Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Looks Like Change is Afoot at Chez Hefner

Finally the members of Hef’s harem are weighing in — honestly — on the rumors that their menage-a-quatre is coming to a grinding halt.

Says Kendra in a new interview:

“There are lot of changes going on … people are going through changes. There’s a lot of rumors about me moving on, Holly moving on … it’s really sad. I mean, it’s only sad because Hef has to deal with it, and Hef gets really emotional because he really loves us. He is definitely a softie, so it’s really sad seeing him go through this stuff. [But] he keeps it cool, and he has a lot of girlfriends around now to keep him happy.”


It’s like The Girls Next Door: The New Class. Everyone’s different except for Mr. Belding and Screech. Mr. Belding is clearly Hugh Hefner. Who’s the Screech of the Playboy mansion? I say Kendra’s little brother, the kid for whom the term “wigger” was invented. Let’s keep him around and make him a star. I just wanna see what happens.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She looks SO good in this picture. I wish my body looked like that… guess I should do some sit-ups eh?

  • She looks so good, i always thought she was the best one on that show and didn’t belong there. I mean, she strikes me as a little slutty but she als o strikes me as dominant too, I don’t see her as the third girl, i see her with three guys and playing them more!

  • Wow, really Beet? Are you really going to refer to her brother using that word? I know you’re a fairly intelligent individual, but that word is offensive to both races. Get straight on that.

  • Why can’t anyone see that their trying to keep things silent till the new season airs? It wouldn’t be as interesting if they moved out with new lives. Btw the new season starts sunday night, so wait for all the drama to come out after a couple episodes have aired.

  • Beet, I just have to tell ya, I think using the word “wigger” is seriously derogatory and racist. There is nothing funny or comical about the use of that word or any other racial slur.