Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Suri Cruise Photo Shoot

Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise did a little photo shoot for the paparazzi in Manhattan the other day.

This little girl, I must admit, is becoming quite adorable. When she was younger, she didn’t quite know what to make of the paparazzi, but I think she’s starting to understand what they are and how to pose for them. It’s about time. Shiloh knew how to do that when she was six months old.

25 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Shiloh is never going to be as pretty as Suri, and she have never even posed for the camera since she always looks miserable. Period.

  • I keep hearing Katie got a new hair cut, but I’ve yet to see it. Come on Beet – help me out.

  • Totally agree with you Jenn….have you noticed the huge forhead on the little girl. Team Suri all the way!

  • Is Katie Holmes saving all their money to spend on making Suri fabulous? Or has she just forgotten that she has other clothes besides those god awful jeans?

    And as beautiful as Suri is, Shiloh is possibly the cutest human being on the planet already. Just wait till they grow up…

  • Looks like Mommy has been dressing her lately, considering she has worn the same shoes in every picture lately, and knowing that Katie wears those atrocious shits she calls “jeans” everydayy, one can only assume like mother like daughter.

  • Um, ok now people, these are babies we are talking about. Don’t be like that pig Perez Hilton and start trashing kids.
    I happen to think Suri is adorable, but they dress the poor child like a matron, ALWAYS, I have never seen her in a cute pair of Jeans, not her fault, their fault. But c’mon now, Shiloh is stunning as well. How can anyone not think so. Being a Mom to a 2 yr old I can tell you, its hard to get them to pose, so if she does look miserable, it’s because she was probably having some fun and then all of a sudden had a flash go off in her face :-)

  • yeah anne! they are both cute and should not be forced to compete.

    from age 2 to 3 my son absolutely refused to take a picture. kids are odd little things.

  • This child is beyond adorable! So is Shiloh! But neither one has anything on MY 2 1/2 year old! LOL!

  • I love that we actually see Katie with Suri. Unlike a lot of famous Moms…she actually takes her child out in public with her and without an entourage of helpers. AMAZING.

  • How cute is Suri!! Cute, cute, cute, cute, cute!!!!
    Katie! Watch your daughter and learn to dress like her and not Tommy Girl from the ’90’s!

  • I love that little dress!!! She is totally adorable. But, I must wonder, is that right for a play ground? I would dress my daughter in jeans or long pants or shorts, depending on the season. But then I did not have the paps following me either.

    Anyway, pics of Suri always make me smile!

  • Poor Suri, she has her mom’s eyes – 3 feet apart and needing directions to get from one to the other.

  • Suri has always been the most adorable little thing. Shiloh is just plain compared to this beauty. What I really love is that Katie and Tom actually allow this little girl to walk. I had concerns for Brangelinas’ kids for a while. I didn’t think they’d be able to walk until they were like 8. ;-)

  • adorable! and her outfit is perfect, girls should be girls in pretty dresses, my mum dressed me in dresses and the like when i was a little girl, i think it is also nice for the mothers to dress up their little girls when they are so cute and small. I am not talking the american padgents [shudder] but just make them look adorable and childlike, think if victoria beckham had a daughter,…. i can see the padgents now

  • urgh jeans :( no no no. dresses, skirts sooo much better and white tights. well that is what i wore as a little girl and i think i looked cute :(

    jeans and t-shirts – ick no effort

  • Agreed! Suri is the cutest kid in Hollywood, Shiloh looks like a plain blonde kid to me.

  • oh come on, they’re both super cute. let’s not judge little kids on their looks, they’ll get plenty of that later in life. and as far as what she’s wearing, she’s old enough that she probably has an opinion on what she wants to wear, so katie just probably lets her. she probably likes her little gold shoes, i would have loved them!

  • Agreed, Jillian; my 2-year-old has definite opinions on what she wants to wear, which has led to some odd-looking outfits. And I think it’s great, too, that Katie is out with her daughter instead of having some nanny with her all the time.