Today's Evil Beet Gossip


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  • first off all who hate pot honestly have either not tried it, or had a bad experience with it in which case your fucking stupid, a paranoid fuck, a dickcheese, or str8 cocksmoker. Weed is a universal healing substance it make’s everything better, it makes life better… i made 12k a month and I’ve smoke pot EVERYDAY of my life since 20 years ago when i was 15. DIDN’T KNOW SHE SMOKED DOPE!!! now I know shes fucking awesome.

    • HELL YEaa! i agree witth “fuck you weed is the best thing in the world at this point in earths evolution”
      weed is what makes the world go ’round!

    • WOW!!!!!!!!Fuck u weed is the best thing in the world at this point in worlds evolution,how could u think pot is good for u u dumbfuck!!!!Its used for medical problems sometimes but smokin it everyday is just fuckin stupid!!!!U’ll die earlier!!!!Geese!!!!And losers only smoke pot!!!!Trailer fuckin trash!!!!!I didnt know that she was that fucked up!!!!And your just a stupid fuckin pot head!!!O ya and thats elegal dumbass bitch!!!!!!!!!!

  • dam she look good smoking that shit weed is so good if you never tryed it you are missing something big fuck you all who hates weed you know what i am going to smoke weed tonight so see you losers latter

    P.S: 420 baby woooooooooooooo

  • this is for both kristen and fuck you weed is the best thing in the world at this point in earths evolution. You retards!!!!! i wont be suprised you end up dead by the age of 50 or even younger!!!!!!!

  • Hahaha ok first of all those who have tried weed shouldn’t say shit about those who haven’t done it. People hate it because of what it does to the human body. Those who don’t smoke it are smart, but still I don’t give a shit whether or not Kristen smokes dope because its her life her decisions. So the people freaking about it should just get over it. So many people do it, half my friends do I don’t really like it, but who really cares, do what you want in life. You can’t change someones mind, its their choice, you just gotta learn to live with it

    • Man i totally disagree with you ok first kristen was my idol untill i saw this i live above the influence and i think smoking dope and weed and all that crap makes you stupid so all you young kids and old ones too i guess you will never get anywhere in life if you do drugs believe me my dads dead because of drugs….yea they might make you feel good but they are just messing you up but hey if you want to be some hobo on the streets be my guest :)

      • well, there’s your problem danya, you think you’re above people just because your brain washed ass thinks people who smoke marijuana are just stupid. exactly how many ‘bad’ decisions do you do on a daily basis?

        do you masturbate? if so, then apparently you’re the fucking devil with hairy palms or you already have a life sentence in hell waiting for you…then again, that WAS the case over a hundred years ago. its through ignorance you place your contempt for anyone who is different than you.

        you will be surprised to hear the older you get, the more and more you will hate people because the older you are, the more bullshit you have to witness like your dumb ass ranting how you’re better than people.

        don’t think of leaving some kind of come back, know the facts before you make up your mind, after all, the ones who tried to make sure marijuana was forever banned were also the ones who are ok with cigarette companies killing off hundreds of thousand’s of its civilians just for a buck. just watch, in a matter of years marijuana will be legalized federally, and only because the government could make a profit if they taxed it the way they did cigs and booze.

  • Hahahaha this is some funny shit. I have absolutly no prob with weed at all and sure ill light up in brod daylight. but then again im not a fucking movie star. what a dumb ass hahaha smoke inside good god

    • Smoking weed doesnt give u fucking lung cancer. do ur fucking research idiot. Weed is better for you and smoking ciggs. and drinking. No one has ever died from weed. its impossible to overdose. and the only time your lungs go bas is if you smoke everyday ALLLL day. like you never put down ur bowl. so maybe you should learn about it…and try it. u wont be such a tight ass about shit.

  • She’s a great actress, smoking weed is kinda making me like her less, but i mean who cares?
    Besides, betcha there are lots of other celebrities doing it…

  • She looks like a normal person! Its so fucking ridiculous when people bash celebs. cuz they dress normal. they dont have to always be in designer clothes. they are human to. If you have a prob. with it then dont look at the fucking pictures. and instead go dress urself up nice to make u feel better.

  • oh yea! and weed fucking rocks! dont knock it untill you have tried it.
    her choice is what she choses to do, and if she’s causin no harm,
    it shouldn’t bother you.
    Your choice is who you chose to be, and we dont have a prob. with that. Weed has never hurt anyone.
    Herb the gift, from the Earth,
    and what’s from the earth is of the greatest worth.

    • ben harper baby! and whoever said they cant wait for all of “us” (as in pot smokers) to die of lung cancer can lick my moldy shit cause ive been smoking god’s plant for a decade and my doc says im healthier than most people my age. so fuck off. weed doesnt kill people. mexicans with guns selling weed kill people. GROW YOUR OWN!

  • highly disturbing….every day you smoke you take a day off of your life and why the hell would i want to try pot!!!i get high on life and my own success…..and i HAVE success because i dont do drugs and all that crap…..i’d rather be completely pure and not rely on anything to make me feel loopy. pot has brainwashed all of you into thinking its the best fucking shit in the world…..when really, you’ve all lost yourself.

    • WOW people are FUCKING stupid.

      First of all, most of the “non-smokers” on here can’t even spell, complete a sentence, or use proper grammar. So obviously weed does not affect intelligence whatsoever.

      Second of all, you are thinking of the effect of cigarettes, not marijuana, which is not harmful to your health and does not take days off your life.

      Third of all, you can still be successful even if you smoke pot. That has nothing to do with success, MOTIVATION and an individual’s actions lead to success. You can smoke pot and still be motivated.

      It scares me how many ignorant people there are out there…

  • so fuck kristen smokes but theres no need in going promoting it. i suffer from panic attacks when people mention drugs nver mind if i went near them. and all you people who use them, are the reason for it. anybody who is badly on drugs like smoking everyday or who sells them, well i hope youse all die tomorrow, i dont give a shit at how nasty that is. youse need to sort your life out end of. i never will try it ever just because idiots say its good shit. so what if you have tried it or do it every now and then, whatever get over it. but theres no need in bagheads. get a fucking life.

  • i agree with fuck you druggies. i dont know why shes doing it, shes got a decent career and everything. shes just fucking her life up and making people like her less.

  • Alright. Those of you who are too fucking superior to try weed, please, tell me what it does to our bodies? Cause as far as I know, it’s used for medical purposes. My best friends dad is PRESCRIBED it. They’re going to prescribe something THAT deadly to someone with a very serious illness? Okay, thanks for proving your ignorance.

  • Yeah…they prescribe weed for medical purposes. You know what else they prescribe for medical purposes? Oxycontin. Does that mean it’s not dangerous? No…you can easily OD on oxycontin so that was a dumb argument. I’m not saying weed is harmful…I’m just saying it’s overrated. I used to be really bad into drugs, but I was lucky enough to get pulled out. Now I have God and drugs have NOTHING on him. When you get high…you eventually come down and then you need to get high again. You always need more, more, more! But God can give you the satisfaction you have been searching for. He is the only thing that can make us feel whole. Take it from one who has experience with this. I have been on both sides of the fence and I

    • well just how people have to keep smoking to be high. you have to keep praying to be righteous. make better arguments. God also said all seed bearing plants i give to you. well gee, how the hell do you think a marijuana plant grows? every drug you’ve done with the exception of pot got you into a drug problem.

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