Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Listen, You All Can Have Heart Attacks in the Comments …

… but Raven-Symone needs to lose some fucking weight.

I’m sorry.

She’s 22 years old now. She has fully surrendered any immunity she had by being a child. Homegirl is huge and I will point it out if I want to. She was never a tiny adult, and that’s fine, but she’s ballooned recently, and is now treading dangerously close to the territory of obesity. Obesity is not healthy.

Raven, you are a grown woman and a role model for countless young children who are already at a high risk for obesity. Pull your shit together and get to a healthy weight.

And I know you guys are going to jump on me in the comments, but look at it this way: Everyone is so quick to criticize Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears and Paris Hilton when they go out and snort lines and do shots and drive drunk and otherwise engage in reckless, self-indulgent behavior that is widely recognized by medical science to be dangerous. “What a terrible role model,” we all say. “How awful!”

While I don’t expect everyone in Hollywood to be at Karen Carpenter BMIs, Raven’s weight is also the result of reckless, self-indulgent behavior that is widely recognized by medical science to be dangerous. The whole country insists Lindsay Lohan drag her ass to AA meetings. Why don’t we also clamor for the Ravens of the world to put in a half-hearted appearance at OA? Why is it that overuse of alcohol and drugs is fodder for such social scorn while pointing out the overuse of food is practically treated as hate speech these days?

I’m just saying.

At the premiere of Tinker Bell in LA.

152 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I personally have always had an issue with her eyebrows. Every since the Cosby Show…those things just scare me. They’re just so oddly shaped….
    As for her weight…I’m about the same size as her…but I’m 31 and just had a baby 4 weeks ago. So yeah. I can sorta see your point.

  • She is NO where near being OBESE you fucking idiot cunt. I will NEVER look at your fucking STUPID website again.
    and then people wonder why stars become FUCKING ANOREXIC!

  • Yeah, sorry, as someone who has lived an active, healthy lifestyle her whole life, and still gained 25 pounds as a result of medication I had to be on, I don’t agree with you, Beet. Weight gain and obesity are not always the result of reckless behavior. They’re not even always the result of eating more and exercising less. If only it were that simple…I have no idea what Raven-Symone’s lifestyle entails, but I am not going to jump to conclusions about it.

  • She looks like the Jolly Green Giant in that shot. True, what is offlimits on this… there was an article somewhere a few months ago where she threw a diva-fit over her fashion line geared to larger sized women. Maybe Mr. Cosby can talk to her.

  • How do you know she isn’t taking a medication that has caused her to gain weight or it isn’t her thyroid? Don’t jump to conclusions with out all the facts.

  • I think her weight is why her career has tanked lately. She was not in the latest (ugh) Cheetah Girls movie. What has she done lately?

  • Helga:::::: the CORRECT way to criticize

    Bean::::::: the INCORRECT way to criticize. You sound like a bigger douche than you claim Beet to be.

  • I think she is clearly not a skinney minney but you think “she is now treading dangerously close to the territory of obesity.”
    In these pics her arms look pretty chunky but the rest of her just doesn’t look almost obese to me.

  • There is a big differences between driving drunk and over-eating.

    And, my feeling is that if Lohan or Hilton want to drink or drug it up, that’s their prerogative. They’re not good role models even when they’re sober.

  • I could care less about her weight. Perhaps Evil Beet has some weight issues too?

    It just seems you’re allways pointing out how skinny or over weight someone is. The finger you point is pointing back at you. Just saying….

  • She is definately not obese. No where near. She is overweight. And also I’d like to point out, as a medical fact, that someone who is overweight who is fit and has a good lifestyle is much much more healthy than a thin person who never excercises. Don’t jump to conclusions.

  • People who are jumping down Beet’s throat are a little immature. Can you not see that Raven Symone is ridiculously overweight. YES it is in fact CORRECT she is borderline obese. Someone of that age does not look healthy. For all we know we might not even be excercising which I really doubt that she is… because when people put effort into going to the gym, you can see it. ( just depends how dedicated you are)

  • Beet, I think I have figured this out. Your readers are allowed to call people fat, i.e., Jessica Simpson, but YOU are not allowed. That makes you a c*nt. Puhleease people, some of you need to grow up.

  • OK that dress is hideous. That can be an issue we can all concede.
    As for her weight.. yes, it is true that she is overweight, but in this dress I just can’t get an accurate picture. She has always been a little ‘squishy’ but I agree with Beet that she doesn’t look healthy.
    Although, going as far as to say that she is in the same category with Lindsay Lohan et al is a little extreme. Do you guys remember that she was actualy going to LIVE with Lindsey Lohan at one point, so we should just be thankful that she isn’t addicted to heavy drugs either.

  • Honestly, she’s probably already treaded into ‘obese’ territory. A BMI of 30 looks thinner than that on most people. It’s not an issue of being mean or anything vain- the fact is, she is NOT healthy at that weight and should really try to lose some. Even 10% of your body weight lost has drastic effects on positive health outcomes in most people. Love you Beet!

  • I don’t think she is “obese”.
    It’s one thing to talk about someone’s bad habits and bad choices, but when we don’t know the cause for her weight and what her overall health is – I just don’t think its anyone’s place to say.
    This is such an obnoxious obsession: stick-thin figures are being told to “eat a burger”, while overweight women are being told “pull your shit together”.

    Teach your children that perfection does not exist, to play outside, to eat their veggies and fruits and to find role models in people that they can touch.

  • I think the drunk driving/drugs thing is a bad analogy.

    A GOOD analogy would be to the public’s eagerness to attack Hollywood starlets for being too skinny. We could compare this post one (of many) imploring Keira Knightley to eat a sandwich.

    Personally, I think both ideas are a waste of time. Everyone is shaped differently. A person’s health is their own business. End of story.

