Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Everything Is Just Fine

Oh, look, another crazy Amy Winehouse photo.

After getting stuck in traffic in London, Amy hopped out of her car, went car-to-car on the street asking people if they had a cigarette she could bum, and then ran around in the woods.


34 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She is running towards the 5 o’clock free crack giveaway!!! Hide your stash!!!

  • O and btw she is one saltine away from her original birth-weight, eat a damn sandwich!!!!

  • holy crap. look at the bone on her right thigh. it looks like there’s a snake under her skin… creepy. oh and she’s pretty ridiculous.

  • she has a rosary around her neck. i wear a rosary too to give me strength and to remind me of God and my faith.

    i hope she finds strength through faith to overcome her demons.

    it’s so sad to see her spiritual and physical death in life documented and watched, but there being no one who can stop it.

    sorry to be a bummer, i just think it really awful.

  • I don’t know why she would be wearing a rosary…isn’t she Jewish?
    Whatever flips your flop, Ames.

  • kim: that’s not a bone in her right thigh, its a muscle, part of the quadriceps group of muscles. hmm… i dunno – looks photoshopped to me. i don’t know how she could be this thin and be able to run around. people in concentration camps and victims of famine who are this thin have no energy, and their muscles atrophy, so they spend alot of time just laying down. having said that, though, she is obviously anorexic and very sick. i hope she gets help.

  • that’s the most ugliest photo of amy …………….!!!!please damn it burn that photo!!!!!!!!!

  • @quirkygirlkitten: famine victims don’t have $200 a day crack habits.

    Someone needs to stop this train wreck.

  • Beet,

    Gee, could you post a warning before you show something that scary? I just ate lunch and now it’s comin back on me!

  • Oh, look! It’s Amy Winehouse out stoned and staggering around in public. Sheesh, I could copy & paste this statement seek after week. She’s 24; anyone reckon she’ll live to see 30?

  • Someone can be religious and make mistakes everyday.
    I believe in God, I guess, but I am not trying to impress anyone.
    If she is anything like anyone in Hollywood, she probably just wears the rosary as a fashion statement. (I know she’s not wearing much, but it’s Amy Winehouse.)

  • back off! … she’s a musician – doesn’t anyone remember that musician code of ” sex , drugs & rock n roll” I’m not saying it’s the way to go , but there was a time when all the most deeply talented musicians
    ( and she is DEEPLY talented and refreshingly original ) had the most decadent lifestyles. The Stones , Jim Morrison , Guns and roses – even the Beatles. She’s not a teen movie star & has never tried to have a good girl image , so why do people act so suprised & outraged when a talented blues musician ( Miles Davis or Billie Holiday anyone?)has a drug problem. That’s almost as old as music itself. Leave her personal life alone & just enjoy how good her music is , because if the media keeps on her like they are , she’ll get dropped from her label , ostrasized & we’ll never get to hear a new album.

  • @ joey

    that is the most selfish comment i’ve ever heard. how dare you justify the use of drugs. so you’re basically stating that it’s alright for talented musicians to have unmanagable drug addictions, eating disorders, and terribly low self-esteem. all part of their art, right? i pray to god she gets ostrasized and dropped from her label to learn a lesson and finally put an end to her self-destructive behavior. a woman like this is in obvious need of help from her family, friends, label, and fans. she needs support in this terrible time of hers and not encouragement from people like you, who find it okay for rich, talented, bored musicians to suffer from drug addiction. people will soon look at her as nothing more than a paparazzi target and less of the artist she is. i hope one day she hits a personal rock bottom and has the support needed for full recovery. until then, don’t justify the severe drug addiction she is clearly suffering from.

  • Joey, I totally understand where you are coming from here, but did you actually *LOOK* at that photo? She is obviously killing herself. If she dies you don’t get to hear a new album either. Dumbass.

  • Agreed, her planned duet for the James Bond film was dropped, so she’s clearly not producing much of anything nowadays.

  • aww, but i don’t want her to die… she’s so sweet =[ poor amy. why doesn’t someone HELP her?
    we should set up a save amy fund

  • Generally I like those kinda-skinny, my-life-sucks, living on the dark side, getting high and then giving really slutty bad performances type girls, but seriously Amy, enough is enough. I don’t know what her prob. is, but she needs to, like, drive on the highway, where she’s sure to see some fattening fast-food place, and discover the amazingness of EATING. And SHOPPING, for ACTUAL CLOTHES.

  • I understand where Joey is coming from, to a limited extent, but also agree that his comments were shortsighted, and perhaps even a bit selfish. Amy Winehouse is clearly someone in desperate need of help. I wouldn’t champion her intense suffering for her art any more than I would wish suffering upon anyone I care about.

    Joey, you mention Jim Morrison and Billie Holiday. How about Marilyn Monroe, Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, John Belushi, Kurt Kobain, Basquiat, etc? These artists were all lost to us, prematurely, through some combination of addiction, despair, and neglect. I suspect that you wouldn’t romanticize the early demise of any of these artists as an artistic rite of passage, but perhaps I’m wrong. And the names that I rattled off were just some of the currently most famous names. Artistry is filled with compelling names, faces, and stories of artists who flamed out early while leading lives that spiraled out of control.

    Most of your examples came from the other side of the ledger, people who lived through the hazy days to tell what can now be retold as amusing, compelling, awesome stories of addiction, despair, and neglect. I can understand what makes this compelling. But that’s very much the VH1 half-story about reclamation and redemption that’s far from a given for someone in Amy Winehouse’s current predicament.

    Amy Winehouse’s addictions are now negatively affecting everything from her health to her relationships to her art. Where’s the compelling romanticism in that?

  • I tell ya, this is troubling. Amy is an individual beauty that is slipping into one of the darkest voids of today’s world. I literally get sad watching her dwindling away. Her “Plight” is one of the most troubling I’ve seen. If she does pull out of it, I seriously doubt that she will ever be who she once has been on a personal level. She will suffer greatly the rest of her life. To me, she has been one of the most sexy and uniquely attractive women that I have seen in my generation. She has unmatched charm and charisma when in her right mind. Due to this reality and great respect for what an impact she has had on me, I will not stoop to degrade her for her plight. I would like to reach into her darkness and smack the internal horrors from her side and squash them to piles of served remains at her side. However, only she has that power. I wish her the best and will continue to have faith in her. Hopefully, she will not lose the war. She must be stronger than most of us to survive herself as long as she has. If she redirected half of that strength in order to save herself, she’d be back. And for those who run her in the ground, she may need to hear it, in some cases she may even deserve it, but I will keep hoping that she will defeat all that defeats her and rise again, to come back to herself and all the things that made her someone great.

    Best of luck Amy, fight against that which seeks to destroy you. Out smart the poisonous beast inside your head, it feeds on its anonymity.

    Sincerely and with great admiration,
    Robert Storm.