Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Joys of Motherhood

Gwen Stefani holds a screaming Kingston in one arm and newborn Zuma in the other (covered completely in a blanket) as she and her family make their way through LAX, returning from a vacation in Cabo San Lucas.

The swarm of paparazzi was so intense, Gwen had to get a police escort out of the building.

I don’t envy her right now.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Poor little guy…those photos should be ashamed, really. They really don’t have to be so close with the lenses being so strong…why do they get all up in the celeb’s space? At least have some respect for the little ones.

    That boy is a cutie pie…but isn’t he a little old for the pacifier thing? To each his own, I know, but I would think that it would affect his teeth at this point.

    They seem like such a normal family, or as normal as you can be in their world. Seem like doting parents and obviously that kid one happy little guy. Niiiice.

  • WTF!? Gavin! Nanny! Eve! Somebody!

    what the fuck is with these stars and the carryin’ all the goddamn babies in both hands?!

    see angelina! you and your damn trend-starting!

    1st she came out with the big lips (even though hers r natural), all the biters got collagen…then the supermom thing carrying the kids in both arms…now EVEEEERYBODY’S doing it.

    sheesh! would everybody get off her dick already…it’s corny.

  • You can see the tension in her face even though she’s composed. I would be fighting the urge to scream “Get away from my kid!!!!” if I were in her position. It has to be hard. I get freaked out when strangers pat my daughter on the head in the store.

  • There really need to be some laws enacted about how close photographers can get to people and be snapping away in their faces. If you watch TMZ footage of paps flashing 20 cameras all six inches from Britney’s face the second she gets out of her car and tried to go get a coffee you don’t wonder anymore why the girl went off the deep end. I would too. Okay, I sing songs! Whoopee! Get the F out of my face already!

    Just because these people are paid to entertain us, does not strip them of any and all rights to privacy or personal space and I don’t understand why there still aren’t stricter guidelines about how invasive these people are allowed to be. It’s interesting how parasites have evolved to hold digital cameras.

  • i agree. the current video of lindsay and samro is disgusting. they say celebrities sign up for this when they step into the spotlight, but i agree that there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed. if a celeb is at a hot spot or out on the street screaming racial slurs, take their picture and slap it on every cover page around. but leave the babies alone! seeing the paps climbing trees to get britney and her kids at the pumpkin patch is another example.

  • @rhon Carrying both kids is a safety precaution. Kingston is at the age where kids occassionally dart, and it’s easier to keep your grip on them. TRust me, you can have 3 kids, carry 2 and still have a grip on the third (picture 2 months, 21 months, and 40 months)