  • Yeah – I definitely think you hit a nerve with certain people here… perhaps too close to home.

    I agree with you Beet. I moved from the suburbs where her weight would be normal to a city where a lot more people walk, bike, hike, and enjoy real food in reasonable amounts. I’ve become much more critical of people who carry a lot of weight if they are not suffering from type of thyroid/health problem. I agree we need to be sensitive to that type of concern, but it’s typically rare.

    As a Hollywood celebrity, I believe Raven Symone would use her celebrity power to publicly exempt herself from harsh accusations and judgements about her weight while bringing attention to a physical disorder/ disease blah blah blah. If she hasn’t, it’s not unnatural to assume that yes, she falls out of the healty category and is prob. unhealthy for a 22 year old girl who prob. hasn’t given birth.

    Queen Latifah, though she could lose a little weight, carries that weight well. Raven doesn’t look like she is meant to be that heavy. Just some thoughts.

  • I may be wrong , but I think a breast reduction would change her over-all ‘large’ image. From the side view, the rest of her does not look ‘obese’ to me. She’s not rail thin, that’s for sure. Compared to someone like Nicole Ritchie, she is huge, but then I’m sure most of us would be.

  • I don’t think she looks horrible overall but then again I tend to lean towards people who are ‘normal’ sized, like Queen Latifah or Jennifer Hudson as opposed to the super skinny ones.

    I would say that she could probably lose a few pounds and get toned, only because she’s so young and it would be healthier for her overall.

    She is in the public eye and so she has a lot more to account for. Sucks but she did choose it.

  • What the people who are yelling that she’s isn’t obese seem to be missing is that Americans have a very warped sense of what normal weight is. A very large portion of American’s are overweight and unhealthy, yet we idolize skinny women (also unhealthy). From the pictures Beet has posted on this site I’d say she is a healthy weight, and she is still trying to better herself by working out and dieting. And before you all start screaming that I must have weight issues I’ll have you know that at 5’7″ I’m a health 130.

  • In my opinion, obese wouldn’t be the best word to describe her weight. shes on the big side, so what? and assuming she takes drugs, binge drinks, and partys hard like other celebrity makes little sense. how would you know what she does or how she acts when shes not in front of a camera? obviously, unless you just so happened to be at a wild party she attended and seen her ”reckless” behavior firsthand, you wouldn’t know. and even if you did, its not your right or anyone else’s for that matter to judge. you bash others for criticize stars like paris and lindsay. . . meanwhile your doing the same thing.

  • wow guys……….
    you all are idiots.
    Raven is fairly short *googles it* she is 5’3

    thats short guys.

    for her height, she is most certainly obese. ask a doctor dumbasses.
    it all has to do with where you carry your weight.

    she is a big girl, and you guys should know that, unless you all have lived the last 10 years of your life blindfolded to her giant ass.

    she has gained alot of weight, but she isn’t a little girl roll model…..she never has been. she isn’t hannah mon-fucking-tana……… her show is aimed at older girls anyway.

    so really, who gives a shit?

    if she wants to die of a heart attack at 25, thats her choice!

  • you are right Beet , she looks like a fat ass jelly bean, I guess Jelly Beans got her into thid trouble in the first place!!

  • Jessica, what does her height have to do with it? It’s not like we have a number to go by for her weight, just a picture.

    I’m not saying she looks healthy, but if we’re gonna call people idiots, lets have our argument make some sense.

  • Not that anyone will actually read my opinion but yeah, her weight has gone critivally up in a small amount of time, yet I find her a healtier role model than Lindsay or Brit Brit. If this is the size she chose to have, then she should maintain this size. If she is out of control and wishes to be thinner, then yeah. She should loose the weight. Don’t talk shit about her, saying that she’s a jelly bean and stuff, she’s a young woman and us discussing her weight issues on the world wide web is probably not superfun.

  • Seriously, we’re so fucking obsessed with weight, if she had bones protruding from her body, Beet MIGHT call that unhealthy, but since Raven has a little bit of fat on her body she’s all the sudden border-line obese?? I think Beet has major issues with weight and needs to be shown the difference between what’s obese and whats fucking healthy and normal. Get a fucking grip…

  • Sorry but the stars who prance around driving drunk and practising other forms of reckless behaviour are a DANGER and threat to my life. Raven having slower metabolism/eating more/weird genes doesn’t risk any harm to me. Which is why I’m not gonna give some poor girl a hard time about not looking the way you want her to. Especially since we don’t know what is preventing her from looking like a fucking emaciated twig.
    I don’t know what point you were trying to make, Beet, but I think you were really out of line. Why the fuck do you care anyway~ there are tons of girls three times the size of Raven and I kind of have to applaud Raven for staying semi-relevant even though she’s ~~~~OMG MORBIDLY OBESE~~~~
    Not that I even like Raven, but whatever..

  • ok, it’s fine to make fun of people and stuff, since you’re a celeb gossip blogger, I’m OKAY with that, but unless you’re an actual doctor that has examined her, lay off with the diagnoses. I don’t care if it’s Raven, claiming she’s obese, or if it’s Nicky Hilton, claiming she’s anorexic.
    if you are a doctor, or have a degree in nutrition, fine! But it is JUST AS DANGEROUS to say someone is obese when in fact, they aren’t. Because girls, women will compare themselves to her and think that they are obese when in fact, they are not.

  • Oh, and I just noticed Kevin Smith. As a young man in an impressionable position as director, he should take better care of himself. he is OBESE!!

    seriously though, he’s way bigger than Raven.

  • Harsh much? Homegirl just needs to work out! Some girls are blessed, and some aren’t, and those of us who aren’t just have to work a little harder.

  • for you to say that she is as guilty as those fake hookers who are out underage drinking and probably doing drugs, because she is overweight, is stupid.

