Today's Evil Beet Gossip

What Do I Do With This?

Jenna Jameson Velvet G Vibrator, Dildo, Pictures, Photos

Jenna Jameson Velvet G Vibrator, Dildo, Pictures, Photos

As discussed in the previous post, my friend and I ended up taking a little trip to Fascinations.

We purchased the implement pictured above.

It is the Jenna Jameson Velvet G. (Also available at the store: a fake version of Jenna Jameson’s vagina. Seriously. She sat for a cast and everything. There are pictures of it on the box. Weeeeird.)

This retails for $14.99.

Here’s our question: What the hell do you do with this? It vibrates and stuff, and I do realize that you’re supposed to stick it inside you, but at what angle? We refuse to try, lest we make the wrong decision and wind up vaginally injured. We looked for directions, but the only thing available in the box was a warranty. A warranty! They should warranty my damn vagina, selling something like this without instructions!

Any thoughts?

I promise I’ll get back to the gossip soon. I’m just in a porn mood tonight.

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