Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Octo-Mom Isn’t On Welfare But Does Accept Food Vouchers Delivered To Her From Fairies

Didn’t baby factory, Nadya Suleman, tell us that she refused to accept welfare?  Yeah, she totally lied.  She gets $490 a month in food stamps.  Even her mouthpiece knows it’s bullshit.  Suleman’s spokesperson, Michael Furtney explained, “In her view these are just payments made for people with legitimate needs and are not, in her view, welfare.  She just believes that there are programs for people with needs and she and her children qualify for some of them.” Yes, such programs for people with needs do exist.  Those programs are called welfare.

So, listen.  I have nothing against welfare programs.  Sometimes people need help; every child needs a meal.  What I do get pissed about is this:  if you can’t afford to feed six kids, why go get implanted with eight more?

51 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Technically, food stamps and other food assistance programs, are not considered welfare but I completely agree with you; don’t keep poppin out munchkins if you cannot afford to feed the ones you already have…

  • This is infuriating.

    Her interview with Ann Curry, she just kept repeating “All I can do is the best that I can”, each time Ann asked questions like, “How are you going to care for these children?”

    Obviously, she’s not. The good people of California will be, thanks to their taxes. I really hope that she doesn’t get a TV show, or free diapers, or anything. Don’t have children you cannot take care of.

    • To the TV show part I completely agree, but for the kiddos sakes I’m fine with free diapers and basic needs such as that.

      • I certainly don’t want the kids to suffer, but no freebies may force this lunatic to give up the octuplets for adoption.

        She doesn’t have money to feed the first six, yet she has money for manicures, Angelina lips, and IVF. And now she has eight more children she cannot provide for. What’s the hospital bill so far for the delivery and the care of those babies? Does she have insurance, or is the taxpayer footing that bill as well? And all because she wanted a big family. There’s what we want, then there’s what we can afford, the fact that the woman is gaining fame for being totally irresponsible is maddening.

  • but Bee, not helping her is harming those kids.. what will the kids do if someone doesn’t do something? it’s a sick situation; they shold be taken from her and she should be forcibly sterilized.

    • That’s the tough part. Punishing her is punishing the kids. She knows exactly what she is doing. She knows no one will let her kids go hungry. Makes me sick

  • yes, I think the kids should be taken from her so they can have a “normal life” – whatever that may be. I don’t want her to get any press, money, etc for her stupidity, but at the same time I feel for the kiddies. I think the mother needs therapy and sterilization is not sounding too bad/wrong either.

  • I completely agree–don’t have more kids if you can’t afford the ones you have and adopting those kids out and sterilization for the mom would be the best thing for the entire family.

  • The doctor(s) who worked with her on the IVF needs to be put on the hook for these costs. At least suspend his / her license to operate as punishment for impregnating this crazy bitch.

    • Now THATS an idea i can really get behind!
      Why aide someone in having children they otherwise would not be able to give birth to knowing full well they cant afford to raise them?
      Criminal, its just criminal.

  • Charge the doctors and clinic who stuffed her full of embryos when she already had 6 kids at home…it was their poor judgement, let THEM foot the bill!

    Nice semantics, too. “I don’t get welfare, I just get free things from the state offices that give material goods and services to people who can’t pay for those things themselves.” Because I didn’t puke when I read that, I had a personal protien spill.

  • From the television interview, the woman is not quite right. The fertility doctor should have to pay for the kids and her therapy. No taxpayer should be on the hook for this situation.

    Forced sterilization should not be an option. If therapy can help her to decide on her own that it is necessary, then so be it.

  • I would also like to know what is wrong witht the children she is getting disabilities for. I would like to know if the children fromt he first litter were premature and under weght as a result of being a multiple. I know she has twins…

    • That’s so wrong but I’m laughing out loud with the litter comment. One of us is probably going to hell…

      • I am willing to bet I’m going to an interesting place when my soul passes.
        Thing is i didnt even mean to type litter! LMAO!

