Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Is Jessica Alba in Labor?

The girls over at Celebrity Baby Blog got a tip that she was seen being wheeled in Cedars Sinai. Cash Warren was there, too, and they were both holding birthing balls.

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  • I didn’t know what a birthing ball was. Had to look it up.

    A birthing ball is an exercise ball used during pregnancy and at birth to assist the mother in delivery. (Gravity and positioning of the legs/pelvis to allow for the child to move easier.)

    (And for those that don’t know what an exercise ball is… it is a big (35cm to 90cm or so) thick plastic ball filled with air.)

    I guess CW is going to sit on the additional one with her?

  • What’s a ball? I don’t have any of those. Wife took them and put them in a jar.

  • Your name makes me laugh. I assume you know what a “Donkey Punch” is supposed to be.

    What is even funnier is people get upset/confused when you’re crass.

    I suppose in that same vein are people that show up and whine because (beet-beet / posters) are talking bad about celebrities.

    One of Aesop’s Fables sums it up best:

    A frog and a scorpion were standing beside a river.

    The scorpion asks the frog to carry him across the river on the frog’s back.

    The frog says “No way! You’ll sting me!”

    “Why would I do that?” The scorpion reasons, “Then we’d both drown!”

    The frog thinks this makes sense and a deadly scorpion is good to have as a friend, so he agrees.

    When they get to the middle of the river, the scorpion stabs the frog deeply with his tail.

    As the dying frog and the now doomed scorpion are sliding under the water, the frog wails: “WHY did you do that, now we’re both going to drown?!”

    The scorpion gestures in exasperation with his claws. “What did you expect. I’m a scorpion.”


    “I assume you know what a donkey punch is supposed to be.”

    Sorry, but it’s late and I’m drunk, and that comment made me crack the fuck UP!