. All of Scientology’s dealing are non-religious because it isn’t a religion. It is a cult that deals on the surface with new-age self help. You can be a Scientologist and not believe in God. You can be a Scientologist and be a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew because it has nothing to do with religion.

    They only call themselves a religion because they just love the government protection they get and not having to pay taxes. They also love the support they get from idiotic Christians who somehow feel a brotherhood to them. The uneducated Christians feel that Scientology is somehow a poor persecuted religion just like Christianity and they always stand up for them.

    What kind of religion demands that you pay a lot of money to get their help? What kind of religion uses the skeletons in your closet to blackmail you and control you? The same skeletons that they use to “treat” you and then later use against you.

      • “A cult is a religion with no political power”. Damn straight.

        Have you guys ever done any historical religious studies? There’s nothing righteous about any religion, cult or otherwise.

    • Thank you!
      Scientology is NOT a religion!
      Its a money-making, people-abusing lying crowd of people who pretend that there is a “inner circle” when there is not!
      As Ron Hubbard once said, the best way of making tons of money is to creating your own “religion”. And thats exactly what he did!

      • Did all religions force members to get abortions once? Did all religions bilk adherents of their funds and blackmail them to the point of suicide, once?

      • I’m going to go with all religions did something similar within the current time frame at one time or another. Without doing any research. Suck on that!

  • The Masterson brothers are Scientologists (born and bred as such, I believe). Laura Prepon goes out with the Masterson brother who played in Malcolm in the Middle (well, as of last) and apparently, going out with a scientologist morphs you into a scientologist. The others followed, I guess?

    • And Bijou Phillips is with the other Masterson, the one from That 70s Show, and they’re both hardcore into the “religion,” or whatever it is.

  • I am usually not too picky about the details, but…How could L. Ron Hubbard have founded the 9/11 Rescue Workers’ Detoxification Project when 9/11 happened in 2001 and he has been dead since the 1980’s? Are his Thetans still hanging out, doing good deeds? If that is the case then I am FINALLY impressed by Scientology.

  • Don’t get me wrong.. Scientologists are nuts… but no more than any other religion, really. Christianity, Judaism and Islam have just been around longer and are accepted now but they’re just about as insane sounding as anything else.

    • No argument from me.

      I think most Scientologist are damaged people just like most Born Again Christians are ex-addicts.

      Any kind of organization that takes over your life and controls your thoughts and behavior is dangerous.

      Personally I think it is absolutely disgusting how religions target children. They know that if they don’t brainwash them by a certain age that chances are it won’t “take”.

  • my best friend is a scientologist. even though i can see why people are suspicious of it, extremist comments about people you don’t know make me sympathetic to the scientologists.

    • I know plenty of Scientologist. I work in film and television and have spent a lot of time around them.

      The only reason you might feel sympathetic to them is because you are one yourself or will be one soon. Your Scientologist buddy is forced to “disconnect” from anyone in his life that Scientology doesn’t approve of. If the cult disapproves of a family member then that Scientologist will no longer be in contact with that family member.

      This cult is very dangerous. The feed off people’s misery like parasites.

      • If I didn’t know better, I would think you were talking about the Jehovahs Witness religion…talk about mind control and separatism! And the Mormons are in the same boat.

        I don’t like the separatism expounded by ANY religion, so I left the Church and went back to God!

    • Woops, meant to type “They feed off…”

      Another recent death caused by the cult:

      Jett Travolta died recently because of Scientology’s dangerous beliefs and yet people still blindly defend them. There is a reason why every celeb Scientologist came out of the woodwork to do damage control after the poor child’s death.

      Another reason to hate Scientology is that they believe homosexuality is a sickness and can be cured by them. They treated L Ron Hubbard’s homosexual son so badly that he eventually killed himself.

      • to Jeremy—

        I know, right?? :)

        what do you do anyway, Donkey? out of curiosity. I have always actually respected your views on the subject, because you seem to have a good deal of personal experience. I do not know any scientologists (as far as I know)… I hope it stays that way.

      • I do lighting in film and television. Dramas, commercials, infomercials, corporate videos. Whatever pays the bills. Can’t stand working on music videos though. Would rather impale myself on a knife.