  • I’ve always thought she needed to lose weight. :( I’m glad someone finally has the nerve to say it so blatantly, though. :) Thanks.

  • What a fascinating insight into your psyche, Beet. It would never have occurred to me that you would do anything less than point out what ever you want to.

    Raven has always been top heavy, but I think it might be overstating the situation to accuse her of reckless, self-indulgent behavior because she has large breasts. The rest of her body just isn’t that big.

    Sure, she could lose a few pounds, but I don’t understand the need to judge her and call her names. Obesity and/or near obesity is a complex medical issue, and to talk of it as if it were a moral failing is inappropriate.

    As for Lindsay, etc., I was not aware that the entire country wants her to go to AA meetings. In my world, the person who is most concerned with whether or not Lindsay is drinking or doing drugs would be you, Beet, presumably because it makes good fodder for your gossip blog.

  • I would say she is borderline obese and i understand your comparison. She needs to get healthy and people do need to speak out against obesity as it is a reckless behavior towards our health and future and our country has a very high level of it.

  • I agree with the majority. She does not look obese. Even if she is, though, there could be medical or psychological reasons why she doesn’t lose weight. Not all obese people are lazy, overeating slobs. Someone who drinks is potentially putting other people’s lives in danger if she decides to take a joyride in her car. Someone who overeats (if we ASSume she overeats) only does a disservice to herself. Bad analogy.

  • I agree with Beet. I worked on the first Cheetah Girls movie, and at 17 that girl was pretty much eating anything that wasn’t nailed down. So, while it may be fair to say that the weight gain is a medical problem, I think its unlikely. And as for they eyebrows – she draws those on (that was for ‘Ugh”)

  • Shes fat; she needs to lose weight. She always has been on the larger side, but shes starting to put her health at risk. And how much do you want to bet that everyone that posted saying how horrible beet is and insaulting her… theyre probably larger than Raven. Just get over it and stop being a lazy, fat person!

  • I’m with you all the way, beet. She’s not a whale, but I noticed it on the last few episodes of her show.

  • First, I lost a little respect for your opinions today beet. As a fellow “well endowed” female, natural DD’s, they add the apperance of some weight, Raven also has broad shoulders, she is top heavy, if she carried that extra mass in her ass/hips she might look like Bionce. To assume all people who are over weight are unhealthy or unhappy or have some self controle problems is also an uneducated assumption. Some “”overweigt” people live well into their 90’s, live active and happy lifestyles. To add to that some men are very attracted to women her shape. In fact I think most men prefere a women with bigger, rounder “assests” and a little extra elsewhere to skinny flat chested or flat assed bone thin girls. Raven may be very happy, healthy and appriciated just the way she is. Thats what I am trying to say, but Beet this post does show you in a bad light.

  • Wow, I really can’t believe that beet compared being overweight to being a drunken cokewhore. While she very well may eat more than the average person, her being overweight could be linked to a variety of reasons. It could be because of a medication, obesity could run in her family, and yes, she may not exercise as much as she needs to…. but to compare her eating habits to the drinking/partying habits of people like Lohan and Hilton is just too much of a stretch. That’s like saying that every cheeseburger that she eats without exercising the calories off is the same as snorting a line… a little dramatic, don’t you think?

  • I bet ten bucks that all the people who freaked the fuck out are fatter than raven symone is and can’t take the fact that if beet is calling her obese than that means people perceive them as being big fucking fat asses.

    …bet you.

  • Ok look, guys. Raven, in all likelihood, does not have a medical disease which makes her gain weight. She probably just eats a lot. It happens. It happens to me all the time. But I don’t say, oh no, I’m a normal American–Normal Americans are fat. The average woman in America wears a size 12.

    I’m not saying everyone has to be a size two (I was a size 18 in high school and am now a size 9) but it is not healthy to be overweight. A normal weight for Raven is probably 120-130 if she’s about 5’6, like me. She’s chubby. Face it.

  • This could have been avoided if she just had a decently fitting dress instead of that lettuce toga get-up.

    hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.

    i always have. regardless of how fat or skinny she is.

    but, all that aside … perhaps it was just a poor choice of dress? that monstrosity is FUG beyond belief, and clearly unflattering.

    …. i don’t believe i am defending raven. I HATE HER!!!!!!!

  • I actually have a bit of a different perspective. As a sugar addict, I only wish my addiction was treated as seriously as a drug or alcohol addiction. Since I gave up sugar and flour, I cannot tell you how many people have tried to get me to “give in” to some temptation. I blogged about this awhile back and realized that society isn’t going to take food addiction as seriously because you can’t get behind the wheel of a car and kill someone after eating a donut.

  • Amen to that.
    People she’s only 5’1
    She might not look fat to you.
    But my Little sister is taller than that and she’s 10.
    I’m not hating on her or anything but she needs to realize for her height that might not be healthy.
    If I didn’t say it before I agree 100%

  • I am sorry but it doesn’t take a MD to diagnosis that she is obese. As a former college athlete who under went three back surgeries and gained 50lbs as a result – I have first hand experience with the battle of the bulge. I am 6 ft tall and was classified as obese when I had my weight gain (the gain put me at a size 16). And it is hard to get the weight off but I’d rather a long healthy life (fitting into designer labels, lol) rather than enjoying bad food. So BEET while there are reasons for weight gains in one’s life…I agree that there is no reason to stay that way. If people choose to earn their living by being a actor/actress they are going to have their image judged and should be mindful that young viewers will want to look up to them. Raven has a real opportunity to help young girls if she can get healthy and talk to young girls about the importance of being healthy.

  • IM 5’5 118LBS, and I work to keep it that way.
    I dont sit around like Raven with a cheeseburger up my bunghole and a pizza sliding into my gaping maw daily.
    you make me fucking sick you lazy slack-jawed cow.
    SHE IS OBESE, and so are you fatty, skip a meal.

