Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This is Total Bullshit

Look, normally I’m all about shitting on Lindsay Lohan, but this full-page ad that ran in USA TODAY (paid for by the liquor industry) this morning is just unfathomably irresponsible and infuriating.

Drunk driving is a bad idea for anybody, and to imply otherwise is just disgusting. Like, what the fuck does this ad even mean? Am I really supposed to believe that as long as you’re wearing a fucking tie you undoubtedly have your drinking under control? That alcoholism is somehow unable to penetrate the thick shield of a business suit? That it’s actually quite alright to drive drunk as long as you got married earlier that day? If you happen to kill a family of four, it’s no big deal — you’re going to start a family of your own now! So it all comes out in the wash!

Fuck. You.

Drunk driving kills people. And drunk drivers do not all come from Skid Row. To imply that anyone reasonably well-dressed and not infamous for showing up five hours late for her call time should be allowed to hit the road after over-indulging is abhorrent.

Oh, and you spelled Lindsay Lohan’s name wrong, you moronic pieces of shit.

Says Lindsay’s lawyer, Blair Berk:

“USA TODAY is idiotic for running such an irresponsible advertisement, suggesting that drinking and driving is some kind of American ‘tradition’ we should protect. Not identifying that this ad was paid for by the liquor industry is profoundly reckless.

Drunk, old, white businessmen, drunk cougars out for girls night out, and drunk wedding parties should be kept off the roads of America. Lindsay Lohan fully endorses ignition interlock devices that have been well-proven to save lives.”

Here here. I love that Blair Berk said “drunk cougars.”

I hope they sue these people to Kingdom Come.

And I hope those interlock devices go in cars.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • that is absolutely insane…what are these people thinking??? It’s good to know drunk driving is okay for the average reject of america. Maybe we should send them all out drunk driving so that they can kill eachother.

  • Forget for a second that it is insane to suggest it is okay for some peopel to drink and drive, that is pretty damned funny in terms of Celebs finally paying a little for their crimes.

  • Poorly written, but SOME people (like LiLo) shouldn’t even be allowed to drink. Sh!t, I’ll take it further and say we should ship her off to Saudi Arabia for good.

  • maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to allow more government control in our lives…i for one am not stupid enough to drive drunk, and if people cant make a decision that easy without someone else’s enforcement, we’re doomed anyway. slowly our freedom trickles away…

  • this is hideous. i hope the liquor people get their pants sued off for it.
    i’m not sure what’s more shocking:
    that anyone would publicly display this disgusting contempt for human life,
    or that a group of supposedly intelligent people could manage to make themselves look like absolute assholes while making lindsay lohan look selfless, mature and completely together.

  • She Went trough enough B.S. those past couple of years , she didnt deserved this. I Hope she will get paid big time for this , and realise what she done to her career , and hopefully turns her life around , i wish her all the best :)

  • @mae:

    I understand your argument — I disagree with it in this case, but I understand it — but it would be one thing if that was what they were arguing: that this is some manner of infringement on our freedom. What this ad clearly implies is that some people should be allowed, occasionally, to drink and drive, and that is appalling.

  • also @ Mae:

    As soon as you start infringing on other peoples’ lives and safety, you lose your right to personal freedom. It’s usually not the person driving drunk who dies.

  • > slowly our freedom trickles away

    Slowly?! You gave it away by the buckets full after 9/11 for your “safety”.

  • I think that there are some people responsible enough to just not drive drunk without a device (which is known to malfunction and be inefficient) in their vehicles policing them at all times. Why should responsible people be punished for the irresponsible behavior of others? I believe the ad is tasteless. It came off poorly, but I understand what they are trying to say. I don’t really support expanding the scope of Big Brother in my life or the lives of other responsible people.

  • I guess I should clarify that I understand what they are saying in the respect that all people don’t need these ignition interlocks – not that it’s OK to drink and drive sometimes…

  • I think they should do this to celebrities more often. These losers are supposed to be the ones setting examples for kids. Oh yeah and this tmz-wannabee blog sucks.