Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Most Famous Plumber in the World!!!

Meet Joe the Plumber, the man made an unwitting international superstar on Wednesday night during the Presidential debates. This is the discussion that McCain was referring to all night. (That is, when he wasn’t referring to his evil nemesis, The Planetarium.)

Expect this guy to be interviewed by everybody over the next week.

He’ll make so much in interview fees he’ll wind up getting screwed by Obama’s tax plans whether or not he buys that plumbing business!

So if Joe the Plumber is a real dude, who is Joe Six-Pack? And could somebody please clarify for me if Joe Six-Pack has a six-pack of beer or, like, really great abs?

71 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Obama was a bit rattled, but he handled it well. Its tough to meet and greet those that dont agree with you. But he explained why so well, its just common sense.

  • Poor Joe the plumber doesn’t want to pay his taxes. How can he ever afford his third property in Florida? Oh noooos!

  • So yeah dickhead you will have to pay a little more to help the less fortunate. Poor baby.

  • I love it! That was fascinating to watch, thanks for the clip, Beet. God, while I was watching the debate tonight, after the third time McCain said the words “Joe the Plumber” I knew that plumber-guy was gonna be talked about like mad as soon as the debate wrapped. I bet that guy gets all kinds of talk-show invites and interview offers after this! Joe the freakin’ Plumber…

  • That was really interesting to watch. Come to think of it, when politicians do town hall meetings, it would be cool to see them have conversations with people, instead of answering a question here and a question there. The guy really pressed Obama and Obama handled it well.

    He just gained some more of my respect. I like the way he threw in the “trickle up theory”.

  • Here’s the problem…the income is taken from the top line.

    So say Joe’s plumbing business makes 265K

    He has two employees that he pays 50K, plus a salary for himself of 60K

    That leaves him with 105K for operating expenses. Which might be enough except 39% of 265K is 103.35K. So he actually has $1650 for his expenses all year. Even IF he cuts his salary as the President, CEO and liability holder down to 50K he doesn’t have enough with just 11K to run his business. This doesn’t count any health care either, with is probably mandated if he hires union workers. Doesn’t count union dues which he has to pay as the business owner. So yeah, making an excellent salary of 50K – which is about $16/hr if you assume 60 hrs/wk – to run a business that after you pay your taxes may end up putting $100 in the bank sounds great. He couldn’t buy a condo in Florida on that, he couldn’t even rent one for a night.

  • Joe the plumber is an asshole. FYI, the Plumber’s and Pipefitters Union ENDORSES Obama. Just an FYI and yes Joe, you may have to “struggle” to live on $250k a year.

  • so let me get this straight – he’s only going to get his taxes raised on the amount OVER $250K – which he said is approx. $28K. The tax rate for amount over $250K is 36% right now, and it’s going up to 39%. That means 3% on $28K which is a whopping $840. He’s complaining about $840? That would be covered by one house call on a Sunday – which is when everyone’s plumbing takes a dump, so to speak ;)

  • I believe what he said was that the company makes a little over 250k. But maybe he still has to pay employees after that.It is a little harsh to call someone an asshole when he has worked very hard for his money. He’s not exactly rich. Also of course the union is for Obama. He is a Chicago democrat after all.

  • Another thing I think people need to keep in mind… Living on the coasts gives one a skewed sense of just how far $250,000 goes in the middle of the country. Someone making $250,000 dollars in Ohio is doing far, far better than someone making $250,000 in say… NY/NJ.

    It IS all about helping out people who are not doing as well as ourselves… Not to mention that it honestly sounds as though that $840 dollars he loses in income tax will be made up on the back end through tax credits and the elimination of his capital gains taxes.

    People need to put things in perspective and look at the whole picture rather than focusing on one tiny PART of the picture.

    I think Obama did well in explaining himself to someone who seemed obviously confrontational (and really, borderline disrespectful).

  • Why, Holly, is it Joe’s problem to take care of other people? It is NOT his responsibility to spread his own wealth!