  • Beet. You make me sad. This and a previous post lead me to believe that you personally have an issue with people who are overweight (obese, fat, whatever). That means you have an issue with me, and I’ve lived my entire life having to deal with people who have an issue with me based solely on my weight. I’m not about to voluntarily add more.

    You’re funny and you’re obviously intelligent, but you have a long way to go to reach a state of acceptance with yourself that in turn allows you to accept others for just what they are. That’s not a trite statement; you write on this topic with a particular vitriol that makes it very difficult to think otherwise.

    I love your writing, but think I can probably find something else out there that doesn’t make me feel like I’m not even good enough to read it.

    Off your site, your FB, and your fan list. Damn.

  • Yo, Bean! Yeah. She *is* near obese. I’d guess she technically is. If I could be considered almost morbidly obese, according to my BMI, then yeah, so could she. The difference? I was pushing 7% body fat, thanks to a *lot* of exercise, at the time. It’s a safe bet she’s packin’ a little more than 7% body fat. Girl does need to get to a healthy weight. And just to make sure you’re aware, a healthy weight isn’t the same thing as being a size 0. She does, however, need to get to something in the vicinity of 20-25% body fat. That’ll likely get her to a healthy weight.

  • I think and (Names on the comments) are the same person… he/she was too afraid of commenting again since he/she said that wouldn’t come back,, but come on he/she would most likely do it, since it wants who (like me) gave a Fu#@ about what it said… lol

  • Rachael Says:

    October 20th, 2008 at 2:23 pm

    You’re kidding, right? Natural DD’s give the impression of the girl being heavy? That sounds like you’re blindfolding yourself. Quite often, being “top-heavy” is symptomatic of being heavier (some girls are lucky enough to be well endowed without being heavier). Symptomatic, as in a result of being heavier, not the cause of looking like you’re heavier. Seriously. Americans as a whole have very little idea of what a healthy weight looks like on a person, and yes, I’m a fan of being healthy. I know I’m not at a healthy weight anymore, and need to lose about 50 pounds. While my BMI would still be high, I’d be in pretty decent shape after losing that weight, which would account for about a 15% decrease in my body fat. And yes, someone like Keira or any of those super skinny girls can probably do with a cheeseburger or two, because there is such a thing as too skinny. If I recall correctly, something along the lines of 15-22% body fat is a pretty healthy percentage for a girl. I’m willing to bet large sums of money that Raven is closer to the 40-45% range. Some people. Blaming being busty on being fat.

  • She’s fat. Not chubby, not well-rounded, not pleasingly plump. It is unhealthy and increases her risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke. She’ll never be a size zero, she’s not made for it, but yeah, she ought to get her ass down to a size 12 or 14.

  • You know I think it’s not really that you say Raven needs to lose weight that we’re taking issue with, it’s that you say she needs to lose some fucking weight. You make it sound like “how dare she be so overweight… but I’m just worried about her health” then you invite us to criticize you for saying so as though “we” are now the bad guys. Maybe you should watch your ‘fucking’ mouth and maybe phrase things in a way that wouldn’t ‘fucking’ want to make us jump down your ‘fucking’ throat. You think?

  • seriously. the first thing i thought when i saw this picture was, DAMN she got so fat!

    cuz she did. she is so young too! it’s not that healthy to be this plump AMERICA! this is why everyone is dying so young. And it IS like being a drug addict… you carrying around all this excess weight will have so many negative repercussions on your overall health!

    ugh her body sucks. the proportion is so off.

    i don’t give a shit. she’s not 16. people who are thin get made fun of ALL THE TIME but its like okay for some reason. when you’re thin, you get really sick of people always talking about it. But, I can’t call a fat girl fat? WHATEVER

    being called fat when you’re a kid is one thing, but she is a full-fledged adult. maybe people calling her fat will help her get healthier. who knows.

    whatever. GO ON BEET. i totally agree.

    and if u people don’t think she looks obese, you may want to check your own BMIs. Being obese does not equal weighing 300 lbs. It’s not THAT FAT.

  • Word. I’m a fat chick myself, but she wears clothes that do NOT favor her tubbiness. She either needs to reign it in and go on a diet, or find a new personal shopper. (Though, she always creeps me out, anyway. Her eyebrows, her inability to act, etc.)

  • Um. Wow. By driving drunk, people can kill themselves and other people. By becoming obese, people can kill themselves.

    Sometimes you seem very, very young. Like when you suggested all Americans living under the poverty level just dropped out of highschool or failed to attend college because they were lazy.

    You should volunteer in your community. Listen to the stories. It will make you a better – and an even smarter – person.

  • Bean- yeah you’re a flaming ‘tard. A BMI of over 25 is regarded as obese. I guarantee she has a BMI of over 25 I can tell by looking at her. I’m a med student I know these things

    Secondly, if she was on meds that made her balloon, she should still be encouraged to lose weight because it’s not healthy to be be obese, or even close to it. She’ll only get bigger if she doesn’t watch herself

    Thirdly, if a ‘skinny’ girl was up here, the people defending her would be accused of having eating disorders. This girl is big. Get the fuck over it. I know better than everyone here saying she doesn’t need to lose weight. Of COURSE she does; she’s risking getting diabetes and heart disease and a lot of other serious conditions if she doesn’t. A healthy BMI is between 20 and 25 and anything above or below that is potentially dangerous

  • oh yeah. totally too- her eyebrows are ridic. what is that?

    and that dress could not be worse on her for her shape.

