Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Did John McCain Vet This Woman At All?

Seriously it’s like Senator McCain had one too many shots of tequila (perhaps with Bristol Palin?) and was like, “Hey, ya know what would be funny? If I made my running mate that hot governor chick from Alaska. Ya know, the one with the glasses? And the tits? Like, ‘You people want a woman in the White House? Okay, fine, but at least let’s make her a hot one.’ L. O. L. Fuck it, let’s do it. I mean, how funny would that shit be? Make it happen. NOW! And someone pour me another drink.”

And then, somewhere around noon the next day, he woke up with a raging headache, looked at the morning paper, and was like “Fuck. Shit. What happened last night?”

Up until 1996, when she ran for mayor, Sarah Palin was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party — a party which has considered Alaskan secession from the United States.

Um …

This is not good, Senator McCain.

Families may be off-limits, dear, but when the VP candidate herself belonged to a political party that wanted nothing to do with the, uh, United States of America?

Not. So. Off-limits.

Meanwhile, I certainly hope Barack Obama is using this hard-earned break from the spotlight to have sex with lots of hookers and get caught up on his cocaine usage. He could probably get away with it right now.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • The video of McCain looking at her ass and playing with her wedding ring is pretty amusing. Does the idiot actually think he has a chance?

  • if there was a state that was actually going to cecede from the US, I might consider joining it. depending on it’s policies, of course.

  • Please Beet stop with the politics. Is it really getting lame around here. And Donkey Punch you are just jealous. Obama’s wife looks like a scary scary witch. A pissed off chip on her shoulder scary. I would much rather look at Palin and Mrs.McCain. Plus I still would rather have Palin as a member of this particular independent party then Obama’s membership in Wright’s church for TWENTY YEARS. Plus having Wright be the godfather of my children. There’s an association you all conveniently forget.

  • Why is it that this is such a big deal, but the fact that the “10-point vision” of the church that Obama belongs to states that you must have a “non-negotiable commitment to Africa” doesn’t seem to be an issue for anyone. (You can verify this here at his church’s website ). Currently, Alaska is part of the US. Africa has never been, nor ever will be, part of the US. If we’re going to point fingers at one of them, we should be pointing fingers at both of them.

  • mom2mateo I agree with your first two sentences. It’s getting lame. I know these peeps are famous and celebreties but come on…. do we have to have the annoying political opions (both sides!) everywhere….. even our hot ass evil beet?? Beet… love your sassy, funny skew on things but we’re pleading here!

  • I just heard on the news a little bit ago that she WASN’T a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. It’s just another untrue rumor going around.

  • Making fun of anyone who demands to be taken as seriously as a highfalutin politician deserves some piss-taking, methinks.

  • I’m enjoying listening to political stuff from non-political people. Interesting to hear what real people from both sides are thinking, esp. to a non Yank on the other side of the planet. Besides, love me some scandal, it’s nice to see people with brains getting into trouble. We expect it from morons like that totally beige Hilton tedious slapper. Snore.

  • Unfortunately, John McPrick does have a good chance to become the next President. Never underestimate the stupidity of the American public. Like a whipped dog, they keep crawling back to lick the hand of the person who beat it.

  • > And Donkey Punch you are just jealous.

    Jealous of a guy who has had cancer several times and smiles like he already is a corpse?

  • mom2mateo, I think McCain agrees with you. All those years ago, he decided he’d much rather look at Cindy (and many other women) than at his first wife. Now, he’d much rather look at Sarah Palin than at Cindy, who is getting old and a little cunty around the edges.

    Ah, yes, Michelle Obama looks like a scary scary witch while Sarah Palin is a beauty queen. Nothing like reducing our political process to the most shallow of all things.

    Take a look into Palin’s home church(es) before you pass judgment on Obama. All these freakin’ “men of god” are wacko.

    And now to bring it back to gossip: I’d vote for Katie Holmes’ pegged pants before I’d vote for McCain.

  • Also overlooked is Obama’s friendship with a guy who bombed the Pentagon. Who has been there since the beginning of Obama’s ‘political career’. But we don’t hear much about that.

    And if, just IF Alaska ever left the US, then they’d actually be able to drill for oil without Congress stalling it, and perhaps help us get away from the oil shieks who’d just as soon blow us off the map as look at us.

  • Michelle Obama is a beautiful woman. Regardless, mom2mateo, if you select the presidential candidate to vote for based on whether or not you like the look of their wives, and female VP running mate, it is you that are the scary one. I have an awful feeling that a lot of the US voting public are right at your intellectual level, which is why we are in the mess that this county is in right now.

    And sweetheart, you need to read up on Palin’s church. Her pastor beats Obama’s and McCain’s all to hell. Very, VERY scary.

  • I read the gossip to get away from the damn politics. Beet, I wish you’d stay out of it or at least pretend to be neutral.

  • Typical far left hate speech DP. If your going to wax political, at least stay with the issues and although it may be hard for you, try not to get personal. GO McCAIN / PALIN!