Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney May Remain Under Father’s Control Even Longer

A court today will consider extending Jamie Spears’ conservatorship over his daughter, mostly because it seems to be working.

Britney hasn’t done anything totally insane since her dad took control of her life. She’s basically been holed up at home, and is reportedly text-messaging friends saying that she’s bored.

Bored, but safe.

Hopefully the court will let Jamie Spears stay in control.

9 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Haha, Did anyone hear her comments about the Grammy’s according to a friend? To the Beyonce’ and Tina performance she said something to the effect of “Too bad Beyonce’ cant dance as good as Tina and she could be her grandmother!” and to Amy Winehouse something like “Look at her she is so stoned, omg she is so obviously stoned” then they flashed to Britney’s mtv performance as to say, um, does she really have room to talk.

  • Tired yes. Bored never. Says:

    February 14th, 2008 at 12:58 pm
    Anybody that has two toddlers should never be bored. What’s wrong with this picture, Brit?

    Guess you have never sat at home with two toddlers before then. As a “stay at home mom” I can assure you that you can become very bored sitting in the house.

  • She may be bored but at least the public is safe and I bet someone is stuffing her anti psychotics down her gullet every few hours as well. She’s a menace, and an expensive tiresome one at that.

  • Good for her~~~I hope her Dad and Mom can help her out. I support her and hope she will pull through. She has not logged in that millionaire site for a long time. God bless!