Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Pics of Britney and Adnan in Mexico



If you hadn’t guessed, Finalpixx is the agency Adnan belongs to.

That guy is making bank right now for tipping off his agency as to their whereabout.

No one else has these pics, because no one else knows where the hell Brit is.

Rumor has it she’s back in LA today.

37 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You know what….she looks kinda happy. Good for her. Sometimes you just need to get away from the world, and well, she knows he gets perks from being with her, but it also looks like he puts a smile on her face. She’s lost everything, what does she have left? So what, let her have fun and lets just leave her alone for now.

  • I kind of agree with Tracey. On the finalpixx website they have a picture of the two of them together, and Britney is just throwing her head back laughing – I don’t know when I’ve ever seen her looking so happy.

  • She isn’t being left alone now, obviously. If she was being “left alone” then she would be with someone who didn’t invite more attention to their time together. Is he just offering her a bit of whipped cream from his finger or making her laugh in the pictures above to earn more money, or does he really care? Well, if he cared, he wouldn’t tip off the agency to earn the money. It is going to take many, many years before she ever let’s herself truly be left alone.

  • she’s not happy
    she’s wearing that wig and the same boots
    she’s not taking proper care of her hair so she hides it
    she does not care what she wears
    she does not care if her fingernails are done
    she is not happy

  • i wonder when the charade will end and he’ll go back home to his wife so they can make dirty love on top of the piles and piles of money he’s made off of this “relationship” with britney.

    he’ll go back to his wife (seriously. is there any question that she’s all for this?) and britney will still be insane. this is a trifecta of nastay. it’s sad, but at the same time, she brings this bs on herself.

  • hey mambaX

    maybe she is happy
    maybe her nails aren’t done cause she’s so happy she doesn’t care.
    maybe she’s realised that you don’t you don’t have to wear excusive clothes to be happy.
    maybe she knows there’s more to life than pleasing who ever reads about her and judge everything she does in HER life.
    see? HER life. not some life we should all observe. HER life.

  • Well, here’s the thought I had…she looks happy. We knows she’s still in her illness, but that’ll probably be the case until she gets treatment, which she seems unwilling to do yet. If she’s going to be manic, or whatever is wrong with her (yes carol, I can say “manic,” happy now?) she’s going to do that wherever she is. So although she may not have the true, deep happiness that comes with being properly oriented to one’s inner self and psyche, at least she’s enjoying herself. This is better than a lot of things I can think of. At least she’s not alone. I don’t think all experiences that take place when someone is in the grips of mental illness should be automatically discounted.

  • at least she’s not alone? having fun? yeah. too bad she’s too self-absorbed and thoughtless to be with her kids.

  • Dear Lisa
    I don’t know Britney,nor her life,except from what I read and watch in the media
    And I really wish her the best
    and I stick to my view as a woman, a mother and a healthcare pro
    the signs are there in the open
    you just have to look and see
    and I don’t want to make any sort of misjudgment
    but I fear her companion won’t help much.
    I wish I am wrong though

  • The guys a money hungry creep! This is why Brit needs to get a team of good people back behind her,they would be telling her this was no good for her image!

  • She is not good for her image , adnan is just another pastime like many that COME AN GO, ONLY SHE CAN IMPROVE HER SELF IMAGE .

  • she is quoted as saying ” i loveeee money” well her making money is reliant on her image being “just so” and she has wrecked it, she should go off and hibernate somewhere and then have a comeback. At least this dude seems to be making her smile, but… also how can someone with so much money look so cheap?

    but i quite like the wig, very gwen stefani in her return of saturn days