Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Sean Penn’s Co-Star Says “Shut Up.”


Maria Conchita Alonso, Sean Penn’s co-star in the 1988 movie Colors, has two words to say to the actor who just won his second Academy Award:  Shut up.

I recently wrote a piece on my own blog concerning something a friend said that was upsetting to me.  One of my commenters was quick to point out that if I was Latina, I could have threatened to cut her when she pissed me off.  My completely broad-based observation?  Latinas are passionate and seriously, you will always know where you stand.

Exhibit A:

Actress MARIA CONCHITA ALONSO has blasted her COLORS co-star SEAN PENN for his outspoken political views about her native Venezuela, insisting he should “shut up” and stop showing his support to the country’s “killer” president, Hugo Chavez.
Milk star Penn has voiced his admiration for Chavez on numerous occasions – the actor visited the politician in 2007, when he was writing an article about the leader, and caught up with him again in 2008.
In a 2007 interview following his first trip to the South American country, Penn said: “The first thing I’m going to say is that we know more lies about him in the United States than we know truth. If you want a soundbite from me about Chavez, then I would say that, for the moment, he’s much more positive for Venezuela than he is negative.” And while Alonso, who appeared alongside Penn in the 1988 film, admits Penn is a great actor, she is angry he is publicly backing Chavez, who has been criticised for his controversial leadership.
She tells, “He’s an amazing actor, I can’t take that away from him. It’s just that he has no clue at all what’s going on in Venezuela. He’s praising Hugo Chavez, who’s a killer and a dictator. I tried to put aside his political thing that he has no clue (about), so he should just shut up about what he doesn’t know.” And the Latina was particularly incensed when she saw Penn win the Best Actor Oscar at last month’s (Feb09) Academy Awards.
She recalls, “I put it on mute. I was watching in my room… So when his turn came, I mute it (sic). When he comes on stage (to collect the prize), I was like, ‘No!'”

For video of Alonso being not so diplomatic, click here.

21 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She’s very right. Chavez is a murderer and a dictator. When it comes to Venezuela’s foreign affairs, Sean Penn should shut the fuck up.

  • She will say anything to be relevant because her career certainly isn’t.

    Sean Penn may some a few questionable things but I respect him a hellova lot more than a blindly patriotic conservative that will support any idea as long as it comes out of a Republican’s mouth.

  • To the rest of the Spanish speaking world, Chavez is just a clown. There’s a famous clip of the King of Spain interrupting one of Chavez’ rants by saying “why don’t you shut up?” at a UN summit.

  • Sean Penn is a great actor. But now this pisses me off, and anyone who supports Hugo Chavez. It doesn’t matter if Conchita Alonso looks rough, or is not diplomatic. Sean Penn needs to shut the hell up cause he doesn’t know what he is talking about. It is easy to praise a president when he is not your president. Hugo Chavez is a murderer, corrupt, dictator, that craps money but doesn’t let anyone else have money. He gives Evo Morales money to buy people in Bolivia in order to have more power. I am from Bolivia… and all I see every day is killings, and people dying… and innocent people going to jail just because they are against the government.

    I bet if he lived in Venezuela he would be ripped off of all his money… because no one else can be rich but that damn monkey look a like.

    So please, if you don’t live in Venezuela, and want to sound smart: then keep your mouth shut.

    • You really think George Bush was better? I guarantee you Georgie had a much higher body count.

      • Might I suggest a psychotherapist!!!! I’m guessing that you are an uneducated left wing nut job who thinks Obozo is your savior. You might want to rethink that seeing as though his administration is a disaster and it’s only been 40 plus days. You probably believed every teleprompter thing he had to say. Please, don’t ever vote again and give the great USA a chance to regain her dignity.

      • I don’t think anything about Bush…or Obama, I don’t live in the United States… so I don’t judge if I don’t know what is really going on….

  • Take it from someone who lived in Venezuela…Hugo Chavez is the WORST thing that ever happened to Venezuela….

  • Go Maria Conchita! More people should tell Sean Penn to shut the hell up. You are an actor, dude, not Kofi Annan.

  • I live in Venezuela and Maria Conchita is completely right. Sean Penn, Danny Glover and Oliver Stone are just a few that have come here for personal gain. They have received a great amount of money in their visits so of course they talk wonders about the dictator. He hasn´t done anything positive, if you don´t live here, you don´t have the right to say anything about him. It would be great if Sean Penn would see the real Venezuela. Maybe he should come and live in the slums for a month, try not to be killed, robbed, or kidnapped and only eat what Chavez allows in the supermarket… no more rice or sugar for us!

  • Finally someone who has their head screwed on straight in hollywood!!! Who does he think he is? I think the spanish version of “why don’t you shut up?” sounds even better. Sean Penn, porque no te callate!

    • hahahaha love it… that is what the president of Spain told monkey look a like Chavez: Porque no te callas!!!!
      We even have a song with that frase! :)

  • why is it always the rich latin americans who have a problem with populist, anti-capitalist leaders? is it because your rich families have lost their influence and power, and that your business intrests have been jeopradised? if u ask the poorest of the poor in venuzuela or bolivia, who have better access to education and health services because of pro poor economic policies advocated by chavez and co, their answer is obvious.

    americans are not qualified to comment on other countries foreign policy cause for one you are insular and uneducated and u.s t.v is notoriously one sided and uninformative, it only spawns u.s propaganda and demonises leaders that do not agree with the american way of life and capitalism. at least Penn and stone and Clooney are informed and educated and do not blindly follow the words of katie couric!

  • Penn should receive a right cross to the face, followed by a swift kick to the groin.

    Oh wait, that pussy has no balls. Strike that second part…