Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jessica Simpson Joins The Jennifer Love Hewitt Size Two Brigade


Ashlee Simpson is on the warpath, defending big sister Jessica.  Here’s the part of her tiring tirade that I did marginally agree with:

Since when did a woman’s weight become newsworthy?  A week after the inauguration and with such a feeling of hope in the air for our country, I find it completely embarrassing and belittling to all women to read about a woman’s weight or figure.  All women come in different shapes, sizes, and forms and just because you’re a celebrity, there shouldn’t be a different standard.

She also claimed that one would never be so mean to a friend or relative in real life.  Actually, that’s where she’s wrong.  Because if any friend of mine, weighing more than 109 pounds, is seen in high-waisted jeans and/or a bad bra, they should basically expect that I’ll be staging an intervention for them.

Ashlee whined, “How can we expect teenage girls to love and respect themselves in an environment where we criticize a size 2 figure?”  I don’t know Ashlee but the next time I see a size two figure, I’ll be sure to be kind.  What does this have to do with Jessica?

67 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Like OMG yall! Dont be talking about jessica’s fucking mom jeans to the world yall because teens girls that are also making fun of her stupid ass will feel bad about themselves right after their done posting dirty myspace pictures and listening to the mother fucken Jonas fruits!

    Seriously dont talk about weight! Its superficial! How does my nose job look?


  • Jessica Simpson has issued a statement, that “Going from a size 2 to a size 8, that’s not fat. If I weren’t Jessica Simpson, no one would care.”

  • Since when is a size 8 fat? That’s a uk size 12 which is certainly not fat.
    If all women do is obsess about their weight and constantly berate themselves for actually eating a decent dinner every night we have no energy to do anything else. It’s a great ploy to keep women in a constant state of enslavement. We might have the vote but we’re certainly not liberated from the tyranny of obsession with weight.
    Jessica’s outfit was horrid but she’s still a very beautiful woman.

    • Why can’t we see her at a better angle. Anyone would look bad at that angle. But I don’t think she looks like a size 8. More like a size 12.

  • I really dont believe people are as worried about their figure as the media says we are. It honestly does not come up in any of my daily conversations. Women and men that I know (who are all various sizes) seem to focus more on other topics/issues and arent caught up with this bull shit.

    I think if your the type of person who reads a lot of crap magazines like Cosmo and you watch a lot of crap tellie like E you will walk away with brain damage and think things like this really matter in our world.
    Its the corporations who produce shit ‘zines and shows job to make you feel like shit so you will buy more crap to fix things that arent wrong with you.

    Why would asheley be so upset they called her sister fat, yet she has been called retarded for years and never said a word before now?


    • “they called her sister fat, yet she has been called retarded for years and never said a word before now?”

      HAAAAhaha. Awesome.

  • funny how when someone’s being called fat, it’s rude.. but if she were called thin, you wouldn’t hear an effing word from her.

    and no one bitches about how it’s rude to comment on people’s weight IN GENERAL..oh no, it’s only rude when we’re talking about someone who’s possibly [hardly!] overweight. bite me.

    • Yeah i never really got that, it’s politically incorrect to say that people are fat, overweight etc…but then everybody thinks its ok to be horribly critical of someone when they’re too thin..

    • no, I disagree. many people think it’s rude to call out people for being too thin and claiming that they have eating disorders. that’s hurtful too. it’s just more common to criticize heavier people because thin, right now, is our general ideal.

  • I saw that has these pictures posted under the headline “Jessica Simpson Crash-Lands in Denim Waistland”. Friggin great!

  • whatever. i have gained (and since lost!) weight in college- and i’ll tell you what- my family was the first to let me know!

  • It always baffled me that in Hollywood, men can come in all sizes, but women who exceed a certain size simply don’t exist. There are the superthin girls, and then the exception is the fat ladies for comedic purposes usually. There’s never an in-between!

  • If she is so concerned about making sure that women feel good about themselves maybe she can set a good example by not getting loads of plastic surgery that completly changed her look. I actually agree with her thoughts, but hard to take them from someone who felt bad enough about herself that she had to get so much surgery.

