Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Doesn’t This Mean He DID Do It???

Guilty OJ

Here is an excerpt from the manuscript of OJ Simpson’s failed book “If I Did It.” Now this sounds to me like him actually confessing to killing Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.

I know double jeopardy and all…but can’t OJ get in trouble for confessing? It makes me so sick he didn’t get locked up forever for this.

Then something went horribly wrong, and I know what happened, but I can’t tell you exactly how. I was still standing in Nicole’s courtyard, of course, but for a few moments I couldn’t remember how I’d gotten there, when I’d arrived, or even why I was there. Then it came back to me, very slowly: The recital-with little Sydney up on stage, dancing her little heart out; me, chipping balls into my neighbor’s yard; Paula, angry, not answering her phone; Charlie, stopping by the house to tell me some more ugly shit about Nicole’s behavior. Then what? The short, quick drive from Rockingham to the Bundy condo. And now? Now I was standing in Nicole’s courtyard, in the dark, listening to the loud, rhythmic, accelerated beating of my own heart. I put my left hand to my heart and my shirt felt strangely wet. I looked down at myself. For several moments, I couldn’t get my mind around what I was seeing. The whole front of me was covered in blood, but it didn’t compute. Is this really blood? I wondered. And whose blood is it? Is it mine? Am I hurt?

LOCK OJ UP! I bet his kids are really happy that this got leaked to the internet. Way to be a responsible parent OJ.

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