Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Angelina Jolie Drug Video: WAY Better Than I’d Expected!

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So I was totally not excited about the rumored video of Angelina Jolie hanging out in some sort of a drug den because I was like “So what … she’s totally admitted she’s done drugs, no biggie.” What I was not prepared for was nearly eight minutes of a totally loaded Angelina muttering on and on about such wide-ranging topics as her interest in S&M, how she accidentally killed her pets, and how she wants to bring shiny new costumes to poor kids. It’s a must-see!

The tape, interestingly enough, doesn’t actually show Angie doing drugs, although the woman sitting next to her is smoking heroin and it’s clear Angelina is high. But this is SO MUCH BETTER than just a boring tape of her smoking some dope.

The footage is from 1999, when Angelina was 23.

19 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Wow! Her dream came true of bringing shiny new costumes to poor kids. How sweet.

  • She talks A LOT.
    I mean, she won’t shut up!!!
    And I don’t untherstand most of hat they are saying.
    Where are the drugs?
    What is that place?

  • She’s always wanted to help people. LoL @ how her pets died. She accidentally gave her hamster Pneumonia

  • the online video age is starting to get frightening.

    it was much less frightening when it was all just porn…

  • I havent watched all the video but smack? She’s talking like you do on coke, going on and on and on without really stopping and like, constantly changing subject and just imagining that theres some sort of link to your last subject.


  • I also was an ex doper so I have an idea of the scene. However I don’t see why we need to drag this kind thing over the coals so to speak. Yeah she was there, yeah she was messed up, and yeah she has issues. And if I for whatever reason had been there imbibing myself, would have told her what I thought of her, made her feel like sewege, and told her to go back to her playpen and grow up and I would be willing to deal with the results. On another hand our track records speak for themselves no?

  • I find her kind of likable here, even though she is clearly high. She seems idealistic, which is sweet. I think she is an intelligent, free-thinking, well-meaning woman, but I think she is fucked up. Her eyes look so glazed in pictures the last couple of years. I believe the rumours she has a serious drug problem today. She needs help, it is sad.