    And if I hear one more person whining about how Obama isn’t ‘respected enough!!! ARGH!! He put himself out there in the public eye and by G-d if he gets slighted or ‘disrespected’ then so be it – he’s got a thick skin, he’s a politicain for pete’s sake. The people being disrespected are the ones who are going to be taxed out the ass so Obama can spread the wealth to the poor masses.

  • @ Eyes of Green. Actually, I DO believe that as citizens of the WORLD, it IS our responsibility to take care of people who have less than we do… It IS our responsibility to put out our hand and help. So perhaps that’s just a difference of opinion… I think that as you and I sit here, concerning ourselves with “celebrity” gossip, there are people that do not have the luxury of a reliable source of FOOD, let alone high speed internet and a computer to access it.

    Additionally, I think when you are so quick to put the label of “politician” on someone, you forget that they are, in fact, also a person… Everyone deserves to be spoken to with respect… even if they have a different opinion than you do. I guess what I was saying… Put yourself in the same position… Perhaps you’ve been there before? Someone approaches you and confronts you… It’s hard to keep your head about you… Obama seemed to and I was just saying, “Well done with that.”

  • Joe’s a real guy? i thought joe was simply the average joe on the street. Next he tell us he talked to jane the hairdresser…but am pretty sure he’ll be refering to the plain jane.

  • Thanks to DailyKos we now know that it turns out Joe is really Sam, doesn’t have a plumbing license and was nabbed for tax evasion. Not to mention being related to Charles Keating’s son-in-law. Heckuva job, Rovey.

  • Holly – first, are you a US citizen? If so, then that is your first allegiance. I know Obama has his followers feeling all warm and squishy about being ‘citizens of the World’ but we are citizens of the United States first and foremost…I am all for saving the world, however, I would rather do it from donations of my money than having it forcefully taken from me. I think I know better how to spend my own money. Maybe I would want it to go to the organazation that Beet was raising money for, and not to maybe fund some pork barrel project or go to a welfare pool to care for people who would rather draw food stamps than get a job. And please, don’t anyone say that there are NOT people like that, I’ve seen them with my own eyes.

    Secondly, lest we forget, Obama IS a politician, so that is not some lable I’m just slapping around willy nilly. He’s been one for quite some time. Yes, EVERYONE deserves to be spoken to with respect. So let’s get some of that respect spread around to both sides of the campaign, shall we? I’ve seen very few left-leaning people on here being respectful of McCain or Palin. Yes, Obama did very well, he is a very smooth, cold, well trained politician. He also did not please Joe the Plumber with his response. And I wish people would wake up and smell the s o c i a l i s t agenda here.

  • @Eyes of Green. So we should all keep all of our money and dole it out for those programs we see fit to “donate” to?

  • i thought obama did a great job with that guy. and i didn’t think joe was even “borderline” disrespectful… i don’t know why anyone would say that.

  • @ Lib –

    No, my thought would be tax everyone at a flat rate, say 12 percent and then you’d still get more out of the rich and less out of the poor but one specific group would not be targeted because they are seen as ‘better off’. When you start trying to make everyone on the same level socially and economically, don’t we all start becoming robots? If everyone you knew all made 50,000 a year, regardless of what they did, wouldn’t that take away your drive to succeed? If you could work at the grocer’s checking groceries and make 50K or be an astronaut with a degree and years of military service and make 50K, some people would take the lazy road. It’s human nature. But the person who has the drive in them to excel in life and then they are punished by getting screwed with some huge tax hit, it may just compel people to move somewhere else. And if we lost all our inventors, innovators, big business, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and so on, it would be a dark day for our country.

  • According to public records, Mr. Wurzelbacher has been subject to two liens, each over $1,000, one of which — a personal tax lien — is still outstanding. Turns out that “Joe the Plumber,” as he became nationally known when Senator John McCain made him a theme at Wednesday night’s third and final presidential debate, may run a plumbing business but he is not a licensed plumber. His full name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. And he owes a bit in back taxes. The premise of his question to Mr. Obama about taxes may also be flawed, according to tax analysts.

