Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Before the Shit Hit the Fan …

Nick Hogan and his mom, Linda, go shopping in Beverly Hills on Friday.

Linda had filed for divorce from her husband, Hulk Hogan, on Tuesday, unbeknownst to the general public — and to Hulk.

Everyone found out later that day.

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  • The reality show curse strikes again. You spoiled your kids rotten. Let’s see if the rich brat stuff holds up in court.

  • Actually, I think it’s a matter of Linda waking up one morning and saying, “Holy shit, what the fuck have I done? I’m married to this total dick named Terry who likes to call himself Hulk. I gotta get out!!”

    Besides that she probably gets to keep a lot of his money without much pain, the kids are grown, who’s gonna care?

  • I’m not sure why this is such a surprise. I read that she was divorcing him at least two months ago, and I think it was on this website.