Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Eh I Guess James Marsden is Pretty Hot


It’s such a tragedy, because, in the face, he’s, like, absolutely perfect. A total dream guy. I couldn’t design a hotter face on a guy if I tried. But his body’s a little on the skinny side for my tastes. I guess the good news is that this is a very easy thing to remedy. Chug some protein shakes, James, then give me a call. Okay?

Click the thumbnails for high-res.

Update: I don’t know why, but these pics won’t open in IE. I’m really sorry about that. You can open them in Firefox. If anyone has any idea why this is the case, please email me and let me know.

james1.jpg james2.jpg james3.jpg james4.jpg

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • can’t open them in firefox either – but that’s true of 90% of the pictures you’ve been linking to this way.

  • Argh … I’m not sure what the problem is. I can open them in Firefox, and I know Lars and T can, as well. What version of Firefox are you guys using? This is what happens when I try to be my own webmaster … I’m so sorry and I’m trying to get the problem fixed.

  • james marsden is fuckin sexy. and I’m gonna make sweet love to him one day. kay. peace bitcchhhh.

  • you are one of the grossest bloggers on line, its like you are almost bitchy enough to be funny, but usually just come across as a retard with a modem