    An official at Local 50 of the plumber’s union, based in Toledo, said Mr. Wurzelbacher does not hold a license. He also has never served an apprenticeship and does not belong to the union. (The national plumber’s union, the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Mechanics, endorsed Mr. Obama, it should be noted.)

    “He’s basically playing games with the world,” Thomas Joseph, the local’s business manager, said in a telephone interview Thursday morning.

    And his question to Mr. Obama about paying taxes? According to some tax analysts, if Mr. Wurzelbacher’s gross receipts from his business is $250,000 — and not his taxable income — then he would not have to pay higher taxes under Mr. Obama’s plan, and probably would be eligible for a tax cut.

  • Seriously????? Now we are going to dig up dirt on an American citizen who had the brass balls to question the Messiah??? Really??? Is this how we excercise our freedom of speech? He had every right in the world to ask that question. This man will get run out of town now by the insane people who feel he has no right to ask a question and then question why this plan is bad for America.

    Who cares what his past is? HE is not running for office!

  • Silly Republican…that’ll teach you to ask questions. Just let us take over now and everything will be alllll better.

  • He has the right to ask questions, I have my right to speak my opinion, we all have the right to public information on the web. Messiah? No. Best choice for president? Yes.

  • Really, because your opinion there sounds like you cut and paste it from some blog or ‘news’ story…

    And Mr. Wurzelbacher has his Right to Privacy. Whether it be accessable by public records or not, why would this be important to anyone? What does his not having a plumbing license have to do with the election?

  • Yes it was a cut and paste. I thought it was interesting and thought others may find it interesting as well.

    I see you like to argue. I don’t really have time today. People have different opinions. Writing long ass dissertations isn’t going to change people minds.

  • I’m not trying to change minds. I’m just interested in how the liberal mind functions.

    And since I argue for a living, yeah, you’re so right. I think I was actually just asking questions and responding in turn.

  • MissChessecake2008
    so you work your ass off for years
    you pay God only knows how much to educate yourself and your family so they can be successful and wealthy
    and now you’re forced to spend all your hard earned money, not on your enjoyment, your children, or your own health, but on lazy people across America so THEIR kids can go to college and have $200 shoes…. i think not
    it’s funny how you libs are all about change yet refuse to hear a different side of any story
    also, you seem to feel its your business to pick people apart, but the second we ask a hard hitting questions to obama, a man who CHOSE to put himself in the public eye, and you’re all dying
    eyes of green, you are the only person who’s comments i can stomach any more

  • @ Eyes of Green and everyone else here who doesn’t think they should be helping out their neighbors.

    Are they not also US citizens? Shouldn’t the goal to be to level the playing field, so that your fellow American citizens can also enjoy having a roof over their heads, food on the table, clean clothes to send their kids to school in? Shouldn’t you be concerned about making sure children are getting the best education possible? So they can shape the future with the best tools possible?
    That the old lady down the street can afford her arthritis medicine? ?

    Or do you want to continue to hoard your so called hard earned money, and live beyond your means?

    Oh I forgot, as long as you have your grande non fat latte then you don’t give a fuck about anything else.

    That attitude is what turns so many non Americans against your country and culture. You barge in with your idea of whats right and whats wrong, but you can’t see the forest for the trees. That really puts people off you know.

  • hilary- uh how much education is involved in becoming a plumber? it’s not like the dude had to go to med school. and he, apparently, is not even licensed. I’m just sayin’. “you pay God knows how much to educate yourself”—- that is specifically what I am responding to. I am not trying to pay that plumbers are stupid or anything. I’m just saying…… what are you talking about?

    and what do you have against poor kids? you think people shouldn’t have the opportunity to go to college unless they were lucky enough to be born into wealthy families?

    i don’t really understand why this story is so big.

    where are you getting this weird $200 shoes thing? Can I apply for that? Because I would love some expensive ass shoes. Is that where you think tax money goes?

    and to Eyes of Green- please do not pretend to be SHOCKED that people are looking into his background. like this wouldn’t have happened if this story involved McCain and not Obama. Oh f*cking please. Both sides do shit like this. It’s just silly to deny it. Neither party is clean.

    and people are picking apart every little thing they can about EVERYTHING. hello, like Obama’s neighbor when he was 8? I mean, come on. This happens everywhere. Like you are so f*cking shocked.

