Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Rumors, Rumors …

We’re starting to hear rumors that Brad and Angelina will get married on Paul Allen’s yacht in France, sometime very soon.

But, ya know, we always hear these kinds of rumors.

Stay tuned.

5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • they always said they wouldn’t get married unless everyone had the right.. i’m not holding my breath on this one.
    why would they suddenly need a piece of paper? it’s a sketchy story at best.

  • YAWN-

    I think that whole, we won’t get married until…..was Brad’s way of saving face when AJ wouldn’t marry his ass. If she said she would marry him they would forget all about their “solidarity” with the gays.

  • Marriage is a dated dying tradition. Who cares if they have a piece of paper? From my experience and from what I have witnessed, most couples do better without it.

  • OMG, she looks so hot. It seems that girl is dating online now. I saw her profile on dating site “W e a l t h y lo v I n g . c o m” last week. It is said she is dating young billionaire on that site.