Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Remember When People Cared About Janet Jackson’s Wardrobe Malfunction?

CBS Takes FCC to Court over Janet Jackson Wardrobe Malfunction Fine

Remember when that was scandalous? Oh my God! A nipple! For half a second!

Ah, we used to be so innocent.

Apparently — in what must be a galaxy far, far away — people still care about that story. Because CBS is challenging a $550,000 fine issued by the Federal Communications Commission for the event, claiming that they took considerable precautions to prevent something like this from happening.

CBS’s lawyer said the network took many precautions, including choosing Jackson and Justin Timberlake over more provocative performers, reviewing the script, voicing concerns about ad-libbed remarks and applying a 5-second audio delay. But the FCC lawyer said that CBS knowingly allowed a “highly sexualized performance” to take place, without concern for the risks involved.

I think I speak for all of us when I say: Who cares???

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