Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay’s Got Another Job!

Despite whatever else is going on in her life, Hollywood still seems eager to cast Lindsay Lohan in its various masterpieces.

Up now: Lindsay’s landed the lead in Labor Pains, a film about a young woman who pretends to be pregnant to avoid being fired.

“When she’s treated better by everyone in her life, she tries to keep up the lie for nine months,” says a source.

Do I smell an Oscar?

No, no. That’s just the stench of the vodka seeping out of Lindsay’s pores.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Is it just me or does she look like HELL? She and I are the same age and I drink a lot but I don’t look like I’m 40.

  • No Raye, believe me, it’s not just you! I have never thought that she was easy on the eyes – I always thought she was frumpy looking.

  • poor thing – she’s the oldest, most exhausted looking 21 year old i’ve ever seen.

  • Lindsay is my favorite . It seems she is dating online now. Her blog and photos were found at milllionaire&celeb datingsite —“W e a l t h yR o m a n c e .c o m”—- last week.

  • Man, oh, man…this picture of her always makes me smile. She looks so washed up!! And what the hell is up with her brows and makeup color choices? Christ on a cracker…she’s orange!!

  • Ads again? I think the movie sound pretty damn good actually. Bad casting but…

  • Um can we say 47??????????????????????????????????????????

    Uh orange tan does a body/face BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!

    Here’s lookin to age 22?

    Go ahead, down another…..Lindsay Oldhan.