Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Will You Watch Tyra Banks’s Modelville?

It’s a show within Tyra’s daytime talk show, following the lives of former ANTM contestants as they compete for yet another modeling contract.

Is this ANTM bullshit not threadbare enough for Tyra yet? Is she going to wait until we can actually see an anus peeking through the seat of ANTM’s figurative blue jeans before she closes the look-book on this shit?

I don’t know how much more I can take.

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  • Tyra is one of the most self righteous and irritating celebrities I’ve ever seen. I can’t stand anything she does. Why do people keep throwing money at her? Ugh.

  • i must admit, im a tyra addict. i never miss an episode of the tyra show or antm. but i do think its time she gives it a break. shes got two hit shows under her belt, why does she need to make yet another model competition?

  • Oh please, more too skinny, only pretty with makeup, self-involved bitches on tv… please!!!! Tyra can teach them again the difference in facial features between “sad and forlorn” or “mildly amused and content”. This is gonna be FIERCE!

  • Okay, am I the ONLY one that realized that these are the girls that DIDNT make it after the show?? Now, during commercials of ANTM they show other “models in action” which shows previous girls working runways for various designers and doing photo shoots. The girls in this show obviously couldn’t make it after the show so I love how Tyra says “My FAVORITES” really??….you mean your favorite ones that couldn’t make it AND agreed to be on the show because they have nothing else to do?

  • Sigh. I’ve been anticipating the moment that someone with active neurons would voice how RIDICULOUS antm has become. I mean, this is coming from someone who worshiped the stuff in her less-than-graceful junior high days. Believe it or not, I thought Tyra was the poo. Luckily the phase ended quickly- I tried to watch a webisode of the latest cycle and couldn’t finish without getting vomit all over my Inspiron. The series is hanging on by a thread of cartoonish theatrics, an over-the-top Tyra trying to prove her “legend-like” status is still relevant (even after having packed on the extra weight) and 10 or so nameless half-wits who play along and pretend to feel honored to be competing for a place as her mini-marvel. Give me a free 60 minutes and I’ll take one hell of a nap instead. Sorry, CW.