  • Size 2 my ass! Mmmh, but what really seems weird to me is why Ashlee felt so compelled to say she was a size 2, since it wouldn’t matter if she were a size 6 or 8, as long as she felt good about herself and well, uh, dress appropriately in her right size.

    And, Wendie you’re right, if she were my friend or relative I’d definitely stage an intervention as soon as possible, like I use to do with my mom.

  • My mom was the first to tell me when I gained weight…by buying me a gym membership. I expect my friends and family to tell me when I’m ballooning because I don’t always think it’s as bad as it is. It takes seeing myself in a picture to realize that I have gained another chin and my surface area has increased exponentially.

    Jessica should just accept that she has gained an unhealthy amount of weight, regardless of the size pants she wears, and start working it off. We know she has a good work ethic, so it shouldn’t take her long.

  • So I guess we will not be reading about Jessica’s amazing weight loss.
    That Tony loves her no matter what size she is blah blah blah.
    Pappa Perv is selling that story right now.

  • She’s short, a little gain can look like a lot. I’d say only about 10-15 lbs. She carries her extra weight in the chest, and that makes her look fatter.

    • EXACTLY. I’m 5’3 (Jessica SImpson is 5’3) too and when I gain like, 3 lbs, I FREAK because being this short you can see every little additional pound. She just needs to dress better and do some extra work to burn the weight (10 or 15 lbs) off, but she isn’t obese or unhealthy for effing sakes.

  • I don’t know why you guys are being so harsh on Ashlee.. she is just trying to defend her sister. I would do the same thing.

    and if you guys really look at the picture, and try to erase awful awful denim, Jessica still has a super freaking hot body. I’m not going to make fun of her, but I will be a bit jealous.

    also, remember when Jessica got waaaaaay too skinny? Ashlee might be worried that it could happen again. It sure looked like Jessica was having some sort of problem.

    • People are being harsh because she’s a hypocrite. She had her entire face re-worked so she can shut the fuck up about how we are supposed to accept ourselves.

      Deep down, she’s probably loving this.

      • nah, still disagree. she is just looking out for her sister. it’s not jessica’s fault that ashlee had a nose job (which I TOTALLY would have too if I were her).

  • What annoys me is the prejudice against ‘not skinny not big’ people. Because she is not plus size, she’s just a celebrity who isnt ‘hollywood thin’. In reality, at a shopping center no-one would be looking at her going, wow, she’s fat.

    I have been approached several times by short sighted people not wearing glasses who wanted to represent me as a model. i went for the photoshoot, and they said “you know….we want you to either lose a bit of weight or gain enough to be plus size. You’re inbetween . there is no market for you.”

    fucking stupid. so is freaking out about her not being skinny.

    • Right before I was to sign a contract with a production company they told me that I had to lose 10-20 lbs. I am 5’7″ and weighed about 120 at the time. It was SO ridiculous to me at the time that I passed on the whole deal and became a flight attendant.

      I agree that the industry often sets up ridiculous standards. However, I do think that Jessica is overweight right now and I am sure that it makes her unhappy. Now, if she is happy where she is, then by all means, stay there. But when you rely on your looks to get into a job, maintaining them becomes a part of that.

      • Well said. It’s funny how I enjoy reading all the comments here but I can’t help thinking that if I were a celeb and raked over the coals here I would hate most of you! You all can be incredibly mean spirited.

      • naw maybe she is gaining weight because she is actually happy… you know, “nesting,” or whatever. i think it’s nice when people come to a point that they don’t feel obsessed with having some unhealthy rail-thin body.

        so many of these comments are fucked up. I bet half of you people are way bigger than her.

  • People really need to grow up.
    If you get get off making fun of someone who is in no way fat,
    what does that say about you?
    Meanwhile tons of teenage girls are reading this, thinking well if they are calling Jessica Simpson fat, then I must be fat.
    And that leads to a lot of issues. I don’t understand it.
    Let her be what she wants to be.
    Not everyone thinks being a twig is attractive.

  • Just because you were ONCE a size 2, you cannot still claim to be one. I was a Size 6 before the holidays, but am a size 8 now…when I can wear my 6’s again…then I’m a size 6. Why don’t celebrities understand this?

