Today's Evil Beet Gossip


“I should have toned up for ‘Transformers’ but I’m really lazy. I had to put on weight. I’d lost a lot of weight and got really scrawny, but I was told I had to put on size for ‘Transformers’ because Michael [Bay, the director] doesn’t like skinny girls … I have a serious sugar tooth, so now I eat red-velvet cake before I go to bed every night, and if you eat meals later, you’ll put on weight faster, so I had dinner at 10 p.m.”

Super-hottie Megan Fox, about how she transitioned from her ultra-skinny look for Jennifer’s Body to a larger look for the Transformers sequel.

26 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I was wondering why that tub-o-lard looked soooooo effing huge in Transformers [insert sarcasm HERE].


  • [Major eye roll]

    Twiggy little starlets talking about how they had to work to put on weight is just another way for them to brag about how petite they are.

    All she really had to do was spend an afternoon at my cousin’s house and, magically, problem sorted.
    [/Eye roll]

  • It seems bad that that is her ‘big’ size but still, Bay telling girls to put weight ON for movies? That’s my idea of the beautiful future of Hollywood.

    I’m not talking get obese and disgusting but staring at ribcages through movies does nothing for me.

  • Hey, I eat a good 3000 calories a day and stay at 110 pounds. I am active though but I can’t gain (or lose) weight. If I didn’t eat for a week I’d probably stay the same. And contrary to popular belief even if your skinny, you can still have some cellulite. I know I do and can’t do a damn thing about it.

  • Face it, Megan’s a winner in the genetic lottery. She has to work hard to gain weight, I starve myself so that I won’t gain too quickly (if I eat enough to feel satisfied, I gain 10 pounds a month).

    Good for her.

  • Some people really did get dealt a good hand like that, the lucky b!tches!! They’re in the minority but they DO exist. Still, she doesn’t have to gloat about it.

  • YES! It’s working :OD

    I planted a seed of doubt in her mind shortly after watching Transformers and it’s paying off.

    I just need to lower her self doubt a teeny tiny bit more and she mind ;O)

  • Damn, she’s one fat bitch.

    Seriously though, she’s so hot that if she knocked on my door and explained that her car broke down and needed me to suck the poop out of her ass while she waited for a tow truck I TOTALLY would.

  • Fuck her and the fat ass she rode in on! Who the fuck says this shit. “oh, la, me, I eat cake, and hee hee, I still look skinny.” What a bitch.

  • at least she said it first, after i saw transformers i wanted to tell her SO BADLY about nutrisystem.

    seriously though, does this girl have no inner dialogue? think before you speak.

  • Every time I see her, she just looks so dirty, so icky. She’s just so reminiscent of a porn star.

  • Sorry not buying it. Her face and her body are what she has to sell for a career, she’s not particularly talented. She’s works out and eats to look like she does, otherwise she is unemployable. I hate it when these idiots lie, it’s a full time job getting facials, working out with trainers, nutritionists with specialized diets, dental work, every other month cleanings, dermatologists, waxing, hair, nails, pedicures. When they aren’t ‘acting’ they are working full time to be camera ready. It’s their job, and it’s not eating cake at night. Ugh.

    If they aren’t a certain weight, and toned, they don’t get good dresses from the stylists and everyone knows it.

  • Bloody bloody Sienna. Hope your ass will get buttered with cellulite! Celebs are not like us at all!

  • She’s a fatty! A big smelly fatty fat blubber face! She ate all the pies and then some the big fatty fat fat fat fatty fatty fat fat

  • OMG y’all I’m so fat!

    WTFever… Everytime this chick opens her mmouth, I just want to put a gun in mine.

  • OH EM GEE Meg, I totally agree with you- you did look like you put on quite a few pounds for Transformers.
