Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Is Totally Drinking Again

Try to make sense of this entry on her MySpace blog, posted eeeeeeeearly Friday morning:

all grown up and .. an outsider for some nights..

all grown up and .. an outsider for some nights..
How does it feel to be an outsider?….behind the scenes type of feeling.
Picture this in your head, if you’re willing to focus for a second my friends ;)
Washington, D.C.- you’re probably thinking that you are going to a monument of some sort… well, you’re highly wrong loves….
Washington, D.C.-you’re in a club, you are here for support for someone that you care for very much, VERY MUCH.. But, you’re here just to chill and support, not to be seen and heard… Not to be on display in the dj booth…or to feel as if you are in a cage at the Bronx Zoo…
Do you see what i am getting at???
Alright, so i am literally sitting in the dj booth at a club in Washington, D.C. where Samantha is djing and they have a computer at the back of the booth, which i am on right now..
aside from the fact that she is an amazing dj and i am having a nice time, the glass mirror placed to my left to hide me from photos (literally) is making it all a bit uncomfortable!!!

This blog isn’t really intended to mean much, it’s just something to let people into my life-kind of a blog to let people know that i am working hard and i go out when samantha is working because she’s pretty great to hear and i love to be around her and her energy as much as possible.

Sitting here makes me think about the fact that if Sarah Palin was in office, and living in Washington.. On a “slow” night, she would probably be dressing as one of the gossip girls or tina fey to try and “be cool” enough to get into this club.

I guess me thinking, and blogging about her gives her more attention and credit than she actually deserves.. but as Madonna says. “Express Yourself”

so…. i will
now and forever
be blessed
xx L

Uh, yeah.

This is the nonsensical weirdness that spews from Lindsay Lohan’s mind right onto the Internet … when she’s drunk.

Her blog entries make sense when she’s sober.

I’m just saying.

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