      • why do you hate music videos? Difficult lighting? Difficult people?

        hmm you were the dude that Christian Bale cussed out, huh? Now I totally get it (that was lighting, right?)


      • Music videos involve very long hours usually because they want a billion shots. The longest I did went for 21 hours. I have heard of people going longer.

        The majority of music videos are very low budget. The producer/production managers are usually fucking weasels.

        By the time I worked my way up to bigger budget music videos I already completely hated them. I can’t erase the bad memories on horrible music video jobs.

        A lot of times they film the video offspeed. So for instance the song will playback really fast and the singer will try their best to sing along. They film also at high speed. The final result is slow motion. Really annoying to listen to any song a hundred times in a day but try listening to it chipmunk style.

  • Narconon (a substance abuse treatment facility) was created and is run by Scientologists. I was in a rehab with someone who had just been “released” from a Narconon center and placed in a real rehab, and the things she told us were absolutely nuts. First off, they don’t treat the disease of addiction as such what so ever. They made this chick to believe that doing drugs was just something she was “afflicted” with and all she needed was their Scientology methods to stop once and for all. Almost as if it was just a phase she went through like wearing polyester or something.
    They would not allow her to contact her friends or family (even past the usual detoxification process like in other recovery centers). She made some other claims of weird ritualistic sexual abuse that I’m not too sure to believe or not in it’s entirety, but when she wanted to leave the center they made it almost impossible for her to do so. She literally had to escape with her daughter’s help. She even broke her leg in the center and they would not tend to her medical needs in a normal way. As for the sexual abuse stuff, I believe they were trying to bring forth her past childhood memories of being abused by making her re-live it over and over again or something, and even when she begged them to stop they wouldn’t.

    This is my only experience with someone who had a connection to Scientology. There aren’t many members here in Vegas and there church here is in a little run down part of town and is literally in a shopping center. But after hearing this woman’s experience I really wish and hope this cult will no longer have anything to do with substance abuse treatment ever again.

  • My cousin was targeted by Scientologists on a very hot day when she was 8 months pregnant and shopping. They offered her some water and somewhere to have a little rest, and she, thinking it was a church, went in. they tested her and told her she was special, amazing, never met anyone with powers like hers. It went on and on and escalated until she gave them all her money AND mortgaged her house. (over the course of years)

    My dad, who is a psycologist, helped her leave by making her realise what she was doing to her marriage and her family.

    Sad stuff.

  • Religion = Cult = crap that will only cause strife and arguements because people will never all share similar opinions on the topic, and will always feel a need to vent about it, hoping others will listen and maybe change their own beliefs to suit the ranter.

    Anyway…yeah…creepy eyes. O.o

  • Charity of profits hon! Find a charity, you know which ever celeb volunteers gets a take, fee, or freebie or favor., or pays back a debt. I am laughing my head off when Pres O quits that lax spread the wealth attitude and taxes the bejeebers out of the money-making volunteers and donaters, and limits their charities from making a profit or ‘hiring’ hahaha a lot of people to sit on committees, run the institution, have lunches to discuss and pursue more donators and spread the wealth back to themselves.

  • dude. where’s the new posts? There hasn’t been anything new in like, a whole day. Isn’t that what Soleil is for? Me no care fo weekend writah.

    Sorry, I’m being one of those commenters. But still.

  • This post is now at like the bottom of the page. Try refreshing the website and not this one page to see the additional posts.

    Dumb ass.

  • Why hasn’t anyone shut Scientology down yet?
    they are not a religion.

    All I keep hearing about is how they fair game people who do not agree with their beliefs. Its just ridiculous.

  • my scientology story: i used to have a roommate who was a scientologist. he was also a struggling actor who decided to move to LA. he stayed with scientology for a little while but then started getting creeped out and left the “church” but he remained in LA as a set guy or something (not an actor). anyway, a few years later i recieved a letter for him from the scientologists. i was talking to him, mentioned the letter and he asked if i would read it to him over the phone. it was on official letterhead and was very threatening. basically the scientologists were pissed that he (and his wallet) left their fold and also told him he owed them all this money. they said if he did not pay up he would be branded a “financial outlaw” in their eyes, etc etc. nice “religion”…i wonder if they are still hounding him for money 10 years later?!