Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Katie Holmes Jeans Watch

The peg-and-rolls are back!

And are those penny loafers?

I believe they are!

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • its part of a scientoloritual…wear ugly jeans to purify your soul. Because nothing says Xenu, like jeans that look like they should be on a homelss bum.

  • they look “better” rolled than pegged, but everything is relative.

    would someone in nyc let me know what the temperature is there?
    should she really be carrying a wool sweater? what is with these people wearing sweaters and scarves in freakin august?

  • Maybe she has some water rentention in her legs and she tries to hide them… Her thighs seem fatter (but not fat, of course)!

  • the only people i’ve known to wear long sleeves and or sweaters in any weather are junkies hiding track marks. i’m pretty sure this is not her reason, but come on, what is the deal, seriously?

  • Maybe now that she’s doing this play she feels like she needs to be artsy-fartsy. That could be the whole explanation behind her wardrobe change.

  • Lord, why are you doing this to us?
    Please send Katie Holmes a mirror.
    You’d think with all the money from magazines deals (it seems to be the only work she does), she could drop by the 21st century at some point, and pick up some jeans and heels.

  • Her hair is super cute.

    If I had as much money as Katie Holmes, there’s no way I’d be wearing jeans, like, EVER. I’d be wearing designer dresses every day.

  • Go Katie! You’re beautiful!!!!!!!! Thank you hon for bringing back pegged jeans. The 80’s rock and so do you!

  • I actually like this outfit, except for the cardigan. And maybe the theater she’s working in is over air-conditioned.

  • The jeans look much better this way, but I think she could do with a size or two smaller. I lived my teenage years through the 80s. We sucked in the fashion department. Pegged jeans do nothing but make you look fatter than you are.

  • they don’t look as bad since they aren’t pegged but something is still off about the whole thing.
    and I really need to visit LA and figure out about the sweaters too.

  • Okay, seriously, those are the same jeans…notice how the legs are getting a little dirty. What the hell is up with her?

  • OK people. Countdown to which retail outlet/designer will try to make, or actually IS making a buck out of this denim “trend”?

    Because as we all know, a willing cattle of copycats, hoping to showcase the new “it” look “before anyone else” is always at the ready.

    Let’s see who’s a part of the cattle drive and who’s an individual.