Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Proclaims Her Sobriety Via “Lindsay Ronson” Facebook Page

Lindsay Lohan \"Ronson\" Facebook Page

Oh, this is nice.

Lindsay Lohan has created a Facebook page under the name “Lindsay Ronson.”

She’s using her Facebook status to address the rumors that she’s fallen off the wagon, referring to these pictures when she says “dont believe the hype. im taking my sobriety seriously, and day by day. it was 430 am!”

You gotta fucking love that she’s still warring with Lauren Hastings, her former rehab frenemy, as it appears they are calling one another fat in their comments while debating who is working a better AA program of love and serenity. OMG. I just sent a friend request to Lauren. I have GOT to see what the other end of this convo looks like. I’ll let you guys know if she approves my request.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • And where, exactly, is the proof that the True Orange LiLo did this? Seriously, I don’t know how you can confirm this.

  • I didn’t believe it, either, until I saw the little Lauren Hastings war. This is the real thing. Lauren Hastings doesn’t call just anyone “pretty fuckin thick.”

  • Like the dork that I am, I tried looking it up on Facebook. But, I think the page is private now. Any more dirt you can dish? And can ANYONE PLEASE!?!?!?! tell me why I give such a shit? lol

  • she did come from new york and stuff and she has friends from nassau county and stuff she lived like 20 min from my house and the girl my dad hired said her son went to college with her and im pretty sure she went to st johns so i think this is her but idk..

  • Dani, Conrad was one of her friends (and there were less than 100) on Lohan’s private MySpace which got hacked. The funniest thing there is that when Lohan was in rehab she sent emails using the name Lindsay Ronson while not sending one email to her “supposed boyfriend” Callum Best. Now why would Lindsay use Lindsay Ronson as her name, send nonstop emails to Samantha Ronson declaring her love, talking about starting a family and ones of a sexual nature never released while sending zero to Best. Hmmmm. The question, after the insult of Olsen, maybe isn’t whether Lindsay will have to endure another set up, unknown boyfriend (while hiding her love for Sam away) but if anyone will be foolish to actually fall for it. If they do I have a bridge in Manhattan I want to sell them.

  • hey let us know if lauren hastings accepted your request! im really curious what lindsay’s been saying to her!! so dont forget :)