  • its funny how i know of people who are on food stamps but they wear more expensive shoes than i own. so no, our taxes do not buy expensive shoes[i, too, would apply] but they do buy food for people who are too immature to get their priorities straight enough to buy food for their fams instead of material things
    and as far as the education comment–
    1. i was referring to any and all Americans who work hard for their money and are forced to share it
    2.plumbers DO INDEED go to school. it may not cost as much as a state university or ivy league but its school and its money and that’s that… it’s ignorant of seem people to deny that.
    3.i was referring to families like mine who do have educations and have to pay taxes to support the freakin’ world
    both parties have their dirty moments… it’s not that looking back into all that is dirty. the point we are trying to make is that looking into john McCain or obama’s backgrounds…. that’s fine
    looking into a random citizen of the us who asked some smart questions…. totally pointless and obnoxious and unfair

    also, i have nothing against poor kids
    in fact, i have many many friends who live in the projects.
    however, their parents work their asses off to get them everything in the world they deserve… therefore, i don’t mind ever helping them with anything
    however, i have class mates who live in the projects with a totally different story… aka–i wish i had as much free time as their parents do
    it must be nice

  • man you sure know a lot of people who live “in the projects.”

    I didn’t say that they don’t go to school (although, sometimes they don’t- they may just apprentice or something). OBVIOUSLY there is learning involved in the trade. but again, it’s not as intensive as, example, being a doctor or lawyer.

    oh and my friend (Nate) is a plumber. and didn’t go to school for it at all (his father was a plumber, so just taught him). so yeah. I’m not being ignorant. You just don’t always have to attend school for such trades. whereas one would HAVE to go to school to become a doctor. you can’t just “learn” from someone and open up your own practice. you NEED a degree…….

    ok, so you don’t mind helping out people who live “in the projects” who “work their asses off,” but clearly do not want to help those that live in the same area and don’t try. correct? but what about their children? Is it the kids’ fault if their poor parents are lazy, or just unlucky? should we just shun these children, and make sure that they themselves never have a chance of a better (or at least more financially secure) life?

    most people work hard for their money. we are all forced to “share” it with taxes… just like we all benefit from government programs at one time or another.

    and fyi, you (seem to be) the one with the struggling friends, not me. Isn’t it a bit ironic that I seem more open to helping your friends than you do?


  • that was in response to donkey punches or w/e
    to that lisa–i have three or four friends who live in the government housing and quite a few CLASS MATES was the word i used
    however, i keep coming back to the way those class mates spend the money they do have and they way they act at school, their sense of entitlement…. you see, lessons are taught far beyond the extent of “feed me so i can survive…”
    they expect grades to be given out, they expect people to ignore the fact that they steal or lie, they want to stand in the streets all night acting trashy but be treated “equally”

  • generalizing will only hurt your argument.

    you know 3 or 4 poor people who are bad. that must be what all poor people are like.

    (that would be like me saying, I know this one ridiculous Republican chick who posts stupid shit on blogs. That must mean all Republicans are idiots)<<< something I do not believe.

    so then our buddies with the expensive shoes…. you are just assuming that they get food stamps? or you know? I don’t really understand; it doesn’t seem like a topic that would come up with mere acquaintances. and their shoes… do they just look expensive? how do you know?

    how much do both of us wish you hadn’t said anything about shoes, by now?

    and again, these people are not your friends, yet you know what they want and what they expect, etc. you know what they do all night long. are you like a spy? or maybe even God?

  • A few things on this topic, since I am jumping in late:

    First, common_sense, the tax is on revenues. Revenues are what is left AFTER expenses are deducted from gross income. So for 95% of small businesses, after all of the items you mentioned like payroll, operating expenses, etc. are removed from gross income, they net less than $250k. Your breakdown is illogical or inappropriate because you were considering the tax on gross profit, not revenues.