  • good for ashlee sticking up for her sissy. i notice many people went straight for the nose as soon as she did too. LOL

    i think jessica is gorgeous.

  • I too made fun of her at Chili Fest on my own blog. It wasn’t her weight per-say that I was mocking. More it was her ill-fitting clothing, making her appear sausage-like, and those horrific highwaisted jeans. They didn’t work for her the first time, she was ridiculed then. She should have known better, and for that, she deserves some snickers. Learn from your mistakes. And DON’T PLAY AT CHILI FESTIVALS.

  • I think this really comes down to two issues, neither of which is actually her weight. They are 1)her career, and 2)her outfit. If she were still a relevant singer coming out with albums and/or movies that people were actually buying, and she were not wearing a hideously weird and unflattering outfit, I bet very few people would be commenting about her weight. As it is, she’s at a chili cookoff in horrendous jeans. Of course people are going to attack her like maggots attacking a two-day old steak.

  • im sorry but looking back at her pictures in the bikini when she filmed The Dukes of Hazzard, yes she is fat.

    i think Ashlee coming to her defense makes shit worse.
    It clearly shows that this has bothered and made Jessica Blimpson cry to no ends. Haha!

    WTF was she thinking wearing that horrid horrid outfit. like come on.

    •, you don’t deserve to be alive. just stop breathing now. FAIL.
      she was ABSOLUTELY not fat in dukes of hazzard.
      jessica blimpson? really? REALLY? how old are you, 13?
      and you laugh at the idea of someone crying becuase assholes like you hurt their feelings?? i detest you. i hope you get stabbed tonight.

    • She’s saying that compared to how she looked in Dukes of Hazzard, yes, she’s fat now. She’s not saying she was fat in that movie.

  • As a 13 year old girl, i don’t think anyone calling jessica fat is bad.
    Sure, its bad for HER and her only.
    celeberties should not be rolemodels, idols, and fuck, be your mentor for weight!

    for reals… more kids should either get educated about it, or talk to their dr.

    • Isn’t 13 too young to be here? I barely understand this comment. Back to English class with you, and pay ATTENTION. You need to “get educated about” how to write.

  • and she can be a size 2.

    some designers, they have a diffrent size, and price..
    so the higher you pay, the smaller your size is, but still the same the same measurement.

    now thats sad..

  • ok seriously people. Stop being so immature about this. For one, a size two is no where near fat. A 7 isn’t even fat. I know girls who wear 11 and 14 that still are not fat. So stop being so stupid about facts that you dont have any idea about. And Ashley getting a nose job does not make her a hypocrite. yes, girls should be happy with themselves. But every girl has something about herself that she wished that she could fix. and if getting it fixed makes her more happy with herself, then whats the problem? AT LEAST SHE IS HAPPY! which is more than i could say for a lot of you who sit here all day talk shit about how people look. I would love to see what you look like. i bet its not any better.


    • ???? Who said a size 2 was fat? In North America, a size 14 is fat.

      So stop being so stupid about facts that you dont have any idea about. WTF is that? Don’t accuse people of being stupid when you are unable to use an apostrophe.

      • I didn’t come to you for an eglish lesson. I didn’t come to you at all. Just so you know, a 14 isn’t fat so maybe you should stop being so stupid about facts that YOU have no idea about. And even if a 14 was fat, then what kind of person are you to call it out? Your nobody. Your just another person on the planet. You are not any better or any less. I hate to break it to you “persistent cat”, but you dont seem to be very persistent. Your more or a hypocritical type. And one more thing, maybe you should stop accusing people of being stupid when you are the one using acronyms in a mature conversation.

    • actually, if you are very tall you can be skinny and size 14. I have a friend who is 6’2, size 14 and ribby.

      • Thank you very much for clarifying that. Some people just seem to think they can throw the word fat can be thrown around like it has no emotional being on it.

  • Jessica is getting what she deserves. Wasn’t she the one jumping around in short shorts, showing off how good she looked? Well, how many of us felt ‘fat’ comparing ourselves to her, I know I wished I looked like her and was able to wear ‘short shorts’.
    I guess it was too much work for her to keep it up, and when we saw her ‘failing’ of course we are going to delight in it- she doesn’t seem so smug anymore. I guess that’s human nature for you!