Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Back to Brandon???


Super-hottie model Miranda Kerr has reportedly broken up with boyfriend Orlando Bloom — and landed back in the arms of her ex, greasy, alcoholic billionaire Brandon Davis.

Brandon and Miranda were spotted sucking face all over the NYC club scene earlier this week.

Who would want to kiss Brandon Davis? I’d honestly be worried about horrible acne break-outs with my skin in such close proximity to all his grease. It seems like quite a risk to take for someone who makes her living based on her looks! I hope she’s using her ProActiv at night!

This photo was taken of Orlando and Miranda going on vacation together in late June — so something must have happened recently to disturb their romance. Wonder what it was.

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wow! They look good together. Still Brandon might be the ‘rebound’ guy. It’s only a matter of time until some sweeps Miranda Kerr off her dainty feet. Her true prince will bathe on a regular basis.

  • The rumors been debunked already ( Thank god. I threw up a bit in my mouth when hearing this.

  • ewww brandon Dav is like is is really gross.
    Orlando doesn’t shower as often as he should and wears the same clothes for days sometimes but that is like every guy out there. it isn’t normal to have grease all over his face.bleh.