  • @ ew and others—

    yeah but this is article after article about anorexic girls. it’s SO acceptable to be all gross mary kate!! eat a sandwich!!!! but it’s not okay to call a fat girl fat?

    both disorders can really really affect your health.. and if you take out other things that affect other people (like driving drunk) and just think about BEING an alchie– well that’s so similar to being fat. you are making poor, unhealthy decisions that will have negative effects on you.

    whatever. If people weren’t so weird about calling out people for being fat, maybe America wouldn’t be so damn hefty.

  • Come on, the girl got huge. Disney dropped her show after they wanted her to slim down, she fought back saying what’s wrong with a full figured role model; Disney won! No show, no role model. No Cheetah Girl $$.

  • i didnt read all the comments, but raven did a myspace blog about her weight and eyebrows…

    weight-cheating boyfriend

  • lmao.. I couldn’t get thru all those posts. but damn, all the fatties came out in her defense, BEET. why is it that fat chicks try to act like they chose to be BBW’s and they’re fabulous and all this other denial crap. if you’re fat, YOUR’RE FAT.. maybe if you put the twinkes down and pick up some weights you wouldn’t have to burn calories by calling Beet a cunt. I bet even typing makes these fat chicks sweat

  • i would like to point out that she has cellulite on her arms…do you know how hard it is to have cellulite on your fucking arms…and the reason just her arms look big is because you know she has about 10 pairs of spanx on holding her gut in…you guys shouldn’t criticize Beet because at raven’s age she shouldn’t be that big and have arms that fat and flabby. and she is a role model for children and they should have truly healthy role models…not too thin but not too fat and they should be in shape and have muscles. thats what a healthy woman looks like.

  • Do you people even know the definition of obese? Look it up and you’ll see that calling her “close to the territory of obesity” is putting it mildly. The problem is many words like obese, cripple, retarded, etc. have become bad words.

    George Carlin had a brilliant bit about this:

    That being said, with most Americans being overweight, it might not be a good idea making negative comments that at least half of your readership will feel hit a little to close tome.

  • I’m fine with her weight… I’m not fine with the fact that she’s a bitch… I don’t like her, not cuz she is fat…

  • Her being overweight may not hurt you directly, but it affects any fans who see her as a role model. In the similar sense that looking up to an anorexic starlet might negatively affect the mentality, eating habits, and overall health of a young adult, especially a female, so can looking up to an overweight starlet.

    Recently, there has been this “fat pride” thing catching fire in America, and it almost says to me, It’s cool to be unhealthy, it’s cool to eat cheeseburgers chocked full of trans fats and oils and unnatural amounts of grease, and it’s okay to look like a tub of lard because you enjoy cheeseburgers so much.

    NOT okay. Web domains have taken so much care to shut down pro-anorexia sites. But no one seems to see how equally unhealthy it is to encourage the American youth to embrace a lifestyle of eating fatty, over-processed foods and sitting on the couch all day if you are overweight.

    No unhealthy habits should be encouraged, including being overweight (and underweight as well, really).

    For those railing into this website for speaking out against obesity, remember that you no longer have the right to speak out against being underweight, either.

  • – me Says:

    October 20th, 2008 at 4:14 pm
    lmao.. I couldn’t get thru all those posts. but damn, all the fatties came out in her defense, BEET. why is it that fat chicks try to act like they chose to be BBW’s and they’re fabulous and all this other denial crap. if you’re fat, YOUR’RE FAT.. maybe if you put the twinkes down and pick up some weights you wouldn’t have to burn calories by calling Beet a cunt. I bet even typing makes these fat chicks sweat


    Can someone be THAT ignorant? Sweetie, its not about being fat! Its about comparing OBESITY with DUI!

    And just because you assumed that the people who are defending Raven are fat, I’d say you are.
    (oh, and before you start calling me fat, I’m a very athletic

  • (finishing the previous post)
    – me Says:

    October 20th, 2008 at 4:14 pm
    lmao.. I couldn’t get thru all those posts. but damn, all the fatties came out in her defense, BEET. why is it that fat chicks try to act like they chose to be BBW’s and they’re fabulous and all this other denial crap. if you’re fat, YOUR’RE FAT.. maybe if you put the twinkes down and pick up some weights you wouldn’t have to burn calories by calling Beet a cunt. I bet even typing makes these fat chicks sweat


    Can someone be THAT ignorant? Sweetie, its not about being fat! Its about comparing OBESITY with DUI!

    And just because you assumed that the people who are defending Raven are fat, I’d say you are.
    (oh, and before you start calling me fat, I’m a very athletic handball player… just to you know!)

  • i think she is way to FAT and way to confortable in that dress. it doesnt suit her. In reguard to Beet’s comment about obesity.

    I can SEE where you’re getting at and she also looks short for her weigh, which means she pretty much Obese in my book.

    One question to the readers who disagree, when was the last time you went to the gym. i rest my case

  • Camera ads 10 pounds, plus we’re used to seeing skinny minnys up on parade, so she’s bound to look shockingly bigger

    Shes probably only mildly overweight.

    And in an ugly dress.

  • Why isn’t there a post about that fat bitch from Hairspray? If anyone needs to lose weight it’s her… look at her arms compared to Raven’s… Raven would look like a twig.

  • i cant say that Raven is boderline obese, bc she doesnt look it. what i can say is that she doesnt look healthy and she could hopefully find the routine she needs to get her to healthier body. what i do know, as a person who has all my life been very naturally thin, is that our society is cruel and at times extremely hypocritical of others when it comes to weight issues. i cannot count how many times in my life an overweight person has whispered about my weight in a store, called me anorexic, or looked down on me. you know what that is called? Jealousy. i agree with Beet on one thing, it is not okay for us to call people out for one thing and not another. you cannot be ordering the whole left hand side of mcdonalds menu with a diet coke and then come to call some skinny girl “sick” or “anorexic”, if they are not. anorexia is a disease that no one should be accused of having. when will it be okay for me to call some fat ass pig, a fat ass pig???? obesity is a disease also. wheres the line when it comes to weight? the answer is: people should mind their own business. if you want to be fat and happy and possibly unhealthy, then you go ahead and do your thing boo-boo. if you want to live your life in a gym, good for you, do what makes you happy.

