Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Woo hoo for Christina Applegate, who announced at a taping of Good Morning America today that, just a month after being diagnosed with breast cancer, she is free of the disease.

“I’m clear,” she said. “Absolutely 100 percent clear and clean. … They got everything out so I’m definitely not going to die from breast cancer.”

Christina’s battle seems easy, but it’s in large part due to the fact that she got checked early and regularly for signs of cancer, knowing that she was at risk.

GET YOUR TITTIES CHECKED, LADIES!!! This is something you DO want to know!

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Isn’t it great to hear good news for once! I’m happy for Christina! I think she looks beautiful and I love her makeup!

    Can you show another Phelps photo to celebrate this good news?

  • I like her a lot and hate to say this but her lips look a little plumped and her eyes seem a little startled.

  • I am happy for the pretty lady, good luck to her in life. She just keeps looking better & better with time.

  • I just read on cnn that she had a double mastectomy because she has a breast cancer gene. Wow. What a hard decision to make.

  • She was actually diagnosed at the beginning of January and had the double mastectomy about 6 weeks ago…she just chose to announce it 3 weeks ago.

  • god love her. what a terrible decision. i know her mother had recurring breast cancer and that surely impacted her decision to take both breasts. i think it’s great that she is willing to share this information publically. amazing.