Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Madonna Officially Adopts David Banda

Nearly a year and a half after adoption proceedings began, a judge in Malawi gave Madonna final approval to officially adopt little David Banda.

OMG, you guys, this totally reminded me of a dream I had last night that I’d completely forgotten. Madonna had died! And they thought it had something to do with food poisoning but no one was sure. And so all of a sudden Perez Hilton and I were on this TV show hosted by Joy Behar, of all people, and they stuck in front of us all the scientific data they’d collected about Madonna’s death, and we were supposed to figure out exactly how she’d died. And it was live! And I was trying to sort through all this data, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how sad this was for those kids. Dreams are so weird.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • No doubt this is going to to get me branded as cynical again, but, every time I see Madonna’s ugly, media whoring face , I cannot help doubting the sincerity of her motives. I offer my apology in advance to those who believe that every breath that Madonna takes is a blessing to humanity.

  • Whatever her motives she should know better when it comes to how she dresses! What is she wearing – that hat looks terrible and I really wish she’d use some of that money and hire a new stylist!!

    @MW — Ahahahhahahahaa!!

  • I had a dream last night that I was using my vibrator. Don’t remember much except lots of blurriness around me, almost like I was riding a horse in a merry-go-round with a vibrator attached to the top of it…or maybe it was a unicorn, hmmm
    and I woke up reaaaaaaaal happy :)

  • is madge still trotting this story out to make herself more interesting? and what is up with her forearms? yikes.

  • I had an interesting dream about Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt a few weeks ago…

    They apparently had their baby (at the time, the twins thing hadn’t been announced yet), and when it was born, I had to babysit it.

    It was born some sort of prodigy, unlike any baby ever in history. It was born able to walk, talk (about politics, world peace, and calculus…), and it was pretty much like a tiny version of Angelina.

    I just remember thinking, in dreaming, that it wasn’t all that surprising for Brangelina to birth a little Einstein. Go figure… perfect life, perfect house, perfect worldwide reputation.. perfect, intelligent children.

    I thought it was pretty amusing :)

  • Dude!! That was totally a combo of CSI and that one persons comments about you and perez doing a show together. Do you watch CSI? My husband and I just decided yesterday we are taking a road trip to The Stanley Hotel and staying in the room Stephen King stayed in when he wrote The Shinning. I dreamt all night long about ghost hunting in the hotel… it was fucking awesome and now I can’t wait. Anyone know where I can get me a thermal imaging cam?????

  • LOL @ MW. I agree with MOf1.
    Madonna is 50 now. Posing with her legs open exposing ‘old lady’ traw is awful!
    Can’t wait until Lourdes bonks Guy Ritchie. Maybe Madonna will break down and go away.
    Come to think of it, she would video tape and enjoy at her lesuire!