    Now, for those businesses that net over 250k they will be taxed at the increased rate of 39% ONLY for the income exceeding 250k. So, like someone else mentioned, if they net 265k, they pay an extra $450, which is a pittance. Not to mention the deletion of the capital gains tax, which is a tax on the sale at a profit of assets or equity in a business – like the sale of stocks – with which he could come out far better.

    After reading a bit about Joe, I don’t think that he has the business sense to know whether or not he will benefit from this proposed tax plan. I will just assume at this stage that his question was hypothetical (since he only made 40k last year and would GREATLY benefit from the tax plan). Let’s say he asked the question for the sake of those who actually DO make money, Obama gave a clearly defined answer.

    And Hilary – at this stage of our economic downturn, you can bet that those lining up for governmental aid won’t be the same stock as your acquaintances. They will be PROUD taxpayers who have worked hard and paid their unemployment, federal and state taxes for years and will now, sadly, have to take advantage of the system that they have been paying into. With the number of layoffs, the unemployment rate skyrocketing, and the cost of food soaring, it’s no longer the designer-shoe-wearing, lobster-on-food-stamp buying, lazy stereotype collecting on social programs. It will be 15-20 year veterans of auto plants, construction companies, and other respected workers that will need these services to feed their families. If you can’t bring yourself to pay the extra 3% (assuming you even make that much) to help the foundation of our country in a dire time like we are facing, then God save you when you need help.

  • If liberals ruled the world no one man would have sight, since it’s not ‘fair’ that some people are born blind. The liberal principle “Thou shalt steal from thy neighbor” is on full display these days in Obama’s dumb principles. The man is an idiot wrapped in an ignoramus wrapped in a Euro-trash suit.

    Obama can’t win without his Chi-town vote fraud squad.

  • OR…

    If scary over zealous republicans ruled the world, they would have probably just ignored or killed blind people. “Man, I mean, I WAS BORN WITH SIGHT. I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE LAZY, STUPID BLIND PEOPLE. WHY WON’T THEY JUST SEE ALREADY?!!??? GOD. What, you want a seeing eye dog now? UGH. And you want it to BEEP at places where you cross the street, just so you don’t get run over?!?!? GOD. WHY DON’T YOU JUST SEE ALREADY?!?!?! I CAN SEE JUST FINE. IT MUST BE YOUR FAULT THAT YOU CAN’T SEE. I WAS BORN INTO A FAMILY THAT HAS BEEN SEEING JUST FINE BY THEMSELVES FOR YEARS, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.”

  • or crazy people in general. i shouldn’t say repubs. or maybe i should just say if AlmostChosen ruled……. aw f it

  • @ purple – actually, it’s a venti triple latte with a splenda. now that that is out of the way –
    let me tell you a little something about ME. I am a single mother with a teenager and a pre teen. I support them alone, as their father is one of the lazy Americans who thinks the world owes HIM a living, and he jumps from job to job as soon as the child support garnishment catches up with him. I have a stellar job, I make very good money, and I thank God for that – NOT the gov’t. Since I have this great income, I am able to provide for my children and I don’t have to rely on anyone or any entity to help me. Now, if I get taxed more to help someone ELSE’s family, how is that fair to me? This means that my children will suffer. I did not give birth to the millions of people out there, they are not my responsibility. And I think that is what it all boils down to here – personal accountability. Being Responsible for your own destiny. I’m sorry that people do not understand that concept, it’s a rather old one. Like if you don’t work – you don’t eat. I happily help out the less fortunate – I have a friend who is dying of liver cancer and she has 4 kids and I help her financially as often as possible. I give to the food bank. My daughter organized a food drive for the community ministry center. We give to many charities. And we are involved with an animal shelter adoption program. So don’t tell me I don’t give a fuck, kay? I do not live beyond my means, in fact, I am one of the few Americans who does not own a credit card – if I cannot pay for it with cash, I do not need it. I do not think that leveling the playing field is a realistic plan. I think it cheats people and it takes away an incintive to succeed. All men are created equal and they all have the same opportunities. Sometimes you have to actually get up and go find them.

