Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Brit and Adnan: Out on the Town!

Check out video of Brit and her MARRIED paparazzo in Santa Barbara on Sunday.

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Insanity: Making the same mistakes but expecting a different outcome. Try something new, babygirl!

  • I just wish that Brit finds true love in a man who follows the noble teacings of the Qur’an. This is one major reason WHY a REAL GOOD Muslim man may have upto FOUR wives, BECAUSE they are the BEST men who can show the real matrimonial bliss. But even for them God has put a stop at FOUR, so, they do not get OVER-generouse and forget they are not God.
    Now, men in the West have in the minimum at least about 20 wives (a wive is any woman you have sex with, So, GET REAL before gossiping about Muslims. Jack-the-ripper has a knife (like YOU do) and the surgeon has a knife like (WE do).
    Personally, helping Brit is after helping at least three other wives. You have destroyed your women and now planning to DESTROY Iraqi women too with a war like your Uncle Hitler did to you…How evil, and JEALOUSe of the peace the Muslim world enjoyed till the Western barbarians came with their GUNS to make Hell and divisive WAR and destruction in the EAST and Mid_East. God’s CURSE be on the Muslim Haters (not the good ones).