  • BEET! BEET!! FOLLOW UP!! She wrote a blog about her crunk eyebrows and about being a fatty!!! GET ON THAT SHIT!!!!!

  • dlisted did a post on it…. I think Raven reads Evilbeet!

    and yeah, if you are gaining a shit ton of weight because you’re ‘stressed out’ and your ‘bf cheated on you’…… UM UNHEALTHY.

    so hush up, you thyroid people! she is just fat from eaaaaating

  • hahaha. i agree with you 100% beet. honestly, anyone who says she isnt fat, and is calling you names and shit is obviously overweight, or struggling with weight themselves. Back the fuck off. Those of you who are trying to defend raven. You are the reason obesity even exists in this country. get off your lazy asses, and go work the fuck out. its not that fucking hard. OR just go cram another dognut in your mouth and gain another 15 pounds and continue to defend the fat people of america. over 60% of americans are obese. and you all are the reason why.
    I agee. raven needs to work the fuck out.

  • Really, beet – you quit your job as a software engineer to make petty comments on 20 year olds’ physical appearances? i’m sure she is unaware that she is not looking her best. Anyway, the important thing is you have found your niche. Oprah would be proud

  • PS for her to meet the medical definition of obesity for her height (5′ 3″) whe would have to be 180 lbs, which she clearly is not

  • raven’s a big girl, but she doesn’t look obese, yet. maybe she should tone up her arms, and wear a more flattering dress

  • People that think she is a “healthy” weight need to get a reality check. That is not a healthy weight. Maybe if she lost about 10-15 pounds would equal to a healthy weight.

    Beet is absolutely right.

    And I dont think super skinny girls like Nicky Hilton or Lindsay Lohan are healthy. They look disgusting.

    Why is that so hard for you people to admit that Raven is over a healthy weight? Maybe if you stop eating all those cheeseburgers, you’d stop being in denial.

  • OK, well here’s an actual doctor “weighing” in on this subject to shut you all up. She’s overweight. She’s short and clearly over 150lbs making her OVERWEIGHT.. not obese. Oh and FYI, “bad genes/throid problems” are just an excuse that people use to make themselves a victim in the situation, to remove themselves from fault. A genetic predisposition to gain weight does not mean that you will automatically end up obese. It means that you may need to exert more effort to maintain a healthy weight (ie: healthy eating and exercise). “Thyroid problems” are only ever a problem if untreated and in a case of hypothyroidism she would have been treated because side effects are substantial (extreme fatigue). Once on a treatment like thyroxin her levels would normalize and she would be fine and able to maintain a healthy weight like anyone else.

  • whatever, she is not at the level that is medically clearly unhealthy, clearly “obese”. Do I think she looks great? no. Would I freak out and start working out at that weight, especially as an actess, yes. But this whole (somewhat legitimate) rationale of associating weight with bad health (again, not at this weight unless we are all circus people and can say she weighs over 180) just allows people to make mean comments and associate weight with laziness, etc. I think far more celebrites smoke and tan and get away with it although those are clearly horrible for health, and in the case of tanning, have nothing to do with self-discipline

  • I’m about Raven’s height. I used to be about her size. And I was OBESE. My knees hurt and my back ached, and when I would lie down, I’d feel like I was choking- at that weight. Yeah, I got fat genes from my parents. But I got vegetables and a gym membership from myself, and I no longer look like Raven.

  • actually, if she is 5’2” 1/2, like I keep reading everywhere, she’d only have to be like 167 or so to be considered obese… just a BMI of over 30. I swear to god, she has to be over this. my good friend is pretty short, like 5’2” and weighs 160ish… and looks WAY thinner than Raven

    I like how the “actual doctor” first spelled thyroid wrong… hehehe

  • Raven is overweight, but not obese. If that’s how she wants to look, I guess that’s her decision.

    On a different note, Raven’s show is annoying as hell. What is up with the outfits she wears…bedazzled denim pantsuits haven’t been fashionable in YEARS…if ever.

  • Wow Beet, you were not kidding……..I think right now there were about 107 comments and I am sure there will be more.

    I have been reading your blog for a while and have never seen this many comments on any post! Is this the most ever?

  • Remember back when everyone would argue on your political posts? Those comments were way enjoyable to read. These comments? Not so much. The girl’s fat, end of story.

  • schmillian:
    Do a site search for “John and Kate” and you’ll get your answer. Just be prepared to turn off your brain if you dare to wade into the comments.

  • I lliked that comment so im going to re-post it and hope that people actually READ it instead of commenting braindead shit like “omg lolz” or “omgomgomgomg you are fat, your mom is fat and your dad is fat LOL”. when you, infact know nothing about me or the other who’s commented.

    A different point of view does not make you fat. Period.

  • I don’t think she is “obese”.

    It’s one thing to talk about someone’s bad habits and bad choices, but when we don’t know the cause for her weight and what her overall health is – I just don’t think its anyone’s place to say.
    This is such an obnoxious obsession: stick-thin figures are being told to “eat a burger”, while overweight women are being told “pull your shit together”.

    Teach your children that perfection does not exist, to play outside, to eat their veggies and fruits and to find role models in people that they can touch.

