Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Who’s That on Your Shirt, Paris?

Paris Hilton Wearing Shirt with Her own Face on it, Pictures, Photos

Why, it’s Paris!

Well-played, my dear.

12 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She is so gorgeous. But I am very cucious. Why did she post her profile on a celebrities and wealthy website named
    “MarryM illionaire. c o m”.. What is she looking for there?

  • The irrepressible Ms. Hilton has redefined narcissism. Only she would try to make a manifestation of psychotic behavior chic. I’m not sure why self indulgence and a sense of hubristic entitlment is seen as an attractive attribute by so many. Be that as it may I find it incomprehensible this waste of humanity is so sought after. But then again France loves Jerry Lewis. Go figure.

  • When is she going to start starring in those Valtrex commercials that you see on tv every other commercial?

  • In case I am lost or stolen.. please return me to me,.. thanks so much., ur’s truely.. the p h in b m’s ring….

  • Just goes to show you all the money in the world can’t buy you class…she’s stunning when you see her pulled together, but she just screams white trash to me most of the time. Add in to that the fact that she likes to come across dumber than she actually is…that makes it even worse…I loved the video of her co-star trying to explain primary elections to her like she was a 5th grader…she’s a grown woman…get your head out of your ass, Paris…I think she just knows her day is almost over…or wait…that it was over years ago!