Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Baby Gymnastics: Is This Shiz for Real?

In the absence of actual celebrity gossip in the week preceding, well, arguably the most important Presidential election in American history, the Internet is all abuzz over this viral video of a man swinging a small baby around a room. In fairness, the baby doesn’t seem much to mind. Is this real? Or CGI-style?

41 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Oh my god…This video is so wrong. Seriously, someone just walked by and said “is that doll?”. Who is this crazy guy, and why isn’t he in jail for child abuse? The end was the hardest to watch when he was flipping the baby’s arms around and around…it didn’t look natural. I still can’t believe what I just watched.

  • I dont know, if its some CGI junk or not, by the looks of things it seems pretty real. I sure as hell hope it isnt though. Guy needs to look a little more into how those movements affect their joint and bone growth, assuming he does this quite often based on how ‘good’ he is at it..

    Guy should be educated, kid should be taken away.

  • who knows if it’s real but if it is somebody will be knocking on his door telling him to knock it off before he pulls an arm out of a socket or worse!

  • Notice you never clearly see the father’s or the baby’s face….

    I think this just another clip from the Mini-me/Renae Freaky Circus Sex Porn scandal.

    …you can’t fool me!

  • wtf! i can’t believe i just watched that. i think the “child” might just be a shaved monkey…

  • OMG this is wrong on so many levels! Is this guy insane! I am so mad I am shaking! He could have easily let go of that baby and sent if fly into a wall or something, or he could have pulled it arm or hip out of socket. The baby should be taken way form him! He should not be left a lone with babies they aren’t toys!

  • I’m furious, too. My heart is thumping like crazy right now, I could NOT watch the rest of it, had to stop it halfway through. Yes, folks, that IS real. That is real. That man is disgusting and needs to be brought up on serious charges of child endangerment and abuse. Oh, my god I am so livind I can barely breathe right now. I need to take a break from the computer for a sec, walk around or something.

  • I don’t think this was real because wouldn’t that baby have thrown up at the end… I mean I don’t know much about babies but don’t they throw up easily. This is just strange and disturbing.

  • Bean Says:

    October 30th, 2008 at 1:33 pm
    If that was real, the baby would have thrown up on him a LONG time ago.

    Unless of course this has been going for some time and the baby is some what used to this…although at the end the baby is still spinning and it’s clear to see.

  • i really really hope it’s not real
    but the end makes it seem so
    very very disturbing
    i’m so sorry i watched it

  • this is really wrong. atleast wait a couple of years for your kid to grow up before trying to make him/her an olympian gymnast! I mean babies are fragile, you can’t just swing them around like that for three minutes and think it’s OK!
    and around 2:14 he has problems grabbing the leg and he could have easily dropped the baby.
    not ok, not ok. I feel sick.

    I hope it’s fake. I really really really do.

  • i couldnt watch all of it….we’ll find out if the baby was real when we see on the news FUCK-NUT ARRESTED FOR FUCKING SHENANNIGANS

  • I gasped, literally GASPED, when I saw this. I’ve worked in daycare for fifteen years. A few years ago, the brother of one of our clients had a baby who died from shaken baby syndrome, for pulling shit exactly like this. He was throwing the baby in the air, flipping her around, tossing her by her arms. His excuse was that it was fun, and the baby laughed. That he didn’t know that babies were too fragile for a little bit of ‘horse playing’.

    Jesus. I agree — I’m sorry I watched this.

  • real or fake the guy is a fucking psycho. This vid. will give other nuts ideas. this made me fucking sick. FUCKING SICK.

  • I hate this! I hope it’s a doll – it’s so easy to dislocate a baby’s shoulder. I hope some nut-at-home doesn’t try this on his child.

  • The thing is, even if it turns out to be a fake, this kind of thing on youtube just enourages more dumbfucks to actually “try this at home” themselves, for real, you know? Oh how this shit infuriates me!!!

  • I’m with snowblood, even if this is fake, it’s fucking dangerous.

    And even if it’s fake, it made me sick to watch it.

  • i think putting it on youtube will encourage someone to turn him in, for SURE, or the police to find out who it is and see if it is legit or not.

  • Elbow dislocation (nurse maid’s elbow) is really common and easy to do (Try holding a toddler’s hand as they drop to the floor!) Its impossible to do that.

  • Its fake, they blended it with great animation and its a real baby in the end and beginning. We all know a child would easily die from that. Lets be reasonable…

    And if somehow it is real, let that man burn in hell.

  • Let him burn in hell anyway, for making this video in the first place to give the fucktards of the youtube viewing world sick ideas to try this on their own baby, for REAL.

  • OMG Beet… I don’t know if this is real, but i sure hope it’s not.. Though, i’d like somebody to beat the shit outta this asshole even if the video is not real.. I mean, who in the right mind would make a video like this? real or fake, it’s just not ok.. And if the baby is real, i really think somebody should be calling the police on this mofo..

  • omgggggggggggggggg this is man out of his mind!!!!! the baby looks real! i sure hope its not real, and if it is..its just crazy and he needs to be turned in to cops..that man could have really sent the baby flying if he let go!! people are effin crazy these days!

  • I think this is real unfortunately, I’ve seen a disturbingly similar scene in the documentary “Strongest girl in the world” (yes it’s on youtube).

  • I dont think its real starts off with a baby crawling but when he starts swinging the baby it just looks really fake

    plus there are turns that the baby makes that are impossible without breaking and or pulling his arm out just watch it very closely i truly think its CGI for the most part but i could be wrong