  • Let her be on welfare. Seriously. People are like “bla bla bla paying for her bla bla” but honestly, these kids are going to need to eat somehow. Okay yea she shouldn’t have done this, but she DID it. It’s too late now. And society is going to end up taking care or the children anyways. There’s no point harping on the whys, it’s done now and she has 14 children and well now it’s about their well being.

    • Yeah, maybe we’ve been a little harsh.

      I know, maybe she can get her own TV show, and call it “Keeping Up With The Duggars.”
      (They’re the folks with 18 children.) The show would pay Nadya lots of money, and she could go running back to the fertility clinic to have a few more buns popped into her oven. Think of the hilarity that would ensue when the cameras follows Octomom at the grocery store with all 14 kids in tow!

    • Well Abbi, that’s all just fine and wonderful, but their well-being is the whole point — and it’s going subsidized out of the taxpayers’ wallets. Here in the Golden State we’re already pretty deep in the hole economically, and a huge part of the problem is due to the incompetent social programs that we have here which notoriously and wastefully dole out money to people such as this genius who milk the system for all it’s worth. While I have no objections to those who justifiably deserve some government assistance, the abuse is rampant throughout California. What makes it worse it that our state legislature and Govenuh Auhnie have done little to control this waste — and now we’re beyond hosed. What’s my point? My point is that people who want to siphon the system like Nadya Suleman should be penalized. How? By taking those kids away from her, as she will be incapable of caring for them — plain and simple (at least until the attorneys step in).

      • The whole country is in the hole economically. Not just california. The abuse is rampant throughout EVERY state. Everybody deals with this. Every state is paying for children on welfare. If the kids are taken away and they go into the system you’re still paying for them.
        And then the poor children are put into the state’s system and will all be separated and possibly never know their siblings. And I think that’s sad.

    • Do you live in California Abbi? I do, and yes this pisses me off to no end. And yes, I do think it would be best for the childern to be adopted to families who can provide for them. I also hope she doesn’t get a god damn dime from any of this. This woman needs to be in a mental facility, not on the Today Show.

      • I don’t live in california, and that has NOTHING to do with this at all. This sort of shit happens in every state. It may not be one person with octuplets, but there are plenty of people with too many children that don’t make enough money. And yes people pay taxes and support them. I love how people in california are complaining about this whole thing like it’s only them because all of a sudden there’s a publicized occasion. This stuff pisses everyone off but there is nothing you can do about it. Just pay your taxes or move to another country.

  • This woman is sick. Honestly I think all of these Bob and Jan plus their 19 exploited children show should be stopped.

    Honestly it is making people obsessed with having huge broods of kids. They all end up suffering. I understand helping her out but she isn’t some innocent person who just wanted to have a baby and had 8. She is a crazy, plastic surgery nightmare who thinks that she can raise her kids on love alone.

  • I still would like to know how she paid for the IVF treatments in the first place. Maybe I missed something somewhere, but how could a mother on disability who is recieving food assistance, afford pricey implants?

    • According to AP:

      “An in-vitro procedure typically costs between $8,000 and $15,000. Asked on NBC how she was able to afford the treatments, Suleman said she had saved money and used some of the more than $165,000 in disability payments she received after being injured in a 1999 riot at a state mental hospital where she worked.”

      And she gets $490 a month in food stamps.
      What kills me is that it wasn’t a case of the condom breaking. She made a conscious decision to do this, knowing full well that she didn’t have the money to support the six kids she already had.

    • Totally fascinates me that this didn’t come up on the Today show. IVF is crazy expensive: analysts report costs of about $35,000 per delivery in younger women, while medical costs per delivery are over $132,000 for women over 40.


      And the cost of 8 preemie babies in the NICU? It took a staff of 46 people just to deliver them. The cost of this whole mess is staggering and growing by the moment.

      I mean, assuming she has insurance to cover delivery and hospital stay, (I have to assume her insurance wouldn’t cover IVF – mine doesn’t and I have good insurance), even copays would be unmanageable for someone who is in reasonable shape much less struggling.

      Is anybody out there an IVF counselor? Do you discuss things like care and finances in the case of multiple births?

