Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Congrats to Ashlee and Pete!!!

They are now the proud parents of a baby boy, whom they’ve named Bronx Mowgli Wentz.

I actually think Bronx is kind of a cool baby name. The Jolie-Pitts must be freakin’ pissed, though. That’s probably what they were going to go with for their next boy. I mean, how many names ending with X are there, anyway?

The only Mowgli I can think of is the kid from the Jungle Book. No idea why they went with that name, but I’m sure they’ll explain it eventually.

Bronx was born 7 lbs., 11 oz., and was 20 1/2 inches long.

34 CommentsLeave a comment

  • god, i read ‘bronx mowgli wentz’ and thought you were making a joke about celebrities giving their kids ridiculous names. so i scrolled down and…

    sadly, no :(

  • There isn’t a lot of flow to that name. Though it will be good for when he’s in trouble and his caretaker (mother/father/candlestickmaker) has to shriek his full name out with careful enunciation.

  • that is a terrible name…BMW initials?? ugh.
    bronx is stupid & contrived & could be cool if they were naming a pit bull & not a baby. they are trying to be cool & failing miserably…all at the expense of their child.

  • I thought Mowgli was the character in the gremlins you weren’t supposed to feed after midnight. thanks for clearing it up, now I know it is a kid from the jungle, and Bronx, wow, he should totally be eff’d up before he starts school. Poor kid. Bummer. Stoopid names. Just stoopid.

  • I agree with Gia, ridiculously stupid name. It’s a child, not an attitude.

    Sigh, I wish Hank Moody had of beaten him up.

  • Born on my birthday, lucky duck. Unfortunate about the name. I’m a strong believer in names equalling personality. They’ve just resigned their kid to being a druggie/jazz dancer. I don’t know whats worse.

  • Wow…name your kid after a borough of NY…how unique!
    umm…didn’t Posh and Becks have a kid named Brooklyn???
    I think I will name my first born “Staten Island”…hopefully the kid’s ass doesn’t stink as bad as that place does!
    Oh the humanity!!!

  • Unfortunately, at this point for celebrities to be really “different” or “edgy” with name choices, they’d have to go with Mary or Joe. I want to like Bronx but it’s just too dumb. Kingston grew on me but Zuma has no chance. I used to go to Zuma Beach all the time as a kid. It’s a cool beach but not a cool name. I’m sure The Bronx is lovely but it’s a dumb name too.

  • anon…parts of the bronx could be considered “lovely”, maybe by a stretch…but most of the bronx is a friggin’ armpit. do you think ash and petey concieved the child in the south bronx? doubt it…

  • Beet…how about the name FAD-DOX for the Jolie-Pitts…because designer babies are such a fad right now…

  • I think Mogwai would have been better than Mowgli. How lame. Might as well have given him the first name Bagheera or Balou.

  • actually…if you live there…you probably don’t notice it…but try driving over the Verrazano in the summer…hello STINK! Isn’t S.I. built on a landfill????

  • dont name ur child after a place in NY if ur not from New York when was the last time these two posers went to The Bronx

  • I think I’m the only person on the planet who likes his name. Can’t wait until tomorrow, when PWentz starts compulsively posting pictures on his blog.

  • Oh, and congratulations to the happy couple. I’m sure the kid will have loads of…um…talent (?).

    I’ll bet Grand-Papa Joe has already offered to represent him.

  • Bronx Wentz sounds like someone coughing. Maybe the “Mowgli” part is just a joke, to get people talking? Maybe they’ll call him “Bro-Mo.” Ugh.

  • Haha Bronx Wentz does sound like someone coughing. Mowgli is an effing Disney character that runs around the Jungle in a loincloth and talks to animals. What an inspiring image to name your first born son after. Why not just name him Manhattan Tarzan Wentz? Same effect, really.

  • – Drawing a mouse as a cartoon character?
    The price of a No. 2 pencil and some paper.
    – Building a theme park where all your cartoon characters come alive?
    17,000,000 dollars.
    – Get a rock star and his celebrity wife to name their kid after a cartoon character?

    How much do you think Disney paid them?

  • Bronx Wentz just doesnt sound right. They can name their kid whatever they want, but its obvious they were trying to go for something cool or unique, and failed along the way.

  • back to the gym / lipo for her then, so she can carry on being a famous well respected singer *cough* and i guess the grandparents can do a realtiy show with the baby? oh joy.

  • Lol @ jgirl. I’m going to have twins and name them Staten and Isla to follow suit on the NY name themes.

    At first, I thought I read “Bronx Mogwai Wentz” and I was like, “Yes!! I love Gremlins too!” But then I re-read Mowgli Wentz… Mowgli? Eww. And Bronx looks better on paper rather than spoken.

  • No flow at all. Your mouth has to come to a full stop between each name.
    And I agree that you are not allowed to name your child after a place unless that place has something to do with you. Otherwise, you just seem like a poseur.
