Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I myself am pro-choice. There are thousands of babies that people dont want, get abused, and turn out to be the scum of the earth when they grow up. Why should we add to that? I personally believe that until the central nervous system develops, it is NOT killing a baby. It doesn’t even look like a baby by then. Just an alien blob! I am lucky because I have never, nor will I ever be faced with the desicion of abortion (unless I am raped). However, just because I personally would never make that decision for myself, who am I or anyone else to tell another what they should do? I do cringe at the thought of a more developed fetus getting the ax…but from personal experience, i don’t remember anything about the womb or my birth. in fact, I don’t remember anything till I was 3 or 4!”

ANTM winner Adrianne Curry, on her MySpace blog, waxes philosophic on the abortion debate. She added that she also didn’t remember much between the ages of 16 and 19, so you totally could have aborted her then, too, and she wouldn’t have minded.

I kid.

25 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Well, if it doesn’t LOOK like a baby, then hell yeah you can kill it!!!!! Seriously? I understand her point, but good Lord is that girl dumb. I’d love to hear her take on abortion after, if, she has kids.

  • i dunno, CGL. she may be dumb, but i thought that was a pretty fair argument she made. it’s not like she’s all “abortion is good because my hippie friends say it is!”

  • maybe she should count her blessing that her mama didn’t axe her ass when it didn’t look like one yet

  • but where is she getting this blob-looking idea? i have seen those pins that pro-lifers wear of the feet of a 10 week old fetus. and they are perfect tiny feet. toes and all. that is not a blob.

  • Yes, there are stupider arguments she could have used, but this one was pretty damn stupid. I sincerely hope the reason she won’t be faced with the abortion decision is because she’s not having kids. Then we’d all be lucky. I’m pro-choice too, but she sounds ridiculous saying things like it’s okay to kill a baby because it looks like an “alien blob” or implying that kids who ge abused grow up to be the scum of the earth. Or, the best part, saying that she doesn’t remember much before she was three…so, you know, infanticide probably isn’t all that terrible. Cause babies don’t have much going on upstairs. Cause if they did, we’d all remember being babies. Well-reasoned, Adrianne. Bravo.

  • @ cj – I totally agree. Hers is an argument that clearly came from a stream of consciousness as opposed to anything well thought out.

    Further, as a pro-choice woman, I also hate that so many pro-choice women feel the need to qualify their positions by declaring that they would “never have an abortion” themselves. I feel like it dumbs down the argument by insinuating that it’s an easy or capricious decision on the part of the woman who DOES decide to have an abortion. I feel like you’re either pro-choice or you’re not, and you don’t know whether or not you’d actually have an abortion until you’re faced with that decision. I think it goes without saying that no woman, regardless of her convictions, looks at an abortion as something she’d do without serious thought.

  • @ sarah: other than the earthquake how did the bar exam go?
    sadly, i’ve met women who consider abortion just another form of birth control and not really a difficult decision to make. it’s the exception and certainly not the rule, but they exist.

    this woman just needs to go away. almost every argument she has written has made me want to align myself with the other side, just so i don’t have to agree with her.

  • we don’t want babies to be the scum of the earth??

    here’s an idea, Adrianne: TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY AND USE PROTECTION! We know we wouldn’t want YOUR SCUM of children to be running around the globe.

    Why do people always manage to overook their part in creating babies? The next time someone “famous” comes up with an idea, it better make logical sense.

  • This girl is the scum of the earth. I respect different opinions, but the way she talks about abortion and a woman’s right is ignorant and she just makes it clear that she is the trash she sounds like.

  • Has this girl EVER made a worthwhile argument to ANYTHING?? She always sounds like she’s talking off the top of her head – and possibly not completely sober at the time. And, while I know WHO she is, basically WHO IS SHE that she should KEEP GETTING FACE (and talk) TIME???

  • She grosses me out!!!! Ever since I saw her blubber her snot and tears in that season finale with Peter Brady over the ring, she makes me gag. She cries and snots to much!

  • That is a pretty strange way of putting it. She strikes me as odd, more than anything. Probably not the brightest crayon in the box, but at least she’s trying to think.

    I love the ‘heartbeat starts at 6 weeks!’ argument against abortion. I had my abortion at 5 weeks. It wasn’t even an actual fetus yet – still an embryo. The point is, it didn’t experience anything, because it hardly was a thing at all, so early on. It had barely developed. Anyway, she does have a point about the possibility that the child’s life would suck. I didn’t have enough money to support a child, not even close, and adoption would have been even riskier.

    By the way, to all of those saying “you should have used protection!”:
    I did. AND, I was married, so the ‘keep your pants on, slut’ argument falls through as well. Sometimes shit just happens. Abortion was the best way to take responsibility for my actions.

    Sorry for the long comment. But had to get my two-cents in.

  • @ tuffyt

    if i was her mom and i knew what that blob was gonna turn into i would have aborted the shit outta her.