Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Heidi Montag Needs to Go Easy on the Blue Eyeshadow


At the Fox Reality Channel Really Awards.

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  • Really? I thought it was that Chrissy guy who defended Britney… and you can see his nipple. Creepy. If you’re going to cross-dress, at least give yourself some fake boobies.

  • Ha, yeah, it’s totally Chris Crocker. I just felt the Heidi Montag resemblance was too striking not to make that joke. :)

  • OMG!!!! for weeks now ive been trying to figure out who he reminds me of and its Heidi!!!! Thank you for solving it for me so i can move on to thinking about other random and pointless things. Love you E.B.!

  • ROFLMAO! I couldn’t put my finger on who he reminds me of too! That’s freakin perfect! He could be Heidi’s twin.