Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jennifer Hudson’s Debut Album Has a Release Date

Can you believe this chick hasn’t actually released an album yet?

I mean, she’s won a damn Oscar for her performance in a musical, but she’s never actually released her own album.

So, um, there’s a little bit of pressure on her for it to be good, I suppose.

Jennifer’s label announced that her self-titled debut album will hit stores in September, and the first single, “Spotlight,” written by Ne-Yo, will hit U.S. airwaves on June 9.

It better not suck, Jennifer!

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • of course she hasnt put out an album yet.

    she LOST, dude.

    i’d like to take this opportunity to bitch about american idol losers being able to put out CDs. there should be a law.

    then maybe nobody would go on the show.

    two birds with one stone! yay!

  • Note to ALL actresses, starlets, wannabes, etc.: STOP IT WITH THE BLOWING KISSES!!! STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT! It’s old! It’s dumb! It’s unoriginal! It makes you look like a brainless chicken! It’s boring! It makes you look like a robot!!! It’s a bad pose! It worked a long time ago, and now it’s just sad and pathetic and desparate.

  • You guys are all fucking haters! She lost on a lame ass reality show! OMG! She won a Oscar for goodness sake. She’s hot! What have you done other than talk shit and hate on someone following her dreams. So stop wasting your time. The single is hot and the album will be to you lame ass people!