  • Why can’t a local church or charity adopt them as a project or something?

    I’m sick of paying for the mistakes of idiots like this. It’s one thing to be hard up and I have no problem helping the needy…but WTF? Where do we draw the line?

  • i like how in the interview she said something like “im getting a lot of heat because of the nontraditional way i did this” acting like people are mad becuase she is a single mother?

    Does it not occur to her that that has nothing to do with it. She has no income and lives off mom and dad and the state and ALREADY HAD SIX KIDS she couldnt take care of. I wouldnt call that nontraditional i would call that irresponsible.

  • Within one week, America has gone from, “Wow, that’s amazing,” to “What the fuck?!” The Doctors should be sued for malpractice and the citizens of California should not be supporting her out-of-work ass.

  • What about the money spent on the bad nose job that made it too small for her face…looks so strange…can’t stop looking at it. And the fake lips, of course, that are very strange on the top.

  • it’s so aggravating that parents have to jump through hoops to adopt when this woman is allowed to procreate so irresponsibly. i’m all about women’s rights but in her case i totally agree with forced adoption.

  • I think the doctor needs to lose his license. i think it should be the law that you have to get psych clearance before you get implanted. There should be a rigorous process to ensure that people clearly understand the chances of having multiples and the dangers to them and the babies.

  • Well folks she managed to attend college for the past several years, pay for IFV and tons of other medical care not to mention raising all those babies with no JOB so where did you think her money came from? She’s a classic welfare queen. I bet Medicaid paid for her IVF too. I’m all for giving assistance to the sick, old and disabled but someone like her should be WORKING. People like her are the reason that those with real problems have to fight tooth and nail to get a dime in government assistance.

      • I don’t know. I know an ILLEGAL person that had medicaid give her a full set of new teeth implants when she didn’t need them. Medicaid has gotten crazy with what they will allow.

  • I’m sadly a CA citizen, and this woman is the definition of TRASH.

    how the fuck can she afford IVF, and manicures, but not food for her CHILDREN?!
    she is nowhere near Angelina, Angelina actually can afford to supper her kids…

  • its amazing how our schools in CA. are doing horribly, Gov. workers have to take days off..
    and yet we are paying money for this peice of trash to make her “dream” of having children come true.. >.<

  • Anyone who pays this woman for an interview is guilty of subjecting her children to further child abuse. She’s clearly dangerously unstable, and not in the way that makes you pity that person because they are just self destructive, but in the way that makes you concerned for everyone around her who is subjected to her narcissistic delusions. She’s admitted to partially supporting the family through disability checks from her other children, which basically means our tax dollars paid for her obvious plastic surgery instead of her disabled children who are currently living in squalor under the care of their grandmother (who has spoken out against her saying she hasn’t cared for or paid for the other kids, besides buying toys instead of food and diapers and a roof over their heads). Now she says she’s going to use her student loans to pay for the new kids, but “refuses to go on welfare”!!! The state needs to step in here and remove ALL of those children from this situation ASAP. And this woman acts like she’s too good for welfare? Welfare exists for people who face unfortunate circumstances, usually of no fault of their own, and cannot afford to support themselves or their children, hopefully temporarily. It does not exist for psychos who are trying to get a reality TV show about their quest to gain fame for F-ing up as many innocent children as possible. So no bitch, you should keep that promise not to go on welfare, because you are too lowly to deserve it, and I genuinely hope the government takes action to remove these kids from this situation before it’s too late for them, both psychologically and physically, but feel free to step in for “Angelina Jolie after 12 beers” expenses in a psychiatric institution. That I feel much better about shelling out for.

  • Do not make these little children suffer for the sins of their mother.

    These children should be allowed to stay with their mother, whom I’m sure is able to give them all the love and attention that they need to grow up happy and normal.

    She’s not a drug addict and abusing them like many parents and foster parents do and still have their kids. Leave Nadya alone already. Let her children live in peace with their mother. You people are embarrasing who can’t see the big picture. There is more to life than this.