  • Eyes of Green,

    I appreciate your passion and all the hard work you do to take care of your kids. My family is extremely frugal. My husband is still wearing clothes he wore in high school, 20 years ago.

    But, to say that we all have the same opportunities is being naive. I think there ARE opportunities out there for everyone, but the opportunities are not created equal. I’ve seen first hand racism and sexism in hiring. I’ve also seen first hand the networking that goes on among the privileged. I guess that’s their form of affirmative action.

    I guess we have a difference in philosophy. I believe that being part of a civilization means taking care of those who have trouble taking care of themselves. Of course, that will include people who are lazy and who take advantage, but that’s just a fraction.

    There are people on both ends of the economic ladder who take advantage of the system. When a person on welfare buys a pair of expensive shoes, we are out $120 or so. When corporations cook their books, take shortcuts, screw over their employees, cheat on their taxes, that has a much greater effect on all of us.

    Private charities are wonderful, but there is no reason to believe that they will be funded well enough. They also will not be funded in equal measures.

  • @ Eyes of Green….Slpenda is very bad for you hunny! You should try to go with no sweetener at all, your body will love you for that.
    I’m a single mother as well, well was, now my son is with my parents because I got really fucked up after I walked in on his father with another girl. He pulled the same shit after as your kids dad did. Took off, would either not work, or work just long enough to get one pay check then quitting. Anyway after almost three years of that I literately went bonkers, and that’s why he’s with my mom now. So, yes I know what your saying, and I do agree it’s not fair to have to support everyone else who “just don’t feel like working”, but some of those people can’t work, like I couldn’t. I was no longer a functioning person, I couldn’t even look after myself.
    So thank you everyone who pays taxes, without those I wouldn’t have been able to get help, to get a counselor, to afford therapy sessions.
    Mind you taxing people more, will also encourage our government to waste that money more. And that is not fair to anybody.

    Eyes, You make some really good points, I’m sorry if I insulted you.
    I might not agree with everything you say, but I do respect your points.

  • @ purple – lol! I do need to go with no sweetner, I learned a few months ago I have become diabetic (after having gestational diabetes w/both my pregnancies). So if I’m grumpy, it’s because my body has turned on me. :)

    I’m sorry to hear about your problems – for some reason Men, not all of them but a lot of them, are just pigs. I do not understand why a parent would not want to support their child! And there is a special place in hell for the ones who cheat!! (yeah, I had that experience too…when I was pregnant no less) I hope that you will get your child back, it is not easy to be apart from them. And hopefully you can get your ex to comply with his responsibilities. Mine has exactly 2 more weeks until he loses his drivers license for non-payment. At this point I hope he doesn’t pay…jail is the next stop for him.

    I agree with what you say about more tax money = more gov’t waste. I am outraged at some of the things the gov’t spends tax money on. I thought it was supposed to be ‘for the people’ but a select few sit up there and decide how to spend our money. It burns me up!

    You didn’t insult me (too much…) and I enjoy a good conversation – I want everyone to understand that the ‘crazy Republicans’ are people too, and we don’t all have horns and a pointy tail.

  • lol I don’t think Republicans have horns and pointy tails!

    I see my son often, he just doesn’t live with me right now. My parents are very supportive, and offered to keep him while I got things figured out. I’m very fortunate, a lot of other woman would have had her kids taken away.

  • You mean there are “real” people on both sides of the issues if you take time to listen to them? I think that is the lesson of the political season. It is so easy to make the opponent out to be some diabolical mastermind, but really they are all just following their own strong convictions…even if they’re wrong (just kidding). I must make that my mantra so my blood pressure will stop escalating every time I talk to a Republican down here in oil country/West Texas.

    I’ll also have to pass this lesson on to my 5 year-old who was yelling at the tv Wednesday night, “That old guy is a LIAR!”. I trained him in my image…perhaps I should soften up.

