Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Somebody Bought Paris Hilton’s New Boyfriend a Thesaurus

Paris Hilton’s New Boyfriend Alex Vaggo Says She’s Intelligent

Hottie Alex Vaggo, the Swedish tourist, describes Paris and her family as “kind, normal and ordinary.” He went on to say they are “humane, lenient, congenial, boiler plate, mundane, quotidian and habitual.”

The 20-year-old described Paris as “intelligent,” which is probably just a term his thesaurus provided when he looked up “experienced.”

“I had a totally different picture of her before [I met her]. I was impressed she was so focused. I love to be in her company,” he said.

Alex was working at a pizza joint and living in a hostel when a friend introduced them at a restaurant. Yeah, I’d love to be in her company, too. Even Paris Hilton’s bed is better than a hostel.

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