Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Head of Skate

You guys are just getting a bunch of viral videos today, because there’s not much going on and did I mention I’m kind of in a weird mood today? I think I’m gonna go home and take a nap. I’m seeing a screening of Beverly Hills Chihuahua tonight and I’m very excited about it. I want to be well-rested.

Thanks Martin!

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Beet, seriously, have you seen the mugshot of Heather Locklear? You need to search and pay for that pic so you and your readers can say some funny shit about it! Her eyes are about to pop out of her head!!

  • For the love of God Beet… Take a Cymbalta and Cheer the fuck up!

    I know the economy’s in the crapper, but let’s be honest you didn’t have that much to begin with.

    I’m raising money to get Michael Phelps to come to your apt and lay on your bed butt naked….spread eagle with a bowl of strawberries. That oughta cheer you right up……..Uhh…. Right now I only got enough for Perez Hilton and a bucket of chicken but it’s coming along….hang in there.

    I’ll write some posts for you for free……….take a couple days off!

  • Fantastic.

    (Also, thank you for making this a gossip site worth reading. I like the dash of politics and real-life stories.)

  • The kids have decided we are going to see ‘Beverly Hills Chihuahua’ at the Drive-In on Friday night. And we are going to take Quesadilla with us. I hope I survive.