Today's Evil Beet Gossip

You Guys Are Really Into the Olympics

The NBC coverage of the 2008 Olympics reportedly attracted more viewers than any other event in U.S. television history. Frankly, I’m not sure that figure is particularly meaningful. I mean, what other event involves seventeen days of coverage? Oh, right, the Atlanta Olympics from 1996, which was previously the most-watched event in U.S. television history. But that was over a decade ago, and today the Olympic events are broadcast on multiple cable channels, which are viewable in more households now, and there are more hours of coverage available — and something tells me NBC is including its online audience in their numbers, too — and this is all leading me to believe that this statistic is kind of stupid and irrelevant. It does make me wonder, though — if you considered the entire 2008 U.S. Presidential election to be one “event,” would it attract more unique U.S. television and Internet viewers than the Olympics? Or are we, as a country, more intrigued by a fast, ripped 23-year-old swimmer than the selection of the soon-to-be most powerful man in the world?

But, still. You guys are way into the Olympics.

Today, I was way into the Olympics, too — the Olympic National Park, that is! Ha ha ha! I am so pun-ny! Leo and I went on a six-mile hike through the rainforest out there with my dad. It was supposed to be a nine-mile hike, but basically after about 3 1/2 miles we got to this part where it was like three miles of “beach” — and by “beach” I mean “craggy rocks with a little bit of sand” — and after nearly falling and dying three times in five minutes I was like, “Uh, Dad? I broke my foot a couple of months ago. I’d just as soon wait a little while before I do it again.” So we turned around and hiked back the way we came. It was remarkably beautiful and peaceful in there. And I brought Leo so he could experience all the sights and smells and sounds, but I was fully expecting him to walk about a mile, then cry, and then be carried by me for the rest of the hike. But Leo walked the entire six miles. Without even a yip. Sometimes he even ran in front of me and got annoyed that I was going so slow. And when we finally got back into the car I expected him to pass out immediately, but instead he jumped around the car forever — he wanted to tell me all about the cool things he saw in the rainforest! I honestly think it was the best day he’s had in his whole life so far, and I was so glad I brought him and so proud of him.

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