  • Holy shit! All these comments just for Ravyn Whatsername, ’cause she got called out for being borderline obese? Which she is? Good grief, some people are miiiighty sensitive and touchy about fatness. I mean, calling this blog’s writer a “cunt” for coming out and quite bluntly speaking the frank truth, is laughable and pathetic. Put down the “C” word, you hyper-sensitive fatties. The girl IS overweight, and she DOES look borderline obese, and that is NOT healthy, nor is it O.K., much like starving oneself or living off diet pills or turning yourself into a bulimic to be rail-thin is NOT O.K. Yeah, it’s fine to harp endlessly and at great length on all the skinny celebrities out there, but god fucking forbid any one of us ever pipe up and call an obviously fat girl “fat.” What?? Double standards make my blood boil.

    I’m just bowled over by the ferocity and the seething bitterness of some of the comments here in response to a frank statement of simple, obvious truth. The young lady is well overweight, in other words, FAT. And not in an appealing or attractive way. This goes beyond “thick,” there, Ravyn.

  • Don’t worry Beet, most of them are probably just bitter since they’re even bigger than her :P
    She is definitely fat, end of.

  • She is not obese.

    It is one thing to talk about someone’s bad habits and bad choices, but when we don’t know the cause for her weight and what her overall health is – I just don’t think its anyone’s place to say.
    This is such an obnoxious obsession: stick-thin figures are being told to “eat a burger”, while overweight women are being told “pull your shit together”.

    Teach your children that perfection does not exist, to play outside, to eat their veggies and fruits and to find role models in people that they can touch.

  • i think if youre going to attack someone for being fat, it should be the women who are insanely obese but parading around the “big is beautiful” mantra. Someone like Monique, because that’s just unhealthy. Yes, she is overweight, but i agree that until you understand why, it’s not right to judge. There are numerous medical excuses for gaining weight. That makes your drug comparison kind of weak, because there’s no medical excuse for binging on coke.
    For someone complaining about their round tummy, i’d think you’d be a bit more understanding of someone who has a hard to change body type. Some people work out and diet, and still can’t get to be thin. It’s just who they are. I’m not saying she is dieting or whatever, but unless you’ve seen her sit on her ass all day, you don’t either.
    And if you want to voice your concern over how large she is, it shouldn’t be a personal attack, and mean spirited. You wouldn’t attack a drug addict because of your concern, would you? Because with the way you handle your concern of her weight gain, i’d hate to see you at any intervention. Just saying.

  • One thing ihere is obvious to me. Calling someone fat will get you an intense amount of of comments on your blog. Duly noted.

    I’m just saying.

  • I love how judgemental we all are deep inside.

    Seriously, who gives a shit. Everyone is fat. And the ones who aren’t are skinny. I really don’t think Raven should be subjected to such harsh criticism… “Oh she is obligated to lose wait, she is a role model.”

    Let’s go into every elementary school across the world and fire all the teachers who have unhealthy BMIs since clearly they are bad role models for our children. Right.

    News flash, we live in a big bad world full of lots of scary shit and bad influences and you know what? The size of Raven’s ass really doesn’t rank high on my list of things to be concerned about.

    Not a single one of us is justified in getting up on our high horse and judging her like this. Her body is hers and if she wants to lose or gain weight that’s her prerogative and her business.

    Maybe we should all take a second to reflect on ourselves. Just sayin’.

  • @hr

    Actually, she’d have to weight 170 to be obese (30.1 BMI, where 30+ is obese), and my wife got up to 170 when she was pregnant, and, even figuring the camera adds pounds, Raven looks a *lot* bigger than my wife when she was pregnant.

    And people, I know we’re all harping on BMI, myself included, but let’s also remember healthy and fit people can have wacky BMIs due to how much muscle mass they have. Girl needs to cut down her body fat. I don’t care what she weighs, just get into decent shape.

  • And before anyone says anything about how I must be skinny to be so happily commenting that I think Raven needs to lose weight, I’m well aware I need to shed some pounds, but even getting down to 225, which is my goal, my BMI would say that I’m obese, but I’d probably be in the neighborhood of 25% body fat, which isn’t great, but is reasonably fit. But hey, I’ve lost 10 pounds in the past 10 weeks, just be eating smarter. It’s not that hard to go for medium fries instead of super sizing them, or skipping that 44 ounce soda, and drinking tea or water instead. That’s all I’ve done. I’ve got two young kids (both are still toddlers), a wife, and a full-time job, and after work, I don’t have time to do much besides get my girls fed, bathed and in bed. If I can do it, she sure as hell can.

  • Driving drunk causes unsuspecting and innocent families to be murdered. Being obese doesn’t harm anyone else but yourself. Big difference.

  • Beet, what you said was quite right.

    I hate how everyone is so quick to jump on girls who lose weight, but tread a lot softer on commenting on someone who is overweight.

    Both are unhealthy, and that’s the bottom line.

  • Aw man. I used to like swinging by this sight occasionally. Judging her health based on her appearance? What are you her doctor? OMG How DARE a role model be…average sized. Equating eating with coke and drunk driving? Seriously?

    This post makes you sound ignorant and hateful and that’s too bad.

    • She’s not average-sized, silly! That’s the whole point. She appears to be unhealthy, though we don’t know.

    Sorry to the others who are saying: “shes not fucking obese”…etc. But comon, she cannot commit herself to a gym membership, or go for a jog in the morning? Theres no excuse for that weight. Yeah, I think all the people commenting about her being skinny, are probably quite fat themselves because comon, theres no excuse, they should get a gym memership too.

  • oh, wow. what an original and enlightened thought, evil beet! wow, how compassionate of you to think of all the girls out there who are being brainwashed into thinking that they DON”T need a stick figure.