  • joe the plumber totally deserves to be checked out by the media…after all, he called a press conference on his lawn to talk about his opinions on everything. like it fucking matters. “oh, joe the plumber thinks we ought to cut taxes!” joe also is not a licensed plumber and turns out he doesn’t like paying taxes, becuase he owes back taxes to the state of wherever the fuck it is he lives. dumbass.

  • dude. no wonder you’re so bitter. baby daddy drama.

    so you dislike liberals and men in general? jesus. i don’t even know what that leaves you with. by golly, you can’t go and date a girl, cuz the dear lord would smite you and all.

    you think about your children. obviously their father isn’t there for them. what if something happened to you? something tells me you don’t have millions stored away. you think you are doing so well and trying so hard… but you always have to think of the ‘what if’s’… no one is really safe.

    and curious…… if you have this crazy stellar job, what are you going to school for?

    and seriously. i am quite liberal. and make my own money. fuck, i didn’t even go to public school growing up (HELLO funded by government and taxes). is public school a “hand out?” do your children go to private school, since you have all this money and can do everything on your own?

    we all rely on the government. it’s just, sometimes we become so used to it, we don’t even acknowledge who is funding everything.

    not every man is a dead-beat like the one you chose. i like that you totally blame him too…. like you knew nothing about him, until you had children with him.

  • @ ThatLisa

    I don’t know if ou were talking to Eyes of Green or me, but it’s like this.
    Sometimes you “fall” for a loser man, and you don’t realise he’s a jerk until you walk in on him doing something.
    When I first met my son’s father, he was the sweetest, most thoughtful guy. Then during my pregnancy, he changed, and his true nature appeared.
    Furthering your education at any time, before, during or after a fabulous job is a good idea, especially when you have children.
    Private versus public schools, well yeah I went to public school because my parents weren’t rich, and my son is going to public school because I’m not rich either. Public schools are not a hand out, don’t you think education is important enough to make sure everybody has an equal opportunity? That’s what public schools are for, not a hand out, but a hand up.

  • i was talking to eyes of green.

    yeah- I think that education is important, but I also think that other things are important. And if it’s free, and government funded— I mean, it’s a handout. Government is paying for your education. I just hate people who are always all, I pay for everything! I don’t use the government’s money! blah blah blah and they totally went to public school.

    I was just trying to make the point that I support MANY government services.. but I am a liberal, this is normal. I am just saying for people who DON’T– a lot of times they use the gov’s money more than they think

    and I don’t know. If I had a family but worked all the time at my fabulous job, I would probably not be in school as well. I mean, I would want to spend some time with my poor family!!

  • It’s hilarious to me when people use taxes as a blanket excuse of why they aren’t voting for someone. We ALL, every single one of us, at some time in our lives, have used the services that taxes pay for. Did you go to public school? Have you ever driven on an interstate highway? Well, you’d better get out your wallet and pay the government back for that handout you took. It is laughable that people think that this country would be in any way a place you would want to live if we didn’t have to pay taxes. They are necessary, people, unless you want to live in a place that doesn’t have potable drinking water, a decent road to drive on, and a free place for your children to attend school. And under Obama’s plan, most of the people writing on this blog will NOT be paying higher taxes. You people who are complaining are exactly the people Obama is trying to protect and who will in fact benefit from his plan. You think this country’s economy is in the shithole now, wait and see if McCain wins and cuts taxes like everyone is clamoring for, then the fun will really start. We’ll finally get to experience firsthand those stories our great-grandparents told us about standing in a breadline during the great depression. Oh, but wait, that might be a government program funded by those insidious taxes you paid when you actually had a job, and we wouldn’t want to be accused of taking a handout, now would we? Since your taxes were lowered, you might not have contributed enough to pay for your share, and you wouldn’t want anyone more fortunate than you to have made up the difference; I mean, it is every man for himself, that’s what the Bible taught the right wing conservatives, right? Or was it the opposite? Their logic is so confusing sometimes I feel I need a flowchart.

  • @ThatLisa –

    Your post hardly deserves a response but I must clarify, I am not in school. I’m not sure where you pulled that from. Everything else you said about me is basically stupid.