Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I Like the Hat Idea

I just think we need to take it a step further, Michael.

It should be a slightly bigger “hat.” Deeper, really. The same color as the one you’re wearing now, just, like, capable of enveloping your entire head. I guess what I have in mind is something a little like a paper bag. Yes, that’s it. There should be a paper bag over your entire head and the rest of you should be naked. And then you would be really photogenic.

Here’s Michael Phelps signing copies of the book he “wrote,” No Limits: The Will to Succeed. I think if it were titled No Pants: The Willy Succeeds it would sell better. At least to me.

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Awww… he looks like a goblin-horseman wearing a cute little hat and an outfit. I have that same kind of fuzzy feeling inside that I get when I see a puppy wearing a little coat and little shoes on it’s paws.

  • I’m getting tired of all the Phelps “bag over the face” posts, both here and elsewhere. We can’t control the faces we get unless we go under the knife, and those who don’t deserve credit for self-acceptance. We can, however, control how nice our bodies look, and his is at the top of the list. Do we all want him to start cutting on his face to look “nicer” to us?

    Let s/he who has never looked less than perfect cast the first stone. Enough of this.

  • Sue, I agree with you, but I bet he has never shed a tear over his face, and I think his ego is big enough, and I don’t think he’s any problems getting girls. So. That kind of balances out our bashing his looks. But to be fair, that’s only an assumption, not a direct quote from his diary.

  • Hee Hee! My brother pointed out that he looks exactly like McLovin and now that’s all I can see.

  • @ louise – I agree that he’s probably self-confident/arrogant enough that comments like this probably don’t matter, but that’s not the point.

    Rip on people for their clothes, makeup, hair, fatness/thinness, attitudes, behavior in public, ridiculous implants, ignorant things they say, etc…to me that’s all fair game. Those are choices that each individual made and put out there. The face one is born with is not. It can’t be changed unless it is cut on, and the results are usually worse instead of better.

    I like Michael Phelps just the way he is :)

  • @ lethermank.

    you are SO right. I will never look at him the same way again. Actually, this makes me dislike him less. McPhelps..

  • lmao @ mclovin….he does look like him….lol..thats too funny…he kinda looks like the kid that was givin all the girls the movie KIDS….anywho…

  • I just stumbled upon this website. After reading so many negative comments about Phelps face i now truly know how *shallow* so many women really are.

    Have a nice day.