    UGHHHHHHHH. this kind of shit disgusts me so much.


    i know you have been fed all of the usual fat-hatred propaganda that has led you to this ignorant statement you have made. seriously, you need to know that it is propaganda and you have bought right in. you have been brainwashed.


    are you out of your mind? do you think that shit is healthy? do not be ignnorant. EDUCATE yourself on this issue because all of the studies right now that are not sponsored by the diet industry are telling us that you can absolutely be overweight and healthy- it depends on your lifestyle habits, NOT your pounds.

    please, for the love of god, and all of humanity, educate yourselves:

    An article from Scientific American:

  • Wow! Kind of harsh. It’s your blog and you can say as many ‘mean’ things as you would like, but your really channeling Perez on this post.

  • She’s obese people…and the people on here that say she isnt are probably fatter than she is and take offense. Get a grip….she’s a role model in the spotlight and while she doesnt need to get down to a single digit size…she still needs to promote heathier living. End of story.

  • hello raven you have relly let your self go . and not to be rude but i went to your concert and you looked skinny but know you look like A BIG FAT ASS PIG YOU FAGET BLOWHOLE

  • She needs to lose weight! sh elooks 50 pounds over weight, which means that she is obese! I have suffered from a weight problem for 5 years, I was 60 ounds over weight after I graduated from college! I dedicated mself to complete health and a high fiber diet! I went for a 16 to a 7 people in 9 months! It’s very possible for her to change her life around. i still prefer to those nasty yound girls in hollywood at the moment because she’s not nasty with it! I think she is very pretty, but she could do something about her weight! i had my son two years ago, and I was back to 7 in 6 months!

  • I think the point is..
    She’s obviously a bit overweight, and the fact that she’s in the public eye means that to some extent she’s a role model for other people. All those chicks who are stick thin are doing just as much damage to the kids who look up to them. These two issues are EXACTLY THE SAME.
    However. I think it’s questionnable as to whether this woman would be labelled ‘obese’ if she wasn’t a celebrity, if she was just a plain old 22 year old living her life. She’s not hugely obese. She’s not a healthy weight. She’s not perfect. And until she is, she is going to get slated for being a poor role model to others. And I think that is something celebrities learn to take in their stride when they choose to be in the public eye.
    Let’s just hope – if she really is unhealthy – that she gets her act together. For her own sake as much as anyone else’s

  • Well the dress is inflattering which makes her look wider and makes here head look small. I’m just proud of her for not getting prego yet or getting a bunch of DUI’s.

  • i love u raven and i am happy to see a normal person in hollywood in front of those cameras, u know a normal person, thats y i love her. Who cant respect that, thats fine. Y’all need to check yourselves and watch ur outter appearance. RAVEN SYMONE is one of the most beautiful persons alive, inside and out. All haters kiss ravens ass and your mammas ass

  • Raven might be a role model to girls everywhere, but she’s just as much as a role model to them, as the other “bigger” woman out there. So before you jump down her throat about not looking like she can fit into a size 3, tell all those other women snacking on a BigMac.
    Raven is gorgeous, and it’s hard to just set aside time to lose weight to make someone else happy.

  • I just lost 80 pounds to meet with what the world thinks is thin and in. I am madly in love with Raven and always have been. She is still a queen in my book.

  • Ok people seriously? You have no lives or what? It doesn’t matter what Raven looks like, that’s her business and she can treat her body however she wants, if she dies it’s her own fault, has nothing to do with you. And just to add into the numbers drama I’m 5 10 and 130 pounds, it’s not enormous people defending her, I’m not saying I’m a stick but I’m not huge either.

    Bottom line, people are all different, that’s the way God made everyone and that’s just how Raven is, there doesn’t have to be an explanation even if there probably is no one but her knows it.

  • I think everyone is so quick to criticize Lindsay, Britney and Paris when they go out and snort lines, do shots, drive drunk and otherwise engage in reckless, self-indulgent behavior and yet ignore Raven’s reckless self-indulgent over eating habits because what Lindsay, Britney and Paris do can directly affect others and a change in their habits could make instant change take place. Most of their habits of acting reckless is seen by people to be stupid behavior that is easy to avoid.

    As for Raven, sure you raise a good point that she is making a “terrible role model”, but where her behavior differs is that what she does will only directly affect her. Sure, indirectly someone could gain negative influence from her behavior, but directly not too much harm is done if any. Another reason people don’t look at Raven’s behavior the same way, is because for an over-weight person, losing weight is work. You can’t just decide to stop eating one day and receive an immediate about face. I think people sympathize with that.

    I suspect to some degree, women might come down harder on Lindsay, Britney and Paris because of some element of their own jealously. I know in my past if I had a really pretty girlfriend, I’d hear women mumble “slut” under their breath as she walked by. They would know nothing about her and yet make quick judgement. As for Raven, I suspect women don’t attack her nearly as much, because she makes them feel better about being lazy and reckless with their own eating habits.

    In todays world it seems like women have excuses for lots of things. If they over eat and get lazy, they blame their obesity on child birth, age or some medical condition. If they let a daycare raise their child, they blame ADHD or XYZ or ABC on why their child has no discipline. Not every problem can be solved with a pill and sometimes a person needs to be held accountable for his or her own behavior. For example if it’s so true that women eat like a mouse and still gain weight, why is it that there were no obese concentration camp survivors? Just FOOD for thought.

  • whatever people, atleast she is smilling and enjoying her life.
    keep your comments to your selves, look at your self first before judging other people. by the way who are you to judge?

  • do you think she cares what your insignificant ass thinks about her? while you blog from your basement apartment, she’s living large and enjoying her life being a hpt plus size beauty who some of us find a refreshing breath of fresh air. so carry on hating, drink up all that haterade. You simply don’t matter and probably never will

  • hey!!
    STOP writing negsative things about Raven’s weigt!
    nobody is perfect (respect that) and wrigting bad things about peoples weight is very bad.I don’t want to be mean but you are very RUDE and i’m not saynig it becus it’s true.
    Careful about wat you write on internett :